I just found out my dog has cancer and a day to live bros

I just found out my dog has cancer and a day to live bros.
Please lift for him today.

Attached: 20190409_142342.jpg (4032x3024, 3.84M)

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should've fed him vegan lol

At least he doesn't have to look at the rug and decor soon.

if he dies he dies

shit's rough bro
he looks like a good boy

Attached: 1469127098566.png (500x500, 272K)

Die screaming

will do, hes a good boy

>I just found out my dog has cancer and a day to live bros.
>Please lift for him today.
I would lift significantly lower if I was just doing it for your gay mutt.

He looks like he's lived a long and comfy life OP.
What age is he?
Make sure he eats like a king tonight (if he can keep food down).

It's often harder to lose pets than people. Lost my dog a few years ago but she was truly ancient and really should have been put down a year sooner but it was out of my hands. I hope that aul fella hasn't suffered as much. Death is kind sometimes especially if you knew them when they were young and see what athletic vigorous dreams they have when they're old and sleep run in their beds.
Old age is no life for a dog. Any more than any of us. He'll be glad to go.

My condolences OP.

trannies fuck off
My condolences OP he looks like a good doggo. Be strong.

Should've fed your dog meat instead of kibble. Carbs cause cancer.

Be strong and lift strong OP.
Dogs are Bros, I'll lift extra hard for him today

I will lift big in his memory today. Goodnight sweet pupper... sorry for your loss, OP. Looks like he was a good one.

he's a good boi

May our lifts bring the pupper to dog valhalla!

Based and interior design pilled

Strangle him in his sleep

Congratulations for having a good doggo RIP good boy.

Attached: doggobitetitty.jpg (960x720, 92K)

Shoo shoo gains goblin


squatting for your dog right now
sleep tight, doggy

get out

Sorry bro :(

I'll dedicate tomorrow's deadlifts to him.
Sleep tight, pupper.

Looks like he would give some good advices to younger dogs. The boi has a mature/wise vibe.

Keep strong bro, he's gonna always be spotting you on your lifts from now on. Be sure to make him proud.

Disgusting rodent
Are we so uncivilized that we let animals live in our houses still
Absolutely disgusting.

I wish I knew if human cancer prevention applied to dogs. Then I could give you an actual advice

2 days at least dude lets keep it going

stay up pupper

Give him an extra big bone today. Call him a good boy one last time. Make sure he gets a proper send off. Save a bit of his hair and one day you could clone him. Stay strong pupper you're going to a good place soon. You wont suffer anymore, boy.

>my dog has cancer and a day to live
i'm sorry user. i believe he had a happy life.
rip doggo

He looks like a good dog. I'm sorry for your loss, OP. I'll be keeping you and your buddy in my thoughts today as you make the most of his last hours with us.

Doing last heavy OHP set for your doggo OP

Die in a fire you heartless nigger.

dont want to be that guy but death is part of life instead of being sad, why dont be happy because he LIVED and had a nice life ? you did your best

we had to put my golden retriever to sleep 3 days ago, i feel you user
i will lift for your doggo today

he returns to nature

Fucking oven dosgers, I swear...

What kind of dog is that? Also that sucks OP, as others said he looks like a goodboi.

It's my rest day