Push press, clean and jerk and any other retarded momentum crossfit shit looks stupid and will probably cripple you for life because people like to go retardedly heavy on shit like this and one day they're just gonna slip and take a one way trip to snapcity. 'durr but its a practical lift' try saying that when your spines snapped, faggot
Bonus answer: fully extending legs on the leg press, close friend had his knees fucked from this
What did he mean by this?
Ill never understand what convinces a person to do oly shit
These are good for after your compounds
Are leg extensions really that bad? What about leg curls?
Leg extensions put tons of sheer force on the knees that they really can't handle.
Leg curls are fine actually, obviously very different overall but sprinting puts a similar force on the knees as leg curl.
Great for quad tension tho
Any kind except moderate amounts of walking in nature.
Waking up
They arent pussies.
Barbell flys
The leg extension machine literally helped me move from weak knees and constant dislocation to allowing me to perform a body weight squat without crippling knee pain.
So fuck off lad.
women exercising their right to vote.
It’s fun
>Great for quad tension tho
Why not just do front squats after your back squats instead?
>Barbell flys
What, with 2 barbells at once?
Just how new are you?
Back Squats
Front squats
Bench press
Overhead press
Oly lifts
Leg press
Pendlay rows
Dumbbell rows
Yates rows
Neck bridges
Skull crushers
>Leg extensions put tons of sheer force on the knees that they really can't handle.
hey everybody, get a load of the pants shitting retard!
They’re easy and you’re stupid if you can’t do them correctly
I can still do facepulls!
>They’re easy
I thought the point of working out is doing something not easy so it gets easy? Why do something already easy?
post body
Youll also never gonna make it
suicide grip
Maybe, just maybe it's because I don't want to look like a powerlifting meatball, and not a veiny bodybuilding cock either.
Foreskin retractions xF
I heard skull crusher are useless
They feel pretty useless whenever I do them. Triceps extensions, either behind the head with free weights or standing at the cable machine, are much better.
I agree, in high school I was on track and a friend of mine cracked his spine doing these because he fucked up his form and he had to miss an entire month on running during his senior year championship season and he moved out before he could start lifting again.
Stop, my rotator cuffs
Post knees
Any answer that's not "competition" is stupid af. The only reason to do stupid shit like that is if you want to compete with other retards who also do this stuff, but desu you should only be doing that if you literally work with fitness, because the only gain from such competitions is making a name for yourself.
i prefer tricep kickbacks
It's the maximum expression of athleticism a human is capable of performing.
And redpilled
Get your test checked
You do understand that not all exercise is about aesthetics and picking up girls. You've got your whole life to bang slots.
I train strength because I like lifting heavy things. I compete with myself because there is no other competition than pitting you against yourself. Lifting for looks is short term and is thus usually gone once you land the mate. Lifting to best your prior record is long term. Trivial things like sex and looks go away in place of greater things.
Having sex is such an ephemeral act. Sure you look good and get laid once. Big deal. I pushed 175 lbs in an over head press. Know what i'm going to be able to do tomorrow? OHP 175 lbs. Your tinder fling is gone for good...assuming she doesn't leave you with a burning sensation that is going to be with you over the course of an antibiotic run.
I'm not talking about lifting, I'm talking about stupid oly shit.
stupid oly shit.
I am not doing olyshit.
but if someone wants to do it sure they can. I dont give a shit as well.
where are you from sandniggeria? where every one has an opinion about everything, and constantly criticize everything?
seriously let them do whatever they want.
>let people do what they want
>you're not allowed to have an opinion though
>he actually prefers tricep kickbacks
absolutely diabolical
You're probably doing them wrong.
nope, not how it works, retard. you're the one who made the stupid claim so YOU have to back it up. post YOUR little faggot body so we can laugh even harder.
Heavy good mornings. Warming up with a barbell is nice though. Bruce Lee fucked his back up bad with 3 plates.
>Ill never understand what convinces a person to do oly shit
Just like you'll never understand how to talk to women
Yea thanks for this post you fucking dickhead
Now everytime I do these I'm going to be paranoid as hell my knee is going to fucking die
Now that I'm thinking about the scary words sheering force on my knees my leg hurts
Sincerely, go fuck yourself
based pot of greed poster
>Barbell flys
olympic lifting might be the most based sport there is
>retards and crossshitters get their spines broken
>at least in yurop oly clubs have a long tradition
>niggers can't git gud at oly lifting because of inferior genetics
>training is not only strength training, but also plyometrics and mobility training
>achieving the most optimal form can take years, making the sport easy to learn but hard to master
>strength, speed and flexibility gained easily translates to increased performance in almost any sport
>being able to compete
>autists get filtered out by the social skills needed to train in a club
name ONE (1) flaw
Checked and kek'd
>The race with the most fast twitch muscle fibers can't do a power sport because genetics.
The head of America's Olympic program says this record breaking black kid is our best hope for a gold in decades.
This is like saying blacks can't do crew. It's a very expensive sport and not popular with them, it doesn't mean they can't do it.
Before China threw cash at its program you could have said Asians can't play lift due to generics and been equally wrong.
>dude I can totally bench a lot but today I am doing this special move to destroy my shoulders
Kill yourself, autist.
You dumb fuck these aren't any worse for your shoulders as long as you're not flat on the bench.
Movements that use multiple joints are better for training the body than isolation movements.
Curls only use biceps. My clean and jerk uses 45 muscles.
Why would you put your feet on the bench?
Every single motherfucker I have ever seen doing this clown exercise is doing with a flat back because it is very hard to bench press with redacted shoulder blades when you are not pushing with your legs. The only reason why this exercise exist is because people are insecure of their bench press.
I wouldn't. It isn't a great exercise you are missing out on leg drive for literally no reason. But a somewhat similar exercise is the floor press which is good if you don't have a bench.
There has to be something of a reason
Shut the fuck up
I never fell for this meme until I had an actual rotator cuff incident and after healing, it hurt every single time I did bench.
Thankfully, I found some exercises to help the rotator cuff and strengthen muscles around it.
Kevin Oak does bench with his feet up in the air. He says it's to work his stabilizer muscles and to get more volume in. He only does it after his regular bench workout and goes really light.