Body type thread

Which do you have? What do you want?

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Chubby fat to otter mode. 34, gonna take some time.

Unabashedly builtfat and headed for bearmode

Skinny->built fat->bear

Ottermode wanting athletic

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Skinnyfat aiming for Ottermode and then Athletic

Between builtfat and chubbyfat, with dreams of bearmode.

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I'm built but I want to look like this

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>Fat as Fatass -> Fat built -> Bear Mode

Chubby fat. Im workin on gettin to otter mode.

Was fat as fatass, currently somewhere between skinnyfat and builtfat

Builtfat, in the process of slimming down. Hit that 4pl8 squat and now I'm looking to be more athletic. It was a fun 2.5 years though. Got to drink a lot.

middle between skinny and skinnyfat.
Want to be otter mode.

I have skinnyfat, setting ottermode as my goal for now

this chart jumps around the extremes too much, but builtfat who dreams of bearmode

Fat as fatass wanting to be builtfat

I like being slightly fat, feels good to he sturdy

Currently chubbyfat, wanting to get to at least builtfat. Ideal would be Athletic in that chart.

skinnyfat working towards somewhere between ottermode and athletic.

any specific recommendations for shedding stubborn belly fat?

more in between 20%-25% for me
Can I achieve athletic without bulking?

Good ottermode though brah

Skinnyfat -> Skinny -> Ottermode
Already getting there lads.

currently builtfat, looking to ascend to bearmode

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built fat but more build and way less fat, but no where near 6 pack lean
body shape is athletic, but not as chiseled

Hahahaha this guy thinks he’s “builtfat” nigga that doesn’t exist you’re just fat. Lose weight. There’s no reason to hold that much bodyfat.

skinny. want ottermode

>tfw constant fight between the bottom left corner
Chocolate covered cashews have revealed a weakness within me.

I just thought it was the closest applicable term, I know I've got work to do.

lookin good tho no homo

Chubbyfat to Fatass.
I'm gonna get that Athletic

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when I'm wearing a shirt, I look like I'm skinnyfat. when I'm shirtless, my true form of fat as fatass is revealed.

then why don't you just stop lifting and starve yourself? should be easy enough.

either skinnyfat or chubbyfat
anything on that chart that doesn't have "skinny" or "fat" in the name

I have a concave chest and I'm insecure about it
Also, due to surgery my spine cant curve and Im insecure about that to.
What do?

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Otter but I don't swim to workout.

Hioe am I 6'1 175 and look less built than you. I feel too skinny to cut but wtf? Do I have body dismorphia?

Skinnyfat. I am hairy as fuck so I want to be builtfat. Should go nice together.

Go to a physical therapist and they well set a weight limit for you.

Skinnyfat, seeking ottermode. Taking a break, I can't handle this heat.

I used to be chubbyfat and now I'm builtfat. I'm trying for built.

Currently ottermode, aiming for athletic. My goals seem modest and achieveable, part of a balanced lifestyle, rather than an obsession.

Which do you pick, Jow Forums?

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Not sure how accurate that image is to be honest. I look around 25%, but all the tests I do put me at 17%.

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Builtfat aiming for builtfat

low-quality ottermode aiming for good quality ottermode.

Some where between fatass and built-fat, goal is skeletal

Otter, aiming for minimum athletic, ideally built but slightly higher body fat.

It seems modest and achievable, but athletic is probably 10kg of LBM bigger than otter at the same bf%, that's a big step imo.

Finally unlocked the builtfat mode, working on slimming down to just being built.

What the motherfuck.

Instagram and Facebook, user. Who needs authenticity, when you can cheat?

I'm built fat at the moment.
Thinking of changing jobs and starting another cut to get to athletic/built

>Tfw pot belly and Gyno
>Tfw 2pl8 DL/Squat but can barely 8 rep 1pl8 press
I am 90% sure I’ll never not be skinny fat.
I think I’ll soon try to cut at 1500 or less kcal.

What's this body type?

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Somewhere between chubby fat and fatass

i wonder what "female bodytype chart" would look like.....

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My body is weird
I'm "Chubbyfat", my belly doesn't protrude further than my chest, but I also have an overhang
I'm 186cm 90kg

Currently hovering around 10-12%. Had two 24h fasts in three days to destroy about 1kg of residual fat, now I consider myself just a couple of weeks away from my cutting goal.

Once I'm done, I'll increase daily kcal intake by 200/week until I start putting on weight and keep lean bulking through the winter.

>currently builtfat


How long did it take?

reminder that every dyel who has ever posted a pic here is flexing their stomach

>asking a dyel if he's natty
Is this place really a genetic deadend?

Nice hairolas


Is athletic achievable natty? Can a person have that dense delts and upper chest while having that low bf%?

Current: Chubby fat
Want: Built
24 going to uni in the fall. My goal is to not be a fat manlet by the end of the 4 years


lanky builtfat look for bearmode

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chubbyfat to athletic or ottermode

Somewhere between ottermode and builtfat. Going for athletic. Will probably take two or three more cut/bulk cycles from where I'm at now to achieve it.

Builtfat currently. I want Bearmode damnit.

Currently somewhere between skinnyfat and ottermode. I wanna be big fuckin bearmode my dudes

I'm builtfat and want built

I'm something between skinny and ottermode. Looking to get athletic.

between chubby fat and built fat. people ask me if i go to the gym all the time but i'm not buff at all.


What kind of body type is this

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Has pictures to compare and can't figure it out. Retard mode my man.

Something between skinnyfat and buildfat
I'm not hitting the gym again until im either skinny or ottermode, depending on how much muscle I actually have below the blobs of fat

between otter and athletic
want to be bear but cant because my frame isnt big enough and im not over 6'2

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At the moment i am skinny fat/built fat. I want to get to Athletic mode. Any tips on how to achieve this?

El goblina

Chubby fat.

>ottermode to skinny
>ottermode to athletic

cuuute :3 would cuddle

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Chubby fat rn went from fat as fatass

fatass here, trying to be less fat, like around 10-15% fat instead of my current 30+%. 6'3" and 240 down from 270. need to keep lifting but my squats and deadlifts are still DYEL level

forgot pic

also reason for getting fit is so I can become a navy officer and live out all my gay sea fantasies

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Overbulked to builtfat and still cutting 25lbs later. Praying for athletic but probably gonna get ottermode and have to permabulk for a few years at least

currently chubbyfat want athletic, started at obese

Fat as fatass

Currently in between Ottermode and Athletic, some day i will be even more muscluar than the bodybuilder

just cut you'll look bigger as you get lean

doesn't everyone flex their stomach? im always flexing even with my shirt on.

Builtfat, probably athletic, im just gonna keep lifting and cutting

Already past your prime so what's the point?

I'm a mix of skinny, ottermode, and skinnyfat.
I'd like pure ottermode to athletic (even though your athletic is kind of unreal but okay).
There's barely any difference between 15% and 20%.


Op here i can't believe this thread still alive. Wow

50/50 Otter/athletic. I have a wider frame, which helps a lot.