Which of these physiques is the most aesthetic

Which of these physiques is the most aesthetic

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why does the guy on the left have a single strip of KT on his groin?

Face is really important

Maybe for a hernia idfk

>implying any of those faces is below a 7/10


Kino as fuck

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i think it stands for kinesio tape

right has better chest shoulders insertions but left has better abs. overall i'd pick the rightmost dude as most aesthetic but i don't think any of them are that aesthetic cause i can't see their legs.

Right but they're all really good looking

right wins face too by a smidge

Lol they're weak as fuck. I have bigger forearms and I just started lifting. If this is what you wanna look like you don't have enough testosterone in your body


show me the guy on the right without the hands-on-hips pose and I'll give you an answer

If you wanted to know which physique is superior, you should have cropped or blurred their faces.

But the face is a part of the physique. You don't train your face bro?

blatant cope

They're all dyel twinks so none

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What is he coping for? Being less femanine?

Lmao the ultimate state of modern """""men"""""

LMAO they probably look better than you let me guess your bulking and look like a chunky monkey?

post body bitch boy twink

Post sex and have body


Physique - noun
the form or structure of a person's body : bodily makeup

inb4 "face is part of the body, bro!"

Suck my titty bitch boy

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Dude in the left has the best abb genetics and dude on the right has the best chest genetics. They all look good in pictures but in real life they look like absolutely dyel.

All three are pretty much the same, but left is the only one with even abs, plus better face and non-NPC/zoomer haircut.

>those chicken legs

None of them.

Holy shit, he's tiny. You wouldn't even be able to tell he lifts in a shirt.

can any body with a good estimate tell me what their bf% are ?
15-18% here atm

Massive cope
With that body you live in heaven during the whole summer. And you need to be really huge to look big the rest of the year anyway with jackets and shit.

Left facewise
Right bodywise

>Massive cope
Yeah, from you. These fuccbois are unimpressive to anyone who isn't a 14-year-old girl.

>And you need to be really huge to look big the rest of the year anyway with jackets and shit.
Guess what, if you're big you'll look even bigger with a jacket on, retard.

>Which of these physiques
They're the same

Based schizoposter

Holy shit the right dude's abs look like they're crawling away

He's just flexing too much

why pollute every thread with this shit tier bait?

They all look like a bunch of skinny skateboard fucks.

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The sad thing is if I were to cut down to their bf% I'd probably be the same size but I'd rather be twice that. Many more years of lifting ahead.

How do you get to this bf%?

right one becouse of right chest proportion

Do pushups and crunches before.
Don't eat.
Get a tan.
Flex for photos.

>Massive cope
It's not though, it's true. Try not being a fat fuck and see for yourself.

Jesus why do you lie to yourselves this much? Any girl/woman would get insantly wet upon seeing those bodies
super low body fat + decent muscle size >>>>>>> gymcelled body

How do these guys manage to maintain such a body? One piece of chocolate cake or a couple of beers and it's not the same anymore

Yes but that's not the point you retard, he still looks very small in a t shirt you fuck. I know this because I can literally look in the mirror and see it for myself. Now fuck off incel.

They all three have the exact same physique. They look like they eat, train, live, and fuck together.

No, women would not get wet for guys that are the same size as them. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a 14-year-old who hangs out with 14-year-old girls or is just coping about being small.

calories in

you do realise only fat chicks are actually bigger then these guys right?
and from their proportions id say their all 6'1"+ aswell

Cope. If you see one of these dudes on the street in normal clothes you wouldn't even know they lift.

So just like 99% of the population, difference is during summer they will look like greek gods.

Eating 5K calories and deadlifting 4 plates doesn’t matter. These guys are chads and look physically well maintained and healthy. Stop coping lardass

Is it possible to be this lean natty or you need clen or something to cut?

this is now my goal aesthetic

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They have the same physique, all three of them.

Are you a woman? You seem to be terrible at gauging dimensions


im not saying you should be a lardass like me (powerbloater)
But i know a guy at my gym, has impressive physique, but afterall he is a manlet twink.

If he has a normal tshirt on you wouldnt be able to tell he even lifts, except bicep vein

my tricep is as thick as his quad but im 190cm tall 90kg and pushing body fat level pretty high, like 20%

Sure, he might look more aesthetic on pictures and shit, but put him next to me in clothes and he looks like a 14yo guy

i dont get why powerbloaters say they dont care about appearances but then whenever they get aesthetic mogged by a twink, they go full cope with the "you can't tell he lifts in a shirt~!!1!" cope

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That’s bullshit, its chocolate cake and beers every day that are the problem. If you eat pretty well overall, have something unhealthy once or twice a week whilst making it fit into your calorie budget its not an issue at all

I'm 29, 6', and my weight hovers between 145-155 lbs. I eat like shit BUT I run a mile every day and lifted 5-6 days a week before I herniated a disc in my neck. I look similar to the dude in the pic but he's got a slightly lower bodyfat % than me.

I just happen to have a ridiculous metabolism and I've been skinny my whole life, I became /ottermode/ when I started lifting a few years back.

Me, wishing my genetics gave me high metabolism.

He's still tiny, retard, which was the point of guy's post

So much cope ITT

>They look like they eat, train, live, and fuck together.

Oh to be the double meat in that sandwich.

Left by a mile