I lift for her

I lift for her.

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God damn might as well stop lifting then

I lift for exodia

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“I lift for” posters should be required to post their bodies

It ain’t that bad.

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I lift for the King

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I wonder if your body is as disgusting as your tastes, lets see it and dont forget the timestamp

This is a hooker from an ad in the area, but the mother of my child ain’t hotter than her.

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I don’t get your problem. You are into traps or something?

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Weird flex but alright

I lift for this post.

i lift for waifus because they'll never let you down

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They all pack on weight rapidly after 23.

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He means that a hooker is more attractive than his wife. He’s not flexing, he’s just a retard for thinking it’s something to brag about.

>the mother of my child ain’t hotter than her

Quit fucking these nasty slags. Have some self-respect.

No one who lifts for holes has impressive lifts or a body to brag about, thanks for reinforcing my point

Around the same body tbqh. But different face and dark hair, not light brown to bottle blonde.

You should beat her up that would be funny

Show me yours taste, dear distinguished respectable poster sir. What does the temple of the iron deliver thee?

I lift for faggots who make these threads because I want to murder them with my bare hands and look good for the cameras

You roid?

Wasn’t a John for the blonde. Didn’t hit my ””wife””, but there was one in the past I did slap and choke too.

I lift for the people who lift to do stuff to the people who lift for people that they make threads for to make meta wise cracks and look good doing it

Believe me I wish I was dead too.


>Lifting for someone else instead of doing it for yourself.

Isn’t that like masturbation?

holy fuck im keking

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Y tho?


holy fucking shit

>the state of this fucking board right now

Lifting for a hooker. Fucking hell. Can you even look at yourself in the mirror?

Sort your fucking life out user.

Wtf is going on in here?