What to snack

I'm a hard gainer, so its an obvious thing that I must eat more and more
However, with the arrival of summer heat and me being a fucking manlet I'm just not capable of eating large amounts of food all at once. So instead I'm going to opt for snacking all the time
What are some good things to eat carry around easily to eat high on protein? Already have nuts and tuna cans in mind

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who the hell eats fancy food like whatever crepe is spelled with strawberries, chocolate and banana? that's just ridiculous!

god fucking damn it user, can you please focus on the topic?

no, i dislike rich people and their bad eating antics, that crepe, cräpe? however it is spelled, is filled with unecessary stuff, no wonder fat people exist.


it's just a French pancake with filling and toppings you retard


I made crepes for 4 years nad you are completely correct that only rich old people and thots eat crepes. Also they area nightmare to eat on the move.

>I dislike rich people
How do I know you’re poor

what the fuck

Yes i'm poor, but i'm working on fixing that, i have been unemployed for 2 years, but as soon as i move out of this shithole i'll be back on track.


>I’m a hardgainer
>I’m just not capable
>hurrdurr I make excuses

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Roasted chickpeas are great. There are a few store bought brands out there but they're easy to make at home

>my life is shit
>b-but I'm working on it, promise!
>f-fuck rich people! They never worked hard, unlike me!

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What the flying fuck, we eat those in stew in this country, but roasted?

Just drink more shakes for the easy way

just eat more fat, unironically a gallon of milk a day(also eating normal food), but you will get fat so look forward to that

>needs a major life event to change habits

That means you don't need to eat as much, yes?

>also eat normal food
i'll never forget that thread, my fucking sides
Kek, I'm not sure
They seem a bit of a fucking pain to carry, I'll see if I can get a canteen bottle that keeps the shake cold

Drink shakes. It isn't a pain, and some protein powders you can bake into pancakes or brownies or such if it is that big of a deal. If you absolutely refuse to get supplements or eat more meat (best way but expensive), then if you don't mind getting fat potentially eat tons of peanut butter. I use bread that is high in protein, lather each slice with about 6 teaspoons worth of peanut butter and eat it. 800 calorie 30g of protein sandwich with tons of natural fats. Can carry it around easily if need be and by itself probably will boost your bulking plus cheap af. Eat 2 a day to bulk harder with the additional calories. Lather peanut butter on many snacks, almonds included, for even more gains.

>if you absolutely refuse
Oh no, absolutely not, I actually drink whey protein shakes after exercise, so I can make an habit out of carrying more with me daily in a canteen

>353 thousand calories
What the fuck, God tier bulking food you’d need like a one-hundredth of that a day for max calories

I seriously hope you aren't this fucking dumb and you made that post retarded on purpose

EVERYONE is a hardgainer, muscle gain is very very slow. Maybe 15 pounds your very first year of lifting with perfect nutrition. Do you want to gain fat or muscle? If you eat 500 above your TDEE you'll gain 1 pound of fat a week without lifting. If you eat at a 10% surplus with 1-3 hours of cardio you can gain 10-15 pounds of muscle per year without gaining body fat.

poorfag detected

>Unemployed for 2 years
>Poor but still able to afford an internet connection to shitpost on Jow Forums all day
Unlikely to be true.

>man I fucking hate the rich!
>except when they allow me to live with my neetbux

>no girl will look at my dick the way Hibiki looks at crepes.

You obviously don't know the glory that is Galette Saucisse
>Cheap as fuck
>Easy to eat on the move
>Great macros
>Fucking delicious

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>eating sausages
enjoy the nitrates, goy

>jews ever wanting anyone to eat pork
next time you'll say something absolutely retarded like "good goy for not circumcising"
if anything jews want people to eat as much vegan shit as then can because the margin profit for meat is way lower

on a completely different note

Depends on the country, you can find very good sausages that are not the super processed kind and they are still some of the most cheap meats available for getting nice macros

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Fäūk off


Crepes are just pancakes made with different flower. If that's fancy to you I'd love to know what you consider normal food