Have to stop lifting cause I’m working 70 hours a week at construction

>have to stop lifting cause I’m working 70 hours a week at construction
>continue bulking diet
>make even better gains and get really tan

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>getting paid to workout

Damn the manual labor meme was real

enjoy that melanoma user
remember to stay in school kids

>>make even better gains
So why do most of the construction works I/seen are all skinnyfat to obese? What do you do that they don't?

wear sunscreen my dude.

a couple of decades from now, you'll thank me.

the young ones don't eat enough, and the old ones eat like shit and their bodies are damaged from the toll a lifetime of manual labor takes on it

most of the 24-28 year olds in construction are fucking jacked tho

same bro I eat 3k calories a day and im losing weight

working construction sucks. I like my joint-safe gym gains better.

>make even better gains
Your program was trash 2bh

It would have to be. I do construction as well and I wasn’t changing physically that much by itself

are you me? I work at something kinda like construction and im getting strong, I still have a belly tho, also remember to wear sunscreen as the other user said

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So...get fat, wreck your back and get skin cancer ?

Feel a soreness the gym cannot provide with getting 3-4 grand a month after taxes, all these office and wage cucks dont even know what real work is

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Here's some advice, take it or leave it:

-Wear sunscreen
-Plan ahead so you don't have to keep doing manual labor past your 40's (you'll thank this when you're old)
-Stay safe, nobody is tougher than concrete.
-Save as much money as you can

I have that screwdriver user. Pretty good.

They eat way too much fast food. Throw in alcohol for a vast majority.

Get back to your basement

Yeah, I’ve taken a 20ft dive once, learned that lesson quick. This is strictly a summer job though, quick tax free money and then it’s back to stufies

how do you get a summer job in construction? Did you go in with any background?

I started as a carpenters assistant at around 15 and I’ve been doing it every summer. 18 now, picked up skills relating to framing, steel work, and concrete. Making about 30 an hour as is, good money to put towards college

If you’re getting tax free then that means you’re working under the table. Be careful user. You get injured on the job when working cash they will just wheel you to the curb

>70 hours

Why though? Do you not enjoy having any life outside of work? I work 40 hours doing landscaping and still have enough in the tank to lift. I much prefer it this way.

>Do you not enjoy having any life outside of work?
Silly user, that would imply OP had a life at all.