What gains goblins are stopping you from making it, Jow Forums?

What gains goblins are stopping you from making it, Jow Forums?

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When I'm sad I don't want to eat
I'm sad a lot

When I eat, I'm sad

I eat a lot

>fractured spine, poor circulation, shitty ligaments, asthma, partially undeveloped lungs
>most of this is from being born three months premature, except for the spine fracture which happened last year when I was lifting in an attempt to get more physically fit
>cannot run, do martial arts or any exercises involving the spine
>age: 21
You bros better make it on my behalf because I'm sure as fuck not going to

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I am my gains goblin. I can't lift for more than 6-12 months without getting lazy and workouts grinding to a halt. At which point any gains wear off over the next few months until I'm disgusted with myself enough to start again. I've done this 8 times in my life.

having a gf

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Good taste, user

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I work 70hrs a week and don't bother to eat

Violent and painful shits

Alcohol, I still work get my workouts in during the morning. I ride 50 to 75 miles on the weekend, but I drink every day.

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I don’t eat enough meals. Also no social life and no gf. Working on it. I can make it if I find help or help finds me.

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Crippling depression and loneliness

>no social life and no gf

Why would these stop you from your fitness goals? If anything, these are benefits.

my wife and 70hr a week job.

Based palmposter

Just started the gym 2 months ago doing a 3 day split and the strength is coming I just need to eat better for a physique but I can't for the life of me keep it up, pls give me your strength anons
>webm is me trying to keep my form while going for my max after doing my max squat

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Digits when posting my beach home, I'm truly blessed.

Science has proven that being a social outcast raises your cortisol levels to the stratosphere. Try again advicebro.

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3 herniated discs in my lower back
havent lifted in a year
My size is gone
My strength is gone
My will to live is gone

Fucking Kwik Trip Banana Berry smoothies.

I know they’re pure sugar but holy fuck they’re good

How do they actually feel? I've got a ton of muscular pain from my fractured L1 and it's both tight muscles and feels like my back is just one huge weight that I can't put down

Based alcoholic

I dont like over eating. I have a small rib cage and do fine with 1000-1500 calories a day. Drinking is another thing, as i seem to be sensitive to milk, whey, nuts, and gluten. It gets expensive since i have to bulk on non plebian food.

I have social anxiety and only a home gym with a bench and barbell + weights. I feel like i could utilize more with iso machines for some reason. I dont look too aesthetic by just barbell training.

memories of her lies

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I eat when I'm stressed or sad.
I too eat a lot.
But we can't let our emotions rule us. When must take control of our lives. I'm not going to be some little faggot bitch.

I miss my ex and she's gotten married, so it's over.

Also kratom and phenibut addiction

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I'm too lazy to go to the gym. I work out a lot but it's mostly body weight and occasional lifting when someone invites me to a gym or stuff like that.
I am in pretty decent shape compared to most normal people, but I don't even lift so I'm very small for how much I exercise.

me being a weak faggot mostly

My stupid dad wont buy me food says i need to get a job. Fucking boomer man. Stole his beers for 4th of july tho haha fuck him man. Bitch

no friends

Thinking about how much of my youth I’ve wasted

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recently started binging. did almost 12 weeks diet with no issues now its a fight to go even a few days without binge

Depression. Just can't find the energy and am cough in a negative loop.

That shit almost got me too im 20 in october, im not letting the rest of my youth be wasted infront of a computer

When im under pressure I forget to eat.

I've been under a lot of pressure the past month and it's ruining my bulk.

Being alcoholic.

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Sugar addiction like the fucking child i am
Also my gf

Damn, man. I'm so sorry

others envy
people dont like being thin mogged

I don't eat enough
been taking weed to increase appetite as part of my post workout

I give you my strength user, to be real guys you are the only reason I keep going day to day and may the gods watch over you all just for that.

I’m addicted to caffeine. Please help desu.

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Shoulder pain/impingement, pelvis issues. I try my best to work through them but god damn.

At my workplace we have going away lunches for employees. We have a high turnover and I have little self control at the office.

I dont know if I'm addicted but I get headaches if I dont drink coffee, which is a symptom.
I've been cutting down on caffeine lately. The good effect is not worth depending on it. Sucks a bit but at least it's not as psychologically addictive as other drugs. Mostly physical. Power through it and after a while you wont even miss it.

Genuinely addicted to food. There's so much good food it's actually insane skinny twinks are even real.
I can easily, EASILY eat 5k calories a day, I'm not even struggling with it. How the fuck am I supposed to lose weight on that shit? God damn.

Pls aware me on study user

>Science has proven
[citation needed]

I started fasting one time I was feeling suicidal as fuck and wasnt even in the mood to eat. You get used to it quick and then discomfort becomes sort of addicting. Lukewarm showers, undereating, working out in jeans, not giving a fuck if it's hot, cold or raining, etc. It's kind of masochistic in a way but also productive. Definitely a better way to cope than drug addiction, binge eating or self harm.

