What can I replace bench press with?
What can I replace bench press with?
Dumbbell press
Push away people who care about you
then 3x1 heroin injection?
What can I replace bench press with that also involves a barbell?
Do your bench press faggot
incline bench, decline bench, flat bench. or i guess fl
these are your only 3 chest movements you can do with a barbell.
fuck you
>what is spoto press, floor press, board press, pin press, barbell pullovers
All inferior to the regular bench press.
weighted push ups, ohp
One handed cable punches
Also works out core and hips
Has nothing to do with the post I replied to, retard.
how wide for chest activation?
Floor press
Reverse grip bench (power rack or Smith machine)
forgot to finish typing floor press, my bad
other than that, pullovers aren't even a real chest exercise, and all the other ones you listed are just variations of the bench press
kill yourself. nobody is doing your meme exercises
What do pull overs even do, anyway?
Barbell flies
Weighted dips are the best choice by far imo
You kinda can't.
Dips don't build that much size. They will make you stronger, but not as much doing both bench and dips.
Weighted push ups are a similar movement, but slightly less overloadable.
Cable crossovers actually do what the role of your chest muscles are: horizontal adduction of your arms. but once again not as overloadable. They are a suplementary exercise to the heavy compound movements.
What is your problem with bench actually? Asking for spotters? Hating the movement itself?
They use your lats, but in a fucking retarded way. Also some people claim that it expands your ribcage. Like it grows the bones itself bigger. Sounds like bullshit
You're supposed to lay on the bench not press the bench bro
Just do squats dude it works out the whole body. In fact you can replace your whole routine with squats and just vary the rep range and weights, 3 times a week. You're welcome :)!
Reverse push-ups with a barbell
You can do them either on the floor or a bench
inferior in what regard? They are all (except pullovers) types of exercises where you sacrifise range of motion for more overload. Also because they are all (exept the retarded pullovers) basically the top part of the bench, they are a tricep dominant excercise instead of chest. So if you want to strenghen your triceps they are a better excercise than bench, but if you want chest gains they are worse.
Why? We need to know why to correctly advise.
I don't like bench
>no barbell flys
I remember than manga!!! Did they ever finish translating it?
What tf does he do with the barbell when he finishes the set lmao
same width as when doing bench press
pretty sure it's done now. ending was rushed af iirc
“The press” or incline press
Is Jow Forums fucking retarded? How comes literally nobody mentioned the chest press machine?
>not taking the weighted calisthenics pill
>not doing weighted dips/chin as the main pressing/pulling movements
never EVER gonna make it.
Guillotine press, basically a flat bench but you target upper pecs.
My fucking shoulder keeps popping on one side. I've been strengthening my rotator cuff for almost a year and it doesn't seem to get any better. My back is developed already, I've been doing more pulling movements to try to unfuck my shoulder but it still doesn't cut it.
Everytime I go heavy fucker is popping. It feel like my scapula doesn't stay in place.
Anyone got a similar experience? After cooling down post-workout I'm sore as fuck from my shoulder to my neck on the problematic side.
You should get over it.
>he uses machines
You said flat bench, those are all exercises that are not flat bench. Get shit on nerd.
Ring push-ups and flys
This sounds retarded
Shoves it up his ass, no homo
Not OP but I also can't do bench press without pain in my back so the question isn't totally shitty.
I just do dips, slow and deep pushups and a variation of cabel practices.
barbell flies
Dumbbell Press is non-negotiable for building muscle control, do it or plateau/hurt yourself
Incline Bench and OHPs until your delts are adequately developed for benching
Most importantly you need to lift a responsible weight in regards to how developed your core muscles are and 90% of people in the gym overlift with underdeveloped cores
I would never go past 80-85% of your max while flatbenching and never go past 5 reps
Do weighted dips, but keep a good form or say bye-bye to your shoulders.
so yeah, Jow Forums is being fucking retarded. again.
Floor Press, my shoulder also fucks up on bench but I have no problems doing floor press. You could even bridge press.
Thanks will try