Have you ever ended up in hospital because lifting too much?

Have you ever ended up in hospital because lifting too much?

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Incels at lookism or discord trannies
Hard to tell at this point who raids, I still lift to murder them barehanded both equally painful

Yeah I was working manual labor and lifting too much and ended up with vertigo for a month
Went to get looked at and they called me a liar and gave me Xanax because they thought I was making it up
Didn't know how serious overtraining was at the time

No, only for 5150's.

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how does a hernia feel like? does it hurt a lot when the muscle walls tear?

Yeah, same.

Show me your femenine penis already for fuck sake. Where do I find cute trap gf? I travel for a living where the fuck are you reeeee

they're the cutest person alive but this isn't their best photo desu

total semon demon