My social anxiety. I've done everything else. Lifted for years, looxmaxing and now that i'm attractive i'm still afraid of girls

Anorexia nervosa and being low test (280ng/dl)

Permanent lung damage(tuberculosis)
Drug abuse
Lack of willpower

What specifically are you scared of user?

Just put down your spoon nigga hahaha

UItimately being judged i guess. Not like there is any rational reason behind it.
Really messes with my life, especially when it comes to girls

Hellish circle of feeling lonely and disliking most people

>Your dad is right.

Stop being a fucking leech and start working shifts. 2 or 3 jobs. I don't care. You fucking degenerate younger version of me, start working and lifting!

Damn bro, that sucks, I have myself my share of physical problems, like hernia, knees fucked ect, but you are even more fucked than me. Try to find something that you like and you can do, try to ignore the pain for long enough and it will eventually go away. Maybe something like bench competition (normal or paralimpic) or dunno archery could be nice sports that don't recuire the use of your spine

1500 a day is women/child tier, you won't do any progress eating like that. A barbell is literally all you need, just stick to a powerlifting program and do some accessories like pull ups and rows and you'll be strong and handsome. Watch your form tho, it's really easy to go to snap city when you start (as I did)

I know those kratom feels user. I was on that train for like 5 years. Just recently stopped taking it daily(usually 3 times a day), do it once every few days now.. I have so much more free time and drive to do shit it's so much better man.


my mother.
>buy lean meat (fish)
>she cooks it with a whole bunch of oil without asking (again)
>when I'm out of money by buying groceries she won't even give a fuck about my efforts at all and only buy fattening food

When does this end?

Took a trip to snap city when I tried using a belt that barely fit me when I was more bulky. I knew it wasn't fitting very well, but tried regardless. I realized when I tried my new belt that actually fits and I couldn't even lift a third of what I normally do without sharp pains in my lower back/ass. Thankfully it's only when I try to squat and dl, but i'm stuck on lunges and no compound exercises for now

Mostly myself.

My biggest issue right now is that I'm unable to "fake it till I make it"
Faking it is an integral part of the process as far as confidence goes.

When you get a job and become self-sustained, user.

I have a job but it doesn't pay enough to sustain myself.

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I usually do 1-2 day cycles of not taking it, then taking it as a preworkout. Let me tell you, caffeine is so fucking much better when you've been off it for two days. Yeah, you might get a slight headache or feel drowsy/unmotivated, but if you can through it at and do one cup of coffee/one scoop of preworkout, or at least keep the consumption reasonable on that day, you'll be golden

Why pay for a gym membership when I can leech off others and do pull ups and bodyweight for free? Why buy proteins and supplements when I can just eat oatmeal with milk, coffee and a shitload of eggs? I can just buy clothes, get drunk and fuck hookers with that money instead.

how is having a gf a gains goblin?

I'm strong and fit, I'm literally just living to pick up heavy objects and put them down, I couldn't live without it, but what's pulling me down is my lack of libido. Like I never feel genuinely horny. Sometimes I just fap out of apprehension that my dick might not be working and it always works but I no longer have random boners. Basically my dick gets hard only if I really concentrate and think about it, or if I touch it/fap. Other than that my cum is fluid, I can keep erections without problem, but this thing is getting me a shitton of anxiety and insecurity. I can't engage in social interactions with women cause I feel flawed for this, like I am not worthy, even though I know that probably a women wouldn't give a shit about it as long as my dick works, but I just can't ignore it. This think is making me go crazy, I am paranoid about my hormone levels, I'm spending my days looking up Wikipedia pages and building a culture about the endocrine system and pathologies. I am writing a complete list of every parameter that could be related to my problem and will get bloodwork to see if I have some kind of problem. I am afraid of being low T, but it'd be kinda weird cause I am pretty strong and muscular

>5'8" manlet
>joint pain in every limb
>carpal tunnel in both wrists
>back pain all the time
>chronic stomach pain, hard to eat enough for gains
>impacted wisdom teeth, chronic jaw pain
Funny part is that I still mog the average dyel normie despite all this lmao

Only myself and my ignorance. I have to keep finding out what works and what doesn't until I make it

Based for not letting these things bring you down like a pussy

>dad forced me to help with HIS chores again
>had to go to a lawyer with him
>he made sure that the appointment fits his schedule
>doen't give a fuck about mine
>had to waste my only free afternoon of the week waiting for this shit instead of going to the gym
>20 fucking 6 years old
Is killing your parents a sin if they're killing your gains?

M8 parents are the ultimate gains goblins. Mine literally yell at me because I wont drink soda and think I'm malnourished because I only drink water

A fucking 39.5C fever.

Fffffuuuck, I can feel my gains melting away.