>wife 36 weeks pregnant.
>OB checkup today.
>wife step in scale
>5’6” female
>she needs to lose 100lbs
>pregnant so eating everything in site
>drinks cola and vacuums cookies and baked goods
Tell me it gets better fit
Wife 36 weeks pregnant
how much was she when you got her pregnant
200? it was over a long time ago friend.
>36 years old
why the fuck are you on Jow Forums
>Fuck a married bitch, she's slim and fit
>Husband gets her pregnant
>Six weeks after she had her baby I fuck her again, she's slim and fit
36 weeks pregnant you dumb cunt
She weighed about 180 before
Nope. You fell for the get married and have kids meme. The good news is, as a man, you can get divorced and see your kids regularly and still fuck young attractive women. The downside is the financial overhead.
Drink her milk, user.
after the baby comes she will be "too tired" to lose weight
its over
I am hoping she follows my lead and loses weight. I’ve been doing cico for 6 weeks now and I’m down 20lbs.
>She weighed about 180 before
I mean she was fat before, how bad can 60 more pounds really be?
>just eat less lol
That's probably not gonna work. Silly boomer.
It’s working now
Pretty bad desu
Bruh, I'm 6' @ 175 and still need to lose a few lbs. Your wife was already heavier than me at the start, this was never going to go how you want it. Especially after pregnancy when she gets all depressed and resents you for being hotter than her.
You sound upset, friend.
Your child needs to optimal develop physically and mentally and she’s shoveling in coke and cookies? Be a man, and give her raw liver, raw kefir, raw milk and raw eggs so that you don’t add another shitty human into the world
I'm in a similar situation. My wife has been doing keto and cardio for the past few months and is down about 30 pounds post-pregnancy.
YOU also have to start being in control of what foods come into your home. That's the biggest thing that I found that works. Even if it means packing her lunch or whatever.
TFW my wife got into a fight with my mother-in-law recently because they went for a walk and my mother-in-law kept trying to cover my son up with the stroller shade, and my wife kept telling her to stop because "don't you know how important sunlight is for his hormones to develop normally? Don't you want me to have grandkids someday?"
Your wife IS test-maxing your infant son, right anons?
make sure she breastfeeds the kid for as long as possible. producing milk burns a ton of calories. my first kid was a total milk addict and my wife lost all of the pregnancy weight and then some after a year. second kid didn't nurse nearly as often and was eating a lot of solid foods by 7-8 months and those last few pregnancy pounds never went away.
OP I am going to tell you that unless you pick up your cojones and shove them in her face and start being the dominant male you should be, it won't get better. And even then, it probably won't work.
How does she react when you tell her she's eating garbage and needs to lose weight?
I told my wife she no longer gets me horny. She knows I've been talking to other women. And that I even kissed another woman. She's on the fast track to losing me, and I don't think even with all this she has it in her to change. I think it's time to split for me, boys.
No it will not get better.
>Married my wife, got preggo, went to doc.
>Doc said she has A1C probs. Put on Keto-like diet. 'Low Carb'
>Lose about twenty pounds, but BP is high from genetics (She's Irish or some shit)
>Admit her to hospital.
>Have C-section because shit goes wrong ten minutes into birthing process.
>Baby is underweight and Mommy can't make milkies.
>Baby dies prematurely and wife has tried suicide multiple times.
Nigga, tell your wife my story and tell her to get her shit together. Plus, my wife's mom was an enabler. She would feed her shit behind my back when I was doing meal plans and such. Don't let others fuck up your marriage or your life.