Wake up with energy, feel great

>wake up with energy, feel great
1pm~ comes around
>feel like shit, depressed
>nap for 30min-1 hour
>wake up feeling great, refreshed, no depression
Someone explain this shit to me right now. Always, ALWAYS, in the afternoon I get depressed and tired for no fucking reason and a nap always fixes it

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your gut bacteria is shit and you most likely have a poor diet

How do I fix it? My diet is by normie and general standards pretty clean. No fast food, no junk food, nothing with sugar (occasional fruits though, I had 1 banana and 1 apple today).
I eat meats, rice, milk, eggs as my staple diet. I don't really eat veges.

someone help me

I thought that was a part of our physiology, the lunch time crash. Supposedly it happens even if you don't eat lunch.
Or that could be a bunch of bullshit, idk.

Read Why We Sleep. That and other questions about sleep are answered there. Don't believe this fuck .

second this, weird to see this book recommended here but it's a good read

That diet is high in saturated fat.

Cut out the dairy. My depression went when I got rid of dairy. Dairy is high on estrogen. Cow meat is also high on estrogen.

You need to cut out the sources of estrogen. Estrogen is what causes depression as it leads to increase of emotions.

You should aim for 80% of your diet being plants. 20% being chicken. Cut out the eggs.

I heard of matthew walker, I watched his podcast with joe rogan, seems like a smart guy. Ill get this book

Wrong. 80% muscle meat and organs and 20% eggs

Absolutely based. Id say replace chicken with fish but most fish is contaminated like fuck so its not worth it.

Yeah I fall asleep around lunch time BEFORE I eat luch sometimes. But especially after lunch. It feels like a problem with my blood sugar, my body just gets week and I feel fatigued. Then back to normal after I nap.

try doing more cardio, I stay awake through the work day better when I swam or hiked or something in the past day or two.

It is weird how people can have completely different diet and still claim their diet is the best. I went full carnivore eating almost exclusivly cow/ox meat and it fixed all my problems with a fucked up gut and poop and low unstable energy levels. I guess the take away is one have to experiment and see what works for one self.


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>i feel good therefore iam healthy!
>whoah wtf my fasting glucose and LDL-p are through the roof!

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Your not eating dairy that why you feel better.

Good luck in a few years when your test levels decrease to the level of Sean Bakers.

Exactly the same with me.
>tfw don't want to nap though

I have no idea about these stuff, but maybe it's a blood sugar issue?

>Your not eating dairy
You might be right about this
>Good luck in a few years when your test levels decrease to the level of Sean Bakers
If I'll look like pic related at 52 I'd be thrilled

>i feel good therefore iam healthy!
Yes goy, eating food that makes you feel healthy and good is actualy bad for you. Don't listen to your own body, listen to the vegans instead

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More fruits, more veggies

If I ate what made me feel good I would live 100% on alcohol.

he juices dude, how do you explain the fact his T levels are so abysmally low?

>Yes goy, eating food that makes you feel healthy and good is actualy bad for you. Don't listen to your own body, listen to the vegans instead

I feel great on a plant based diet, I dont get depressed at all anymore and I actually had a blood test and my T levels are 898

People who do keto or carnivore diets end up with diabetes, clogged arteries and low T

>Low test

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cliff notes?