What do you do between sets?

What do you do between sets?

Browse on my phone for a minute or so, watch the TVs in the gym, refill my water bottle. it all depends.

imagine the smell

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Wack off

Try to not vomit
Sit down to make my head stop spinning
Try to not pass out from low blood pressure in my head

pretend to check phone, stare at floor or ceiling, watch gym clock/tv

People watch
Check phone
Fill water bottle
Walk to next piece of equipment

Do sets of other things ofc

stare in front of me and think about life

stare at myself in the mirror

softly headbang a bit and periodically air-drum or drum with my hands on the equipment

Hide in the locker room for a minute or two. I dont want people to think I am some lazy zoomer when I am browsing my phone.

based autist

walk to water fountain. smile at girls. repeat

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Remain completely motionless while staring my self down in the mirror

I browse and reply to "What do you do between sets" threads. And I notice this dumb fag constantly looking on my phone behind my back. Yeah, you buddy I'm talking to you, fuck off.

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Unironically look at porn/pics of attractive girls and play out a fantasy where if I hit my next set she will [insert gross thing] with me

You shouldn't do anything between a set other than anticipate the next set. I think most people just go to the gym, or even live life, on autopilot. They've done the movements and same routine a million times before they just do it, get done with it, and wonder what happened.

As soon as you begin preparing your chicken and rice pre workout meal (which can even be 2 hours before you even get to the gym), you should start getting anxious of going to the gym. Anxious but determined to do it. Determined without distractions. Not looking on your phone, not thinking about what he thinks or what she thinks, why he is right and why she is wrong. Not being idle, not walking around doing nothing, not daydreaming, not having imaginary conversations and scenarios, not losing yourself in thought of what could be and what has been.

Instead try and put your mind to to the upcoming workout. There has to be this inner passion and desire of sculpting your body inside of you that so dearly wants to get out and project itself into the iron.

Stupid, dumb, brute force driven by an understanding of how the muscle works, creating good form combined with before mentioned genuine passion and desire of sculpting your body into perfection is what will make you succeed.

Apathy, trying to live up to other people's expectations, no discipline to carry out what has to be done, bitterness of believing other people are doing better than you, insecurity of not believing in yourself that you're capable enough, all of these driven by fear is what will make you stay exactly where you are right now.

It's important to realize it's not going to happen by chance. In our lives we have been nurtured and cared for, creating an illusion that there's a safety net that will protect us from all misery and that ''we'll make it one day''.
The cold hard TRUTH is that if you don't put in the required effort, it will never happen. It's not going to happen by chance, and the clock is ticking.

Good post until the last sentence, which will 100% make everyone who reads it immediately forget about the actually important message of being present for your life as you're living it by actively trying to make the reader anxious of the future and the past.


Contemplate life

And then after each set it never happens and you stop finding motivation to do more sets, eventually stop going to the gym because gym = sets, and lose all your gains if you had any in the first place. Way to go, user!

>browse internet for hight test girls
>browse /fit to find out (continuously) it will never be a dedicated serious fitness board
>hate myself for not having dedicated to lift since I was in my teens.

Thanks Captain Olympia.
I cry between sets

Looking down and avoiding eye contact

Jokes on you faggot I get around by sliding on the floor on my back.

fap to gym thots

>avoid thots with gaze
>accidentally avoid males too with my gaze, feel like beta about that and force myself to peak at other guys as they work out
>mirin squat depth
>realise i'm listening to the same song as like 5 minutes ago, lean down to change it
>fuck posture is bad
>fix posture like I'm some rider about to take off in a parade
>put on next good song through shuffling
>flex quad up and down in pace with music until good part of song comes on
>do next set

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you're willing to look at me? i love you anonohomo

I just try to remember what set I'm on, after a couple warm up sets and a few working sets I lose track and then my whole workout gets screwed up. Does anybody else have this problem?

Text my gf while simultaneously staring at thots brappers


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I use jefit

Put the reps of my last set into my notes. That's all really.

I lose track of counting out sets so I just lift to failure a couple times.

think about how many reps i have to do until i get a gf


Meditate and focus on my heart rate and breathing.

Lmao browsing Jow Forums of course

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Pace around, look at the timer, keep listening to the podcast, look around for dyels that I mog as a dyel

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