Reasons to stop: 1.Caffeine reduces the quality of your sleep. 2.After time coffee doesn't give you the same feeling, you need to up the dosage like a fookin addict. 3.Coffee can cause tooth decay and staining 4.Makes you shake and tremble, can also make you anxious or more anxious if you already are naturally. 5.Quitting can lower your blood pressure.
Talk about how coffee affects you personally. Also post whatever you want about coffee.
I love coffee, but lately I've been getting headaches if I dont drink it so I'm quitting.
Not going to quit 100% tho. I think a cup of coffee a week should be healthy enough. I was getting five a day which is probably why I crave it now.
Nolan Kelly
Jack Cox
>Reasons to *cut down if you are having these symptoms* fixed it for you its not necessarily all or nothing with coffee, maybe for some but for the most part its a benign low power stimulant that's ok in moderation
Down to halfa cuppa day. Already nursing withdrawal headaches with acetaminophen and ibuprofen. They keep coming for at least a week in my experience. So ready to end this 12 year addiction.
Jaxon Foster
kys schizo
Grayson Gutierrez
no u
Ayden Parker
My heart rate and BP lowered since I stopped consuming coffee. Believe it or not, 1 large cup or water first thing gives me the same energy, hydrates you unlike coffee because i'm certain no one is drinking water with their coffee, and my poops come out almost instantly. I also doubt that the shitty keurigs give you enough polyphenols from their dried out shitty coffee. That being said the taste of a black coffee is great in the morning, ground the coffee whole bean and use a french press, which I have once a week when I make a nice sunday breakfast to feel /comfy/
Joseph Rogers
Coffee is pro liver and pro thyroid as well as a nootropic. You'll find that quite a few people who live past 100 are avid coffee drinkers.
Noah Garcia
>not cycling dosage day to day based on imposed demands 300mg on a heavy lift day, 100mg on a rest day to wake up (5 am riser), 150-200 on an easy day. Caffeine increases performance and has other health benefits, losers
Jeremiah Young
>it wasnt masturbation, porn, hot showers, carbs, or alcohol as to why i dont have a gf... it was the caffeine in coffer all long! Surely once i cut out the coffee i will get laid
Kayden Rogers
>2k19CE >Drinking the brown bean juice >Not sipping on some delicious Yerba >Not getting the benefits of coffee without all the drawbacks Explain yourself Anons, why haven't you all taken the yerbapill yet?
I hate to be honest, but I will be a slave to the caffeine jew. I work nights at a local grocery store and we usually get timed for how much we stock on our aisle. I can do 125 per hour on average and with out caffeine or any carbohydrate i go around 60. It sucks but it's what I have to do to get a paycheck at the end of the week.
you drink coffee once a week on your off day to relax?
sounds balanced user, as all things should be.
James Morris
What store times you
Benjamin Fisher
why would i quit it, i like the taste and a cup makes me feel comfy so why should i quit?
Alexander Rogers
this. even after years of using caffeine pills, i still feel the kick because of this. 210mg on rest days, 420mg to lift and 630mg when i want to leave humanity behind. sometimes i add a scoop of pre-workout and man, it's just beautiful, specially on a arm day.
With that attitude and work ethic you're gonna make it brah
Chase Turner
>Coffee is pro thyroid Post studies
Connor Torres
>no drawbacks Caffeinated drinks share the same core issues
>why haven't you all taken the yerbapill yet? somewhat expensive not easily available everywhere
Tyler Edwards
>Reasons to stop: >1.Caffeine reduces the quality of your sleep. I take it in the morning most of the times, mostly pre workout. If you don't drink after 2pm it shouldn't mess with your sleep. >2.After time coffee doesn't give you the same feeling, you need to up the dosage like a fookin addict. yes if you drink EVERY morning all the time >3.Coffee can cause tooth decay and staining true, not as bad with moderate drinking >4.Makes you shake and tremble, can also make you anxious or more anxious if you already are naturally. only true when you're addicted and drinking a lot >5.Quitting can lower your blood pressure. see moderate drinking.
I mostly take it as a preworkout, days im super tired from shit sleep. usually if I gym evening night I will forget about it and not drink
so I think I drink around 4-5 espressos per week
Eli Jenkins
because i never want to be the hipster faggot who says the word "yerba"
David Scott
>Expensive It's pretty cheap where I live so I might be biased. Also internet makes everything easily available. >No drawbacks That was an obvious hyperbole. From what I have noticed however, caffeine in Yerba works slightly different compared to coffee (no energy crashing/doesn't interfere with sleep/erc) You don't have to be a hipster faggot to do that (doesn't coffee have stronger hipster connotations anyway?)
>moderate drinking still has to slowly up the dose over time to reach the same 'high'
Lincoln Taylor
You can say "mate".
The only plus i see is the laxative effect. To drink on the go, (instant) coffee is more practical, while mate cocido need some preparation
Dylan Nguyen
100% agree, I quit the beanwater 2 days ago and I feel calm as fuck and I literally live in a different world. thats how fucked it is and how strong it is.
Matthew Johnson
its funny that once in 12 months this coffee thread isn't mine
Gavin Kelly
You fucking pussies, I drink easily 13 cups a day. Just because I like the taste. Just plain coffee.
I'm having none of the problems you described. Fucking zoomers, trying to make of everything they do a fucking problem.