Have any of you anons blew out your back while lifting? If so what did it take for you to recover? It happened to me yesterday and it's very painful to stand up straight so I have to walk around like a geriatric boomer.
Have any of you anons blew out your back while lifting? If so what did it take for you to recover...
yes just give it a week youll be fine warm up and use proper form next time
>he fell for the ego lifting meme
Jeff has vids.
Stretches are legit, my physio gave me many of his.
Friend hurt his back in 2011, he still hasn't recovered.
My gfs dad hurt his back in the 70s, still hasn't stopped talking about what team he'd have played for if he hadnt
Pulled my lower back extensor on Wednesday. I was warming up for deadlifts and literally second warmup set with 135 jerked the bar too fast without bracing properly. I managed to work up to like 80% but could only manage a single, then finished my workout and 3 hours later couldn't bend over without my legs giving out completely. I rested it the rest of the day, walking around occasionally, testing ROM. Next day more light stretching, walking around, light work with frequent rests. Following day did upper body and 100 reps of bw back extensions. Day after that did a lighter lower body day, tried DL 3x8 @60%, felt good, did more bw back extensions. Felt pretty good today. Upper body tomorrow, and hoping to be back near 100% end of the week.
It was scary later in the day when I first injured it, thought I'd really fucked something. Just gotta get through the initial pain and don't let it immobilize you, get blood flowing through the area to facilitate recovery and don't do anything stupid to make it worse.
This is for a relatively minor muscle strain, look up how to diagnose what kind of injury you have and react accordingly. Back muscle injuries are not the same as spinal ones.
Blew my shit out 3 months ago during "back day" using heavy dumbells, RDL.
>Dropped the 75lbs dumbs and yelped. >Could barely breath, was bed ridden for 4 days.
>thought id be on crutches or have perm nerve probs
>thought it was a blown disc at first, but it didnt seem right (couldnt walk on left leg)
>went to ortho and said the spasm was an overuse injury due to misaligned right SI joint
>couldnt get in/out car or tie shoes for a month.
>stretched and trained lightly through the pain
>i'm %100 now, but have to watch the low back DL type movements. I probably ahouldve gone to the therapy doc. Prescribed, but didnt.
Keep calm and work at it, user
Herniated a disc in my low back 3 weeks ago.
>Having great day in the gym, just ran 4 miles and decided to hit legs
>Crushed a squat PR
>See QT3.14 in the dumbell section
>Pickup 70lb dumbell and go down into RDL near her. Can tell shes mirin arm vascularity
>Come back up and feel a super distinct POP right in my low back
>Immediately in horrible pain, cant move, cant even go into sit, just walking in circles.
>Go home, next morning try to get out of bed for 2 hours, cant until friend comes over, gets me out of bed and takes me to the hospital
>Pain meds and $3000 hospital bill later my every day life is still horrible pain
>Brought a grill home after a date yesterday and fucked my back up again trying to smash
Please stretch for me bros, I wouldnt wish this upon anybody
Slipped 3 disc in my back( I guess this counts as blowing out a back as I couldn’t even stand for short periods of time) when I was playing football and lifting really heavy. Shit sucks, had to get dragged off the field one day when it hit me bad. Took almost half a year to recover and it still ain’t the same
>start lifting for the first time
>have pretty strong legs so my squat is really good
>start at 185 and my goal is 315 in 2 months.
>start by adding 10 lbs a week but eventually start adding 20 lbs
>get to 285 for 5x5
>do it with shit form
>feel sharp pain in back
>don't squat for almost a year
Now I'm back to squatting with better form but I'm squatting in the low 200s with higher reps. Get sore back a lot of times but I can feel that its not injured because fucked up back will give you this sharp pain that's different from soreness
Jesus dude that sounds awful
RDL's are a hamstring workout so maybe you shouldn't do those on back day anyway
Notice how no one gets injured from based calisthenics exercises such as pull ups
Proving again the superiority of bodyweight exercises
Notice how no one gets injured from based exercises such as curling 2 lb dumbbells
Proving again the superiority of curling 2 lb dumbbells
Not yet thankfully after 5 yrs of lifting and hopefully never. You guys really need to practice patience and build that strength up before trying to go super heavy. Just hit bench pr of 275, squat 365 and dl 405
stuart mcgill advises against stretches
I blew out my back twice now
once pretty hard, last time just a strain
Research Stuart mcgill and apply his stuff
thats decent bench and REALLY shit squat and dl for 5 years lifting
to be honest
t. powerlarder wannabe 5plates deadlfiter
Don’t care what some neckbeard on the internet says I lift 3 days a week and don’t take it too seriously also only weigh 185.
I only had slight bulge/major DOMS at worst, but my buddy injured his back (while doing something outside gym) and managed to rehab it doing Stuart McGill exercises + Alpha Destiny back rehab routine (which is basically copy pasted Bill Star/Westside back rehab I think).
Consider brushing up on your understanding of dynamic/compound movements there, champ.
Came to say this. Did some spinal decompression and physio work from one of Jeff's videos on back impingement and felt better the very next day. Dude is so damn knowledgeable
Das rite
1 millions reps with 2 lbs dumbbells >>>> 20 reps with 40 lbs
A week and a half out of the gym for it to completely heal
These stories scare the fuck out of me and is exactly why I will NEVER squad or deadlift. I just do jumpsquats, farmers walks and lunges and my legs are tones enough. Chicks don't give a fuck about legs anyway lmao. Have fun with your slipped i-5
I'm amazed this thread is still going. I'm feeling a bit better since Saturday. I'm pretty sure at this point it's my hip flexor muscles that are fucked. Going to keep resting as much as possible until it's better.
Thanks for the info everyone. We're all gonna make it bros.
People get injured doing pullups all the time
less than a week
Where are them?