What's your longest streak so far?
Nofap Day 8
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Two weeks
3 months or so I think. Currently on day 16.
Went over 6 months when I was 16.
Started boxing, avoided all junk food, stopped playing video games and got a girlfriend.
Then I realised I was miserable.
390 days. fapped when my gf cheated on me with her boss.
Fucking women
44 days was my longest. Currently on day 19 and the struggle is real.
Since 2015. AMA
How do we stop the jewish menace?
2 days unironically
I'm on day 216 right now, never doing it again.
I did about two months once.
Right now I'm on day 25. I didn't nut at all for the first two weeks and ended up distractingly horny so I decided to have sex. Banged an ex (she's a goer, great fun), hooked up with a regular fwb a couple of times, banged a random tinder slut a couple of nights ago. Tinder is pretty dry though so I'm running out of options, it's always possible to ask a girl out in real life but they tend to imagine you're interested in more than sex when you do that.
I'm still pretty miserable overall but it's a slightly different kind of miserable. I feel like less of a faggot. I'm more composed and calm. Overall no porn is definitely the way, no fap can be a double-edged sword as I spend a lot more time now thinking about how to get inside some nice tight sugarwalls because after 3 days I'm too horny again. It's relentless. I would like to develop strategies to redirect that energy to other endeavours instead of being a slave to my sexual impulses.
No point in doing nofap long term, i'd recommend doing it for 90 days or so then switching to noporn. Porn is the real villain, not masturbating
7 daysand it felt so good but i cant do it anymore im a weak piece of shit
Little over 2 weeks maybe 6 years ago.
Currently day 385
Longest ever, exactly 31 days, currently on day 14.
My longest was 100+ days. It changed my life completely. Got girlfriend, got into shape, mood became almost constantly positive. There are only benefits to no PMO
it was your fault. if the sex was good she wouldn't cheat on you
How far off the ground can you levitate?
Max is 30 when I was actively trying, I more than surely went longer in the past out of apathy.
Fuck off roastie
Just made it to day 30, longest streak yet. I never want to go back
Hoe do i avoid ((((porn))))
Don't watch (((it)))
>relapsed after 25 days
>on day 6 now
>hornier than I've ever been for some reason
>everything is setting me off
honestly don't know if I'm gonna make it bros
But what to do if my balls get so full tgat they hurt? How are you people able to do this even?
>day 2-6
>less social anxiety
>actually approach and talk to women
>can hold eye contact
>feel high test
>day 7
>i get jittery and depressed and always relapse
For those that get benefits is there much difference +1 week?
for me its
>after week feel like a beast
>flatline for 2-3 weeks
>go back feeling like a beast
Yeah yeah yeah, but how many of you are doing NoPorn, that's the real question. You mentally jerking off (ie killing time) book marking a bunch of sites for the next time you plan to bust a fat one is counter intuitive.
Fess up, how many days of NoPorn are you on?
14 days nofap, 14 days noporn.
is it worth though? think about it this whey: I flatline after about 9 or so days (after, test peaks at roughly 7 before plummeting), so why not fap every 10 days... will be back to higher energy than waiting through flatline, right? last time I started abstaining for a week (last month), I couldn't get past day 4 without having an asian OL guzzle my batter, then test goes back to day 1, right
>so why not fap every 10 days...
depends on your goals. i'm currently dating and flat lining actually helps me then the post-fap feels
frank yang says a fap every 8-10 days is cool
Two months. Last time was a month and a week, but my GF got horny and she stole my testosterone, gains goblin that she is.
Bait or you are a dumb roastie, anyways kys
Today is my 7th day and I'm about to lose my mind. Swiping on dating apps gives me boner which makes me want to fap so fucking badly. I feel like my dick is constantly under tension ans about to explose at any time.
I actually like jews
actually I don't recognize the effects that much anymore. No gf 10 months, fucked only twice and focused at work and working out 100%. The before and after is abysmal, it's not even a joke: the best things I've done in life it's after I stopped masturbating. For some patches of time when I didn't work out the body seeked release and I ejaculated during sleep. I felt very disoriented and groggy the day after that.
First, being in 4ch is the worst thing because there's porn all around. I have been watching porn daily, for 7-8 years non stop. After 4 years of no porn (and when I mean none, it's none, aside from the 4ch involuntary), I still get dreams of porn and I still get flashbacks of porn scenes. It's one of the things I remember most vividly, it's ridiculous.
Aside from that, for me it's all about the dopa pathways. On the response above I mention ejaculating in my sleep. 8/10 that I will smoke the night before, I will ejaculate in my sleep. 6/10 that I drink that same happens. It has to do with the stimulation of the dopa system and the weakness thereafter.
For me, minimizing almost all things that self administer pleasure (aside from food and sex), was the main factor in making it.
That and a determination to just stop that shit bc I actually want to achieve things in my life.
>I actually like jews
>Depression may affect a person's sex drive, but masturbation does not cause depression. Masturbation does not cause depression.
I mean yeah I gues-
>It is a natural, pleasurable activity that may boost self-esteem and help a person explore their sexuality.
Hold up, these people can’t be serious. I used to think nofap was being shilled by retards but since they are suspiciously encouraging it I think you guys might be onto something
3 months before I broke it last night
Just relapsed after day 10. I think I need to get off this site to do this shit properly because there’s porn everywhere
Going to do a No Fap July, because June has been one gigantic relapse for me
My current streak is my longest. 183 days
Get off dating apps and go do something with yourself
One day bc im not an incel. Cumming is healthy guys. Just dont look at too much porn and youll be fine
I never feel any results from nofap but I know beating my meat is bad (post nut sadness, occasional dick soreness)
Idk why I don’t feel results though. I legit don’t feel any better or anything
how many days is your longest streak?
