My dog just died and I’m pretty sad.
Gonna be a tough session tomorrow. I’m not good with situations like this, what to do, how to feel. I guess I’ll dedicate my next few PRs to her and she can be one more memory to push me forwards.
Please say bye to mini the dog with me.
Bye mini the dog
Other urls found in this thread:
Bye mini. Safe travels buddy
Rest well, pupper.
She was the goodest of girls, I'm sure of it.
Take comfort in the void, pupper
sorry user, be glad you gave her a good life
Rest well, Mini. Hope there are many opportunities for catch and tug-of-war in the next world.
rest easy pupper
F, Godspeed mini
I’ll never understand people’s irrational attachment to animals.
Bye mini, rest well.
OP, i also had a hard time when my dog died 4 years ago.
It's natural to be sad my man, but you have to think about how great her life was and how happy she was with you.
Remember, they don't die as long as we remember them.
Neck yourself, soulless retard
It's a white people's concept, you'll never understand it.
If I was a dog I would want to be in a white family
>Eat human food
>Play in big yard
>get to fuck the wife
It's just neediness. People are uncomfortable with themselves so they need some stupid animal to not feel lonely.
Look how angry they get when you question their stupidity.
Sleep well and stay comfy, girl.
okay shitskin
rest well, pupper.
I feel you OP. My dog died in march and I still think about him from time to time. It will hurt a long time, but as some user said, you made her happy and she made you happy. death is a part of life. we all perish some day.
I will lift for mini today
Whilst I can't fucking stand the idea of having an animal living in my house and having to look after it and eat around it, I can still understand how people grow attached to them and love them like a family member. I also despise animal cruelty.
OP, lift for him. When you're struggling for a rep think of how you want to do it for him and you'll finish it.
>not enjoying the feeling of a loyal dog
>not having your kids grow up with a pupper to play tug o war and fetch in the back yard
>going into a thread where a guys dog just died and saying "look how stupid some people are caring about animals, God I'm so much better"
My point still stands before, neck yourself you pitiful fuck
Bye mini pupper
imagine being a shitskin with no possebility to form relatioships to fellow beings. I'm feeling sad for you brownies
t. sociopath
t. retard
Plenty of families get dogs. Or are people living under the same roof lonely and needy too?
Have you seen I AM LEGEND, faggot?
Well id have a hard time being attached to dogs if I ate them too user
Rest in protein powder, good doggo
He's white in the books, NIGGER.
Imagines seeing the life of a filthy animals as equal to a humans
Animals shouldn’t not be seen as anything more.
He's a white scientist in the original books, nigger.
Confirmed dyel chink kek
Atleast a human will eventually stop shitting on the carpet, begging for nonsense, and prepare its own meal.
Animals are consummate retards
>Atleast a human will eventually stop shitting on the carpet, begging for nonsense
Dogs can learn to do that too, retard.
>Animals are consummate retards
Just like non-whites.
do not, I repeat, do not trust a person who has no affection for animals, specially cats or dogs. A person might not like one animal or other, but no affection at all is sociopathy territory.
I’m not talking about the books, MAYO MONKEY! I clearly stated SEEN not READ
I love my dog but I understand. Honestly he's just a living feetwarmer that is really soft. Still appreciate him for it though. No need for companionship, just fun to have around.
Just means I have something I know would suffer if I necked myself too early, helps the train chug along.
I'm pretty sure we in high school psychology one of the first things you learn is people with no affection for animals usually have something wrong with them
Memes aside go see a doctor user, that's not normal.
Oh, sorry. I don't know why I expected a NIGGER to read books.
dude.... my dog is also dying right now.
well, her body is slowly shutting down as she breaths heavy.
She licked open a wound on her tumor and I'm not sure if I have to put her down at the doc or just let nature do it over the next days.
I'm not sure if she suffers because she still likes to eat, drink and walking outside the house but the wound is getting bigger and it bleeds sometimes.
She doesnt like going to the doc and I kinda dont wanna go there but im not sure if she is suffering right now.
What should I do?
My parents killed dogs with their own hands back when we lived in a village but i cant do that to my little girl.
The amount of cope in this thread is unheard of. I can't believe you retards all took the bait.
Fucking love these comics. They are so wholesome
It also give you a routine you are more or less forced to follow
I strive to become someone as useful to society and as good a friend as jock.
Get it killed. It's only a matter of time and keeping her alive is more for your own sake than for hers.
Jow Forums - my personal cringe blog
neck yourself OP
How could a soulless subhuman like you ever know what a dogs loyalty is.
Meant for 51395894
That's sad user. My dog is one of the few people that I care about. When she dies part of me will go with her.
Humans are animals as well but you sure don't mind that attachment
You need to lay off the meth.
RIP Mini.
They are always either a complete sociopath or a braindead non-white (or honorary non-white).
>we had to put our 18 year old daschund to sleep 2 years ago, she was lively but her health went to shit in a span of a month and there was nothing we could do
>loved her like a sister
>last memory of her is taking her to the vet and petting her until the sedatives kicked in before the final injection
>every couple of weeks I dream about her
>in the dreams she's always full of life, running around
>last memory of her kicks in but in the dream I convince myself every time that we took her to the vet to cure her, the fact that I see her running around is proof of that
>wake up
>go to where her bed was to see if she up for a walk
>the bed's not there anymore
>realization kicks in
>be depressed for the rest of the day
Picture from 10 years ago, she got fat after having a litter but lost the weight a year later
shit, not 10 but 7 years ago
Rest easy mini
You're disgusting
There are an awful lot of shitskins in this thread who dont see lesser being domestication as valuable.
She's in a better place brah. Fuark
Sorry for your loss man, My dogs old now and i worry about his time coming everyday
>I don’t understand how advanced animals find comfort and love in another animal, though simple, giving love and affection and simply being there.
Did your mother never hug you?
Bye mini, see you in heaven