What do you do when youre a Broke Student with no gym or equipment but want to get in shape??

What do you do when youre a Broke Student with no gym or equipment but want to get in shape??

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Workout at the uni gym

>Hey fit used to browse here yrs ago, and just came back

Im a barber student and im broke and dont have a gym membership or equipment at home, so the question is what can i do to at least get in shape,
i realize with my lack of proper equipment its very difficult to ADD size, but i figured at the very least you guys would have some good ideas on how to get Jow Forums and in shape with limited equipment options

I was thinking/have been doing calisthenics and using resistance bands and two 10lb DBs that my relatives own, and ill hold both in one hand so i can do 20lb bicep curls, as well as using my door to do pullups as best i can while sliding against a door lol

>Is there anything else i can do? Are there any super cheap ways to create DiY lifting equipment?, could i use a broom handle and Four 4Litre Jugs of water or sand?? Tl make a DiY BB?

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Will be dumping MK inspo as bumps

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go to a park and workout on the pull up bars/paralettes. Do push ups, pull ups, chin ups, dips, core exercises, squats do variations. get into isometric holds
Do sprints, burpess for metabolic conditioning.
Don't eat shit.
You can all of that for free user. No excuses

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>uni gyms are normally free for students
>if youre legit broke then ymca offers like $5 memberships for poor and homeless
>if you're poorer than that, pushups, situps, pullups and running is free.

There's no excuse to not be in shape unless you live in extreme 3rd world poverty.

Sometimes ill do that but only when its summer since i live in Canada and its cold af 75% of the time

>pic related what id be happy to get to with Calisthenics and clean diet until i graduate and become a barber and can afford a gym membership and more food to bulk after a clean semi cut/ active fit lifestyle

I went from 230lbs fatass down to 140lbs at 5'10 but i essentially was starving since i have a very difficult time swallowing food/ feeling like im choking so because of that i essentially starved and lost alot of weight quickly but now im skinnyfat and want to get like pic related at least

>Also just picked up MK11 on ps4 and seeing all the ripped doods like Mah Boii Johnny Cage has inspired me to get back into fitness more, as well as lowering my anxiety and panic and feeling more energized


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Barber Schools dont have gyms m88

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>cherry pick one reason you can't get in to a gym

I can give you 20 more reasons why you can't get fit if you really want them.

Not cherry picking

Just stating that as a barber student i dont get access to a free gym like uni students do, hence why i made this thread vro

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Assuming you only have something like a bar to hang from and a $10 resistance band and want a 3-4x a week program:
4x pogo jumps to bodyweight squats
4x pushups to chin ups
4x band facepulls.
2x fullbody crunch, plank rotation or whatever.
Get some sun and play some basketball with the boys or whatever too.

I found a doorframe chin up bar at goodwill for $5 once, if you don't have a bar to hang from.
Fill some milkjugs with water or sand, or sandwater for stuff like lateral raises and maybe even curls if you use concrete.
For forearm stuff, a cheapo $15 10lbs plate and a towel through the middle can be used for a lot. Forearm 6-ways are great, you could also use this medium for lateral raises and such too.

Just get creative boyo.

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assuming you have a park with a low enough bar,
3x inverted rows to the chest
2x inverted rows to face
would be good too

In that case
>take out loan
>buy $100 bench
>buy $300 weights
>buy 4 $25 sets of dumbells
>charge $5/month to work out

These are great ideas! Would love to hear from more fitizens

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no way that dude was 25 in that pic

Burpees and pull ups

Become a construction worker.

Man Mortal Kombat has some kino physiques

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you still can do push up variations, dips with a chair or your bed, squats, plyometric exercises, workout full body with isometric holds.
there's still plenty of options

Thanx dood, sometimes ill do dips using a chair and pushup variations, i need to get a decent chinup bar because im tired of literally hanging off of my door with a towel to protect my hands

>anyone have any pics of guys getting ripped from doing basic calisthenics??

>also anyone playing MK11 lately? Heres a doodle of Johnny Cage i made myself

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Go to the public park really late and use the playground for like, exercises and shit. Get creative. Run some laps.