Idk like 10, I’ve stopped watching porn for much longer tho. Only really beat my meat to clothed pics
10 days is nothing, you need atleast a month to feel different
damn I’ll try it
started again yesterday
thanks bro
>What's your longest streak so far?
four months. got more done in that time than the last few years combined. unironically relapsed because pixiv.
just gonna get back on the train and try not to do more than once a week at most.
Currently at 19th month
Like 4-5 weeks
Something like 98 days
I think it was 17 days. My latest attempt was 13 days. I think the issue was that I started questioning "why am I doing this?" The sexual tension had built up so much to that point. I was so full of energy and ambition on nofap, am trying again for July. I still consider last month's attempt a success, because I didn't give up with I relapsed. As of the entire month of June, I only fapped 13 times. A great improvement over a more normal 30 faps a month. (plus two of those faps happened on same day).
he's right you know
>have fwb
>we're not exclusive and not serious but still really into each other
>early days she would have no prob telling me about other dudes she fucked (probably to make me jealous/get a rise, but idc it wasn't at all serious)
>fuck her about twice a week for two months, she always cums multiple times either from me touching her or fucking her from the back
>stories about her other guys rapidly dry up and i start getting messages like "fuck i'm so horny can we sext" on days when i'm not there
>go away for two weeks, sext every few days
>get back, ask her how she'd been
>"well i was really horny and i thought about texting x, but then i realised i was basically just horny for you"
>puss was super tight from lack of dilation so i believe her
>tfw even though we both know it's going nowhere and we couldn't work as a couple, she's basically become exclusive with me cos the sex is so good
keep her surprised and pleasured intensely enough and you'll be all she can think about when she's horny, whether or not she's "in love with you" or any of that shit
114 days. Got a hot gf after like 70 days something
30 days.
It was a very intense orgasm, top 5 in my life.
broke both my nofap and nococaine streaks this weekend
whats the 4th dimension like?
is looking at porn but not masturbating to it okay?
were you an incel or just a horny normie?
just stop fucking watching porn its not that hard
think about how disgusting and pathetic it is, like truly think about it
i dont know what your goals are in life but if you abstain from porn it makes you appreciate the appearance of women as a whole more and make you a better romantic partner
Like 8 days, currently on day 6 and its much easier this time around
but there's some really good porn out there that I like to look at
>I actually like jews
opinion discarded without further reading
this. if you have to pick one, jerk it to your imagination.
then stay in whatever shit position you're in
you people are pathetic lmao
its literally not difficult at all
maybe u arent ready to give a fuck about ur life yet, just end it now fag
104 days. I started when my ex broke up with me to force myself into looking for girls. Haven't got laid in months but idk, I feel great. My streak now is three or four days I think
does my gf controlling my orgasms count as nofap?
i'm not allowed to sexually stimulate my dick in any way without her permission, so there have been times i've gone days without fapping or cumming because she hasn't let me
kek'd out loud at your pic thanks user :)
porn is never good, you're not the one fucking the chick so you just watch like a cuck
what a cuck
but it's hot
>but crack is really moreish! it's my favourite!
start flipping the script on her
if you're ever getting her off orally or with fingers, stop right before she cums. do this 3-4 times before you let her release it, it'll blow her away
>had good ten day streak
>fell off the wagon
>day 3 and going strong
we're all gonna make it bros
you're a fucking loser and you're absolutely not going to "make it". You're counting the days you managed to not whack off with a bunch of racist virgins pretending to lift weights. You should unironically kill yourself if you consider that an accomplishment.
ive had three wanks today, i'm supposed to be on nofap
Hey man, that's cool. Do not let thots turn you against your fellow kings.
almost day 12. I just want to kill myself all the time now.
If you aren't fapping, but the sex you have is completely meaningless, is there really a point?
September 22 will mark two years of no fap. I got sick and tired of the idea that I had to oblige a supposed alleviating activity that only supplies seconds of pleasure and then instant regret. My mind has been much more clear, as I don't have this speed bump in my life anymore. The greatest benefit of all is the realization that it's all bullshit. The porn industry and this idea that fapping is somehow healthy is a farce that has been sold to us by people who think the greatest of freedoms is sexual liberation. They want you to not just cater to a regrettable act, but have you hooked on doing it. It's an urge that they exploited for their own benefit, which is to have control over you. Break free from it all. YOU DON'T NEED IT.
I have literally not masturbated in 16 months. My wife makes sure that I'm satisfied, she actually wants to empty my balls every day and I have not yet figured out how I managed to get her. Also we just had a son three weeks ago.
Honestly part of it is fleeting validation. I'm a lot more attractive now at 29 than I was when I was forming my personality, so it's still novel for me to feel like a good proportion of girls are interested in me. Like I can understand on an observational level that girls respond differently to me now, but I don't really 'believe' it on a deeper level.
Also the sex isn't necessarily completely meaningless. If I find a tinder girl who I get on with well then I'll just keep her as a fwb which is my preferred arrangement at the moment.
>Also we just had a son three weeks ago.
livin the life user
12 days, Nofap is a meme. Noporn is where it's at.
Opposite is true wanker. Stop blaming it for the way you use it and you can appreciate quality erotica as the artform it truly is.
I really am very happy
5 or 7 days. On day 2 right now :/
If it makes you feel better, the two girls who cheated on me are now completely miserable, and are apparently the town bicycles. I hope the same for your ex.
Unfortunate but true
I-is this a joke, user?
Longest streak was 2 weeks.
Currently at day never