Is milk really based? I’m planning on drinking at least a quart a day for gains

Is milk really based? I’m planning on drinking at least a quart a day for gains

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Cows milk is meant for baby cows

>shit ton of protein
>shit ton of fats
>shit ton of growth hormone

is literally super soldier serum for skinnyfags. This was obvious to human beings for untold millennia. Ancient Germanic and Celtic people were noted for their larger stature and greater height by the Romans and it’s no coincidence they drank tons of milk.

Whole milk is the cheapest, fastest, easiest and healthiest way to bulk. The only downside is the gas, but that's only a problem at the beginning.

It's okay user, you can still make some progress on onions milk.

gains goblin

Hurr durr he mentioned ancient peoples and the romans it must be good for me now

Imagine drinking this artificially inseminated gloop pumped full of antibiotics, pregnancy hormones, and disease?

Cows milk is terrible for you, longevity wise. It’s meant for baby cows.

>nature has intended for
Argument discarded.

milk increases estrogen

drink sóy milk

Raw milk from grass fed cows is ok. Anything else is hormones, antibiotics and pus

The best I can get is bio pasteurized milk from grass fed cows. They're not selling raw milk in super markets here, it's illegal where I live.

Pasteurization adds hormones and antibiotics, as we've just learned.
When I had raw milk once, I had diarrhoea for 8 days by the way. Your body would figure out how to avoid that over time though, I'd imagine.

wrong, it's all pus. raw milk is shit and can give you sickness.

and no, american milk at least, doesn't have growth hormone. it's banned. milk that doesn't use antibiotics is clearly marked as well.

begone gains goblin jew goblin jew jew jew

pasteurized milk
>disease free
>staggering gains

raw milk
>you'll be too busy shitting to lift

i made the most gains when I draw raw milk.

lmao I buy raw milk for 60 euro cents per Littre.
america is truly fucked.

Is it true that milk full of estrogen which is harmfull? Serious question. If you answer please post proof

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I drink over a half gallon daily, did GOMAD for ~3 months before that, went from 135lbs to 185lbs, all of my lifts improved. I am not ripped, I do zero cardio, I don't even look like I lift particularly but I'm no longer skelly so I'll always be grateful to milk

or you are getting scammed, farmer probably just jizzes in your milk desu senpai
no nigger, if the cow is pregnant the estrogen is increaced it has nothing to do with raw, if anything heating it would destory the hormones fucking amish niggers post beard

No need to drink retarted amounts of milk, just drink a glass in the morning and in a shake or something, like 1L a day max. Just like with everything 1 guy says muh milk bad and the other dude says its a supersoldier serum. Just think for yourself, look at the macros, look at what you put in your body. Try it out and see if it helps or not.

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>I am not ripped, I do zero cardio, I don't even look like I lift
>grateful to milk
bruh, you can say the same thing about mcdonalds milkshakes

first of all, don't respond to me with that nigger horseshit kid, I don't speak your monkey
fucking language.
>you can say the same thing about mcdonalds milkshakes
Second of all, that's horseshit, I used to eat trash food all the time and would never gain a pound. I would eat ice cream daily, candy, oreos by the pack, fast food, but lifting and GOMAD changed my life

stay mad twink

hey kid, thats because *psssst* [spoiler]carbs dont make you fat[/spoiler]

arsenic is terrible for you
anthrax is terrible for you
asbestos is terrible for you
milk is fine

bruh chill out bruh-bruh

niec dubs

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LMAO at this internet anonymous rage

do you talk to your mother with that mouth?


Do you even know what pasteurization is?

Yeah, it's baby cow GROWTH HORMONE juice. How does that not excite you? Especially since we now know that the phytoestrogen in soi is perfect for preventing the titty juice from estrogenizing you?

You're a baby mammal, drink it faggot

You mean farts?
Farting is relaxing

Yikes breh

oh wow, black "people" are so funny, hahahah go watch the next jewish production, quick eat the nearest marketed trash heap, waste your life trapped in the nigger wheel of humanity. FUCK YOU,m fuck all of you faggots, white fucking power don't respond to me again I fukng swear

Not many countries sell unpasteurised milk in supermarkets
You have to get it from a farm in most cases

you're cringy bruh

Guess what fag, baby cows and guys who lift have something in common.
We're both growing mammals.

fucking retard

only good post itt



Based and sperg pilled

A gallon is 4 liters, fucking retard


won't i vomit ir I drink too much milk?

I honestly think there is some merit to what user here is saying. Even as recently as a few generations ago widespread consumption of milk was a staple of everyday life in the West. Now people my age never touch the stuff, they think it’s weird and “so white” when I mention that I’d drink milk at dinner as a kid. Is it any coincidence that America has become increasingly emasculated?

Its only full of hormones if you're American

Milk is white
Semen is white
Milk empowers the semen
Semen empowers the whole body


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Can you Survive on a diet OF ONLY milk ?

