are gymcels attractive to women?
Are gymcels attractive to women?
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to women as a cohesive group? no, nothing is attractive to women as a cohesive group
to a specific subset of women? yes
Of course not. If they were there wouldn't be so many lonely people on this board.
If you're a lone wolf and 6/10+ then yeah you probably seem mysterious
If you're some fatty that stares at the ground between sets you might as well not exist
>Gymcel = gymnasium celibate
You people people who haven't been to a gym?
not exist kek
>If you're a lone wolf and 6/10+ then yeah you probably seem mysterious
Wait, aren't women afraid of the lone wolf type of guys who have seen some shit? Those guys are usually assholes for one reason or another so being a lone wolf isn't attractive
They are intimidated because they can't imagine being alone with their own thoughts
I have "seen some shit" and went out alone for years and got enough attention and one night stands to not feel the crippling alienation many of you go through
Most were rich, artsy, "misunderstood" types
please don't tell me no.
this is my last cope.
If I have a great body and I still can't get women to say they like my personality as it is I am going to throw myself in front of a train.
Being alone with your own thoughts changes you in a way and shows you who you really are
who is afraid of finding out who they actually are? i know who i really am, i just dont need to show that side of myself to the rest of the world
Lets be honest here, the majority of girls dont want the introvert or quiet/mysterious guy in the room
They want the loud alpha who has all the attention and everyone is around him,since he has the power in the room not the betas or some mysterious lone wolf
Stop spreading disinfo
NPC sorority girls want the loud alpha because it is entertaining but believe it or not there are girls out there with self awareness and they can see those guys for what they are
>they can see those guys for what they are
What are they?
Also I get it many of them can see through that bullshit because they're not naive or stupid little girls I get it but explain more
I feel like I'm on the spot now lol.. most that I have met are decent but they are just as, if not more, lost than we are.. pounding shots of liquor and jumping off the roof onto plastic folding tables to feel alive and forget that we only have maybe 60 more summers left to enjoy
God bless you user, purveyor of truth.
Sure some things come close to universally attractive but almost every trait is purely subjective.
Idk man i went shopping after the gym with a pump and i was getting lookes at left and right but I'm still way too autistic to handle public attention. Plus do people even like muscles? I feel like girls like to look at them but its not what they actually want day to day
yes, until you open your mouth or she notices that you look down every time she seeks eye contact
>pounding shots of liquor and jumping off the roof onto plastic folding tables to feel alive and forget that we only have maybe 60 more summers left to enjoy
I know, I get it life is hard and it sucks we all have to go through this so they do stupid shit like this to enjoy life before its all over
Here's a question and something I have personally realized in a way. These guys who are so called "chads or alphas" the meat head types they are really dumb. I have talked to a few gym meat heads and they all seem to be alphas but they are really dumb in a way, this bothers me more and more since I have actually talked to a few of these guys and the whole alpha/meat head stereotype is just the loudest fool in the room. The guy is a fucking fool and girls go for that type of guy all the time?
I don't get it is it all an act, are they pretending to be dumb and have lower intelligence or are they actually low IQ retards who somehow have social skills and they get all the girls in society. I wont go into more detail right now, this has just been bothering me more lately since talking to some of the guys i have met and they really do seem kind of stupid in a way or is it an act and they did that on purpose? I really think they are putting on a show unless they lack total self awareness and they're fucking stupid
Believe, me I have some stories about these gym alphas that confused me since aren't alphas supposed to be "smart"
Why do it be like this
I think most are middle of the road, 100-115 iq guys that act a certain way because yeah it is considered cool
If you are at a bar or standing around a beer pong table, no one wants to hear about Greek philosophies or the square root of a hypotenuse they want to talk about that "suuuuper fuckin hot chick they fucked" or whatever the latest trending topics are, and after years of that it becomes who they are
It won't get you anywhere to look down on them or think you are superior because you are smarter though, because you don't have to be smart to be successful in life, if anything it usually leads people to lives of solitude with too much time to think about problems
Going back and forth with you, you seem like your heads in the right place and like you said if you can just get over that little hump and "be yourself" lol you will see that you will be accepted and people will respect you as long as they don't feel too judged
the shortest explanation it is that you're not as attractive as you think you are. Chad gets his ass eaten out with gusto by qts even if he spergs out
I'm pretty attractive though like model tier
>no one wants to hear about Greek philosophies or the square root of a hypotenuse
kek no thats not what I said and I don't think talking about that is necessary
>It won't get you anywhere to look down on them or think you are superior because you are smarter
No, you're putting words in my mouth here. I don't think I'm smarter than anyone, I'm asking why do some people just talk like they really don't have much in their heads at all. Its the way they talk, I can sense it
I'm not saying I judge or put people down either, I just feel it when I'm talking to them
Does that make me a dick?
> if anything it usually leads people to lives of solitude with too much time to think about problems
I don't think solitude is good either. I actually secluded myself in a way because I had to, it was the only way I could get my work done without people bugging me all the time to help them so I have been working from home for a few years now and it turned out to not be a good idea. I think you guys don't understand what it is like to have dozens of people asking you for help, to have people walk up to you in your little shed in some dumb office to ask you questions that they should be able to figure out on their own, damn my blood is boiling again, i cant handle stupidity for some reason
idk why but that is what it is
Some people are just genuinely less intelligent
It doesnt make sense to me and I can't imagine not being able to understand the things I understand, but it is the reality of different humans
My girlfriend is one, she is a great girl and she means well and that's why I'm with her but there are things I've explained to her several times that just don't stick
Also not entirely relevant but you might get something out of this if you haven't seen it
Like the other guy said, if you’re attractive, you’ll just be seen as dedicated and mysterious.
If you’re a fat SS retard like most of this board, then you’ll be seen as below trash.
Ok interesting clip but not really sure what the message actually was. I'm kind of focused on a few things right now
If you've got face than yeah.
this video is me, except without the sex part
w-what is this supposed to mean?
only if you have abs
I have abs but they're covered by a shirt most of the time. I feel like I got meme'd.
buy a fitted shirt