What hobbies do you guys have aside from lifting?

What hobbies do you guys have aside from lifting?

Is lifting even a valid hobby?

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I like to raw your mother

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>is lifting even a valid hobby?

i like to read, play video games, and volunteering to teach people math and statistics in my free time.

video games aren't a valid hobby.

Lifting is a part of one’s lifestyle user, your other hobbies should be mentally stimulating. here’s some shit I do when I’m not working or lifting

>play instrument (I’m learning classical guitar and piano)
>landscape painting (I seriously recommend taking some art classes, thicc art hoes take them too)

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>writing and journaling
>painting and drawing
>hiking and photography

Learn to pronounce
an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure.
"her hobbies are reading and gardening"
synonyms: pastime, leisure activity, leisure pursuit, leisure interest, amateur interest, sideline, diversion, avocation, divertissement, enthusiasm

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reading and fapping mostly

i've been thinking of taking up landscape painting. seems like a very nice and tranquil way to unwind compared to the intensity of lifting and reading. how long have you done it?

>222 lbs
>Eating 1500 kcal a day
>training 2 times a week, lifting weights
>Cant lose weight after 3 weeks

What am i doing wrong ?

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>hasn't lost weight in 3 weeks
>still believes he's on a deficit

better get that kitchen scale out and redo your entire meal plan cause you're fucking up.

>Is lifting even a valid hobby?
No, lifting and cardio are base necessities for living a healthy life.

Rock climbing could be a hobby, swimming could be a hobby, lifting for specific events could be considered a hobby.

Just being active is not a hobby.

Your cope is showing

lifting,rugby,grappling,some chess

I also shoot guns

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Your loose grasp on the English language is showing

Even less calories my guy

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You have to go to the gym 5 days a week, user.

do it like this, 1 day lifting, 1 day cardio. five days a week. if you don't lose weight then then you either broke physics or your kitchen scale is broken.


>he only goes to the gym 2 times a week
>he does no cardio
>he wonders why he can't lose weight
I bet your lifts aren't even going up either.

what's the point?


It's fun nerd

I'd love to do guns as a hobby but isn't it expensive in terms of bullet buying and range using?
.t Arizona

no fap

for me it's playing acoustic guitar and making fingerstyle arrangements of my favorite songs

I play guitar and want to learn drums but i have no room for a set.

it's awesome, i take my canvas and supplies on a hike and set up somewhere, no one to bother you. I've been doing it since about 2016 after watching based Bob Ross.

>Lives in southern us and doesn't have guns
Dude I'm in Canada and have them.
And yes it's a huge money pit I've spent thousands on ammo alone god help me

Based and abstaining from masturbationpilled

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Fire twirling. Dragon staff to be specific. The problem is most other fire twirlers are deadbeat hippies and faggots. Normies are super impressed and I've had girls throw themselves at me at music festivals because of it.

>.75 why do heigtlets cope so hard?

Lifting, Video games, watching Netflix are my holy trinity

I do have a gun, but it's an illegal one (by California standards) all the way in California. I'd try and see if I could sell it and maybe buy a pistol with the funds but like you said it's a huge money sink.


Just as much a hobby as watching TV or movies

>This activity is a hobby, but that one activity isn't.

>watching movies
>watching film/art/lit analysis on YouTube
>action figures/toys
The only ones I do a lot of are origami, YouTube, and movies. I still cook, but no trying out fancy pants recipes or anything like I want to.

Well, tinder says eating food is a hobby so I would assume working out is a hobby. Besides working out? Music and sex. That's all my life is desu.

He probably converted from cm because amerifat units are retarded

>probably can't eat 1/3 of the portion she orders

>continues to pick food off your plate

Contemplate suicide

is waiting for death a hobby

Video games and lifting mostly. I watch movies sometimes. By video games I don't meant no-lifing MMO or some shit, but playing for like 1-2 hours a day. Rest of the day I spend reading about fitness and lifting. I always try new things, but it's hard to get used to them. I tried learning programming, reading books, studying for school, but it feel so fucking teadious. I try these things for an hour or two a day for a few weeks and then I slowly stop doing them.

Holy fuck, great taste. This is coming from yuropoor where weapons are illegal.

Youtube takes up way too much of my time

what kind of routine has only two days a week? Are you even using a routine? Any full body beginner routines are 3 days a week.

the holy trinity of holy fuck what a boring individual

>Casual hiking
>Reading in cool public spots
>Music finding

I wish I was back home in New England, where I could easily take up fishing and sculling (currently in suburbia, Texas)

Huff paint, scare animals, do burnouts, take my mom to the movies, fly kites, gamble, gossip, and the freemasons.

>Is lifting even a valid hobby?

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Literally just buy a "good enough"™ psa build and a lower for ~400 and 1k rounds for like 250 online. Boom covered for a few months. AZ has tons of land you can shoot for free on.
But you should own one anyways even if you don't shoot for a hobby. Just don't be retarded with it.

I paint miniatures that I'll probs never play with, I read and I write.
Does this count?

lifting and gaming arent hobbies, they're just things you do.

based best girl poster

Gardening. Putting my fingers in Mother Earth

>take my mom to the movies

based and mompilled

Roleplaying Games
I volunteer running support groups for people with mental health problems
Trying to learn how to make my own clothes
Should probably learn how to do something physical other than lifting, maybe juggling or dance

Califag here, definitely mirin the guns

I've always kinda wanted to take up birdwatching or birding or whatever you call it. I have some binoculars and a little field guide to birds in my area. But I'm always too insecure to go out and do it. I'm afraid that if people see me in the park or in the woods staring through binoculars, they might think I'm stalking someone, or think I'm a pedophile. I don't know how likely any of that is but it deters me.

Reading, vidya, and photography.

considering there arent usually kids in the woods, i think youll be fine

I boulder and bike ride (don't lift)

Running, learning languages, video games. I don't think any of those are real hobbies though. Gardening used to be one but I can't afford a garden anymore

I play rugby (and will likely coach soon) and want to take up bjj soon.

you don't need nearly any of that shit, if any of it. Based retard

CICO(calories in, calories out) is a nutritional fraud. It suppresses your base metabolic rate. You either fast, which doesn't molest your metabolic rate or you can modify your diet to avoid fat storage, ie cut out carbohydrates and other sugars.

How do we know CICO does this? "Biggest Loser" ran CICO on contestants and did labs on the participants. All of the obese became fats again because unsurprisingly, their base metabolic rates became slowed, even after the show[1]...

So avoid carbohydrates, and if you want to nuke body fat, Fasting is the best thing to do it. Reference Snake Juice Fasting for more details.


[1] 6 Years after The Biggest Loser, Metabolism Is Slower and Weight Is Back Up

>Six years later, when the six men and eight women went to the National Institutes of Health for follow-up measurements, their weight, on average, was back up to 290 pounds. Only one participant hadn't regained any weight.

>Similarly, percent body fat started at an average of 49 percent, dipped to 28 percent and returned to 45 percent over time.

>But resting metabolic rate did not follow the same pattern.

>The group as a whole on average burned 2,607 calories per day at rest before the competition, which dropped to about 2,000 calories per day at the end.

>Six years later, calorie burning had slowed further to 1,900 per day, as reported in the journal Obesity, May 2.

>The slower the metabolism, the more a person has to cut back on calories in order to keep from gaining weight.

>"There used to be a mythology that if you just exercised enough you could keep your metabolism up, but that clearly wasn't the case, these folks were exercising an enormous amount and their metabolism was slowing by several hundred calories per day," said senior author Kevin D. Hall of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.