Why are you so mad bruh?

Nice glass of milk you've got there.

It would be a shame if something...happened to it.

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baby cows must be the ultimate onions boys

I swear to fucking God user...

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They are. They're like cattle, born and raised to be used by those superior to them.

Cow's milk is meant for humans. Cow's don't exist in nature, we need them to be the way they are. Dairy cows were bred for one purpose: producing milk for humans to drink.

*Bred, not need

Estrogen in 1l of cow milk is literally less than 1 percent of what an adult male naturally produces daily

Whats the matter user, I just want to HOLD it for a little, it's not like I'm gonna accidentallly....

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>Can you Survive on a diet OF ONLY milk

kidney stones, milk-alkali syndrome, bloating, weakened bowels.

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I have been drinking 3-4l of whole milk every day for 3 years and I feel better than ever

I've been drinking about a quart a day for 6 months, lots of farts but good gains and no noticeable downsides.

When I started lifting I drank about one gallon a week. It was a comfortable rate where I could just go to the fridge and hammer back some milk whenever I wanted.
After about 2 years I noticed the I was getting a ton of acne. I experimented with everything I ate, removing coffee, sugar, etc. When I stopped drinking milk my acne went away.
The only milk that doesn't give me acne is either unprocessed or kefir.


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Alpsko mleko is fucking shit and it stinks bad. Get you some of that farmer milk, or at the least Planika.

probably, raw milk is nutritionally complete

Would you rather be a bitch or have acne easy question holmes

Kefir is based. Probiotic and gains with very little of the sugar.

i went to the store today and got kefir for the first time and suddenly people on Jow Forums are talking about it

is this a sign

how do you boys take it

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Drink raw milk from a good farm otherwise don't drink it at all. Regular pasteurised skimmed milk is garbage.

And to the vegtards in this thread, inter-species adult milk drinking happens all the time in nature. Spend some time on a farm.

>raw milk
Holy shit do I love bacterial infections
Just drink pasteurized whole milk from your grocery store, it's much safer and cheaper. This fear of pasteurizing is very preening and petit-bourgeois. It's just heating the milk up so you don't drink salmonella.

Try raw milk m8. Or raw cream, even better

Make it yourself with grains from ebay or craigslist if you're lucky. I don't feel like the store stuff would be alive after all the shipping, storage and processing. Do not get powdered kefir starters or store the kefir in direct sunlight or absolute darkness.

1 tablespoon is enough to start with then you feed it either full fat whole milk or raw milk. 24-48 hours and it's ready, longer the wait the less lactose.

The grains feed off the lactose in it so if you're slightly lactose intolerant you can probably still drink it. Ditto if it triggers your acne and can even reverse autoimmune disorders like roscea. It also won't bloat you, its benefits are the same benefits of raw milk just more hygienic, almost sugar free and more importantly, costs nothing.

A tablespoon or two will cost around $8 free shipping. If ordering it online make sure it has expedited shipping.

There's too many benefits to talk about but this should help you get started.

I can answer any questions. This thing cured anal fissures and bloating from my high fiber diet growing up. It wasn't even a 6 months *detox* bullshit, it was literally two nights and my constipation was over. It's way better than kombucha.

>american milk at least, doesn't have growth hormone. it's banned
hahah yeah sure, something in food is banned it won't be in america

Shut the fuck up kike


this stuff is ''''organic'''' and pretty local so it shouldn't be too awful, i'll look into homemade if i really like it

i might put it in a protein shake to make a very powerful sludge

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chill out dawg

Thats not what Pasteurization means retard

If the most basic procedure to decontaminate food is jewish sorcery now than they deserve to win.

>Holy shit do I love bacterial infections
don't listen to this city faggot.
When my mother was pregnant she drank raw goat milk from our farm - I was born with 4.1 kg.
Also drank it till 6 of age and was very healthy

So is trenbolone

She was drinking my cum bro, did she lie to you?

>bovine growth hormone ingested by a completely different species

what could go wrong, certainly not tumor growth stimulated by hormone irregularities.

>all those "experts" itt


is this the aftermath of a suicide?

don't even use powder just drink an entire container after every workout

GOMAD is the single best thing to get out of spooky skelly mode. If you can handle milk then you can also use it to get in a few extra hundred calories a day. There's nothing wrong with it

>t. 920 ng/DL been drinking at least a cup of milk a day for 5 years


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Absolutely dont listen to this saybay

you need to heat raw milk and drink it warm to get the full benefit of that bacteria because that's how it comes out of a cow, pasteurization destroys vitamins enzymes and oxidizes the fats denatures the proteins, I don't even consider it as food


No milk acne for me. I only get acne like from sugars. However, I somehow got lactose intolerance after I stopped drinking a gallon of milk every other week since young

im going to buy a 1L of avalon milk mix in my protein and add kefir for my post workout shake.
good gains to you anons.

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