>no /fph/
Give me your funniest shit
>no /fph/
Give me your funniest shit
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My mother was the same way
She had trouble with weight all her life, and every time she tried to count calories she'd just read the calorie count for one serving and thought the entire thing was that amount.
She ended up getting gastric bypass but gained a lot of it back.
Top kek, a true Jow Forums classic
gastric bypasses are evil
this is the kinda shit i look at before I lift, praying every day that western European white faggots stop practicing self hatred and start being men again.....probably wont happen though, germanic dudes are fucking pussies
>I hate people with severe mental disabilities
Yes, you're very cool. Nobody thinks being fat is healthy and nobody in society "accepts" it beyond a few screaming pink haired retards. The vast majority of people who are overweight know it is bad and are either trying (and failing) to change it or coming up with excuses. There is nothing to hate, it's simply a pity. Stop making off topic threads.
>off topic
Did you forget what board you were on?
Also, as a former fatty, fuck being fat and fuck people like you who chalk it up to a mental disability
It's a shame that that's true. I don't put much into identity politics, much less racial identity, but its disappointing to see myself surrounded by a culture of complacency and excuses.
>germanic dudes are fucking pussies
Why are you bringing them specifically into the discussion
Theyre not worth much more than others.
Post body
Anti copy pasta. Browse tha cloud.
Oh they're dying alright.
Apparently changing your lifestyle is bad for you
And it’s always starvation I guess?
Better not quit smoking or drinking
There is this dude from my workplace, he's like 6'6 and fucking obese. It got me thinking how much you have to eat in order to be fat as fuck when you are 6'6.
6000 kcal in day whit no activity will do that for you.
Imagine the smelle
This is how humans body works.
What a cuck.
Germanic people are our own people, of course we care more when they suck. It's like family.
Is this that SNK anime?
What is in this Bowel of Cereal thats a WHOLE days calorie for a Fit man
Most likely 1000 kcal worth of double cream, 1000 kcal worth cereal and rest is milk, jam and banana.
or gtfo
This is too good
Attack on Titan season 3?
Shit better tell my grandma, that she stop having a sugarless diet, even though she has diabetes.
>Power armour.jpg
isnt fat buildup beneath the muscles a thing or am I miss remembering?
>500 over my TDEE on a cut
The fuck
>Why yes, I do starting strength, how could you tell?
>2500 cereals
what the fuck, how do you fit that much into one bowl of cereals?
>mom is always on some super time consuming fad diet
>sees me cutting every now and then when I come to visit
>asks me how I lose weight so quickly
>tell her it's just counting calories
>she abso-fucking-lutely refuses to count calories, despite it being much less effort than what she's doing now
I really don't understand why. It's not like she's just lazy with no self-control, she just always goes for some retarded meme diet that was doomed to fail from the beginning. She could achieve actual results with much less effort.
He adds things like full cream and jam. There's a longer version of it somewhere on the net.
someone post the webm. his running commentary kills me.
I wish my mom did it too, she is not "american fat", but is clearly a problem, she complains every day and that's no exaggeration about knee problems, she is 66 now, no problems with the bone as she did have them checked, we have an exercise bike but she never uses it, I told her to try doing it just a bit everyday, heck is even more comfortable than walking, even my brother told her who has had knee problems as well and noticed that exercising helped with the pain.
Although I don't know what makes her so overweight, she doesn't seem to be eating a lot.
well 'it' is impregnable to knives and probably low caliber bullet so ...
Kul Tiran anatomy.
Didn't he die :(
>Nobody thinks being fat is healthy and nobody in society "accepts" it beyond a few screaming pink haired retards
take note hard gainers
Wtf is that sub even? What is it's goal? Somebody help me understand.
I'm amazed Ragen Chastain is still alive lol. I at least expected here to be in a fat scooter like her gf by now.
Still annoyed we didn't get the Skellybois.
This is grossly insensitive, to say the least. This thread in itself is appalling but that little "joke" is the same sort of dehumanization tactic that literal Nazi right-wing bigots have been carrying out on Twitter and Facebook, trying to paint those who are not like themselves as somehow less than human. Guess what, your little cheeto-in-chief would belong in this hateful thread and no one would bat an eye if he wasn't famous. Just let it go. There is enough right-wing hate on this site, and it's demoralizing enough to those who face weight challenges and body image problems (read: NOT obesity, or any sign of actual health issues) to have the alt-right take over fitness like they have taken over media and politics as well. You think you can decide what is and isn't beautiful, then you think you can decide what is and isn't healthy, and now you incels think you can decide what is and isn't an actual person. From the bottom of my soul, go to heck, because every one of the people you lampoon in these threads is every bit as human as you are. And you're no one to decide you can take it from them.
It’s a subreddit for feeders, aka people who get off on making someone already fat much fatter. For the feeder, it’s a fetish centered around control. For the fat people, they’re just happy to eat and be accepted/have sex with their feeder. The people making those posts are either the fat people embellishing their habits or the feeders showing off.
What is the name of this titan?
Damn, talk about a sad existance.
That's another way of saying it's his TDEE
You have to be 18 to post on this board.
>Fat girl flow
Doesn't morbid obesity fuck with your period?
I believe you're thinking of visceral fat. That's the fat that builds up around your internal organs.
My obese mom had a gastric bypass and shes still 300 lbs because she drinks 3000 liquid calories a day
is obesity linked with retardation? I know fat acceptance of course is
This landwhale doesn't even know what diet means. Jesus the concept of Mediterranean or Asian diet... Not to be rude on the 4th of july but that's so fucking ameritard
Have sex
but you know, I don't hate that lad, maybe I'm more inclined to defend him because of the cockney accent
I feel like the guy is legit naive who had no idea or education about nutrition, its not like he was eating something that to the common public is obviously known as fattening (like a hamburger or candy) and once he was told his mistake I'm willing to bet he felt embarrassed about it.
Most of all, he is not like the fucking landwhales who are like "I know this food makes me disgustingly fat, and I refuse to stop eating it!"
Is it weird that I'm black and pray for the same thing?
This shit is become more and more obscure.
But still, based and redpilled.
i sure hope so
Based people poster
no, if your country becomes majority nonwhite there are no more gibs, completely rational reaction
does anyone have the fat negress jumping on that skinny guy and probably killing him gif?
Fresh from Zuck. The absolute state of it, just lose some weight you fat cunts.
He was putting heavy cream and strawberry fucking jam in his cereal. If he didn't know that is bad for you, he's retarded.
I don't have it saved, but there's a picture out there of everything that gets put into his daily breakfast.
This pasta is yummy in my tummy wummy
I want to try heavy cream cereal one time just for kix.
I'm putting this pasta in the fridge for later
While it might sound like a lot, racking up 8,000 calories in a single day isn't as hard as you might think. Here's how you could do it.
8,000 calories is equal to:
46 Cadbury's Creme Eggs (173.6 calories each)
168 apples (47.5 calories each)
16 Big Mac burgers, no fries or drink (490 calories)
14 12" Margherita pizzas (594 calories each)
23 portions of Chinese chicken and cashew nuts (343 calories per serving)
16 300g servings of Chicken Korma, no rice (490 calories per portion)
96 slices of brown bread (82.8 calories per slice)
27.5 Danish pastries (287 calories each)
114 digestive biscuits (70.5 calories each)
1142 30g portions of steamed broccoli (Seven calories each)
88 glasses of Champagne (91.2 calories each)
105 rashers of bacon (76 calories each)
41 portions of fillet steak (191 per 100g)
It would make more sense to give a sample daily diet from among those that adds up to 8000.
Then again maybe there's someone out there eating nothing but 48 Cadbury eggs today
Only the Big Macs sound remotely feasible.
>eating 14 pizza's a day is not a lot
Why do fats love cheese so much?
Or just bonging 88 glasses of champagne.
Hamplanets are why I carry 10mm.
what do ham planets have to do with your dick
Which one are you?
i'm 'strayan so no guns
oh haha i get it, like the 10mm is his penis
Sorry for your loss.
I'm destined for a gf like this.
Lets be honest, i could probably do tbe danish pasty one, and maybe the creme eggs.