Namelet Thread

>tfw paul

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France Prešeren

>Mfw Ivan in Balkan


My name is Nick. I’m 23. The amount of people named Nicholas in the 1990’s is fucked up. Because of this people have called me by my last name my whole life. So much so I don’t even identify with the name Nick/Nicholas anymore.




my parents will answer for this


My name is Nikitas,greek,which is super rare and a nice name.I love it.


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>tfw Jeffrey

lief leave


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>mfw 3 names
>mfw named both Andrew and Paul
>mfw both are absolute Chad apostle names

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mfw name so rare that me writing it would be deanonymising :(

No, not Greek at all. I just think Nicholas was too 5 American boy names through the 90s.

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My roommate's gf left him for a guy named Paul. There's still hope user.

My name is literally chad but I'm a manlet necklet wristlet jawlet chinlet framelet skinny fat incel

Would you believe me if I told you that those - lets are your smallest problems?


My name is Dewey, I always considered it fairly Alpha

mfw Michael

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>named Porter
Feels good man

>tfw Erik

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tfw einar

do you capture any stupid beasts?

>tfw rajesh

based balkan bro
i always thought of Ivan as a strong and confident kind of name. yeah its a stereotype but you can play it as a positive

>tfw László

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what fucking language is that


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Don't know who the fuck made this up, russian btw

>tfw no Julija gf

My name is Liam, which I like a lot. The only downside is people sometimes calling me Lee, which is shit tier.

>named after this based boi
thanks mom

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autism general

Paul is a strong name, at least pronounced in American English. Single syllable and masculune sounding.

That’s my dog’s name

Me too


keith is a pretty cool name bro

>tfw Tom
Get on my level, fuckbois

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Sal is just Italian Chad

I'm asian and my name is fucking Maurice.


Based hungayrobro

Can I go for the mysterious and badass foreign guy character when my two first names are Mátyás Gábor?

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Maurice is that you?

Don't know if namelet or not
Everyone points out that it's spelled weird

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turn that r at the end into an n

Ilya reporting in.

I actually wouldn't look that different from him if I grew out my hair, got contacts, and then went /fraud/.

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So you look nothing like him?

cool names desu

Byron here. I like my name

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Byron Bernstein?


I go by Ed but sometimes old people refuse to use Ed because it's an Americanism allegedly. Other times people act like Ed is too short to be a name. Like they've never heard the name Ed before and call me Eddy all the time.

I lived in England for a year and every boy under 5 is called Ed there. Led to some awkward situations where an English cuck would angrily shout my name and pussy and squirm pointing out his toddler son behind me. Some hearty laughs.

Anunechuvadakladavitz Otmiravirayotsa Ferdinandze Zapirillochenkov

Stephen with the best spelling. Eventually get called Steve anyway whenever I get to know someone.

Pretty much, but at least I'm a tall guy with large frame, a decent skull shape, and black hair. Could probably look like him if I put enough effort towards it.

Based and exilepilled


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Not a balding jew streamer thankfully


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I like it though, even had a few people tell me it's a cool sounding name.

>tfw vladimir

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Based leprous vocalist

>tfw joel

truly horrible, worst part is how the name kinda slurs when you say it so people are like WHAT WHAT DID YOU SAY


Hell yeah

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> tfw ray


Pascal master race.

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>tfw john
most common name on the planet and has no nicknames

Thank my brother. It's just a very common name here, like naming your son John Smith or something similar.

Well, people at least perceive me as that, especially due my built.

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also my middle name is jeff so I can't fall back on that either

>most common name on the planet and has no nicknames


it felt kind of effeminate until kaepernick became a thing.

listen faggots all of you listen up right hte ufck now i'm drunk and i'm gonna lay some good shit on you you stupid fucking cucks
your names all suck and that sucks but dont just sit there and be a faggot about it
what you gotta do, right? you gotta fuckin go over to /lgbt/ and transition and change your name to some girl name
and then, detransition and change your name back to a good name that doesnt immediately signal that youre an incel faggot
idiots i cant beieve you havent already done this

>tfw Richard

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A highschooler at my school had that name he was a chill guy

>named julius, after Caesar for my violence in the womb
>share a name with pic related
Thanks mum and dad

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Life has many doors ed boy

bye namelets and commonnamelings

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Just don’t go by Eddie. Every Eddie I’ve ever met was a DYEL greasy scumbag.

hey sweetie my name is tanner, can you tan my boipucci with a thousand lashes from your quarterstaff (male)

Nice. Very nice. Good shit user.

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eddie vedder though

Does my name even exist in any other language than French ?

Thats my middle name , I'm gonna challenge you for dominance

He's spelt Eddy though.

you bet bitch bring ya fat ass over here ya silly fuckin what the fuck is up with this thread

chad junior

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Klemens is the same thing but in German

My sand nigger parents named me bashir

>MFW Adolf

Stay unbased, Bois

no it's eddie you cunt look it up i just did and you just talked shit even though i'm truthful to you so what the fuck is that about

Clemente in Portuguese but never saw young people with this name here lmao just old ppl

Lmao the only two eddies ive known were both dyels. One was a scummie little kike and I remember kicking his older brothers ass when we were kids, the other was a Jew but was a nice kind hearted (I know I was shocked) guy. But the second, I remember he, our black friend and I were walking to a bar to meet up with some other friends and he randomly asks us “Hey, so are dondoms supposed to slip off? I tried one on, btw I’m still a Virgin, but I tried one on to practice and it wouldn’t stay on and was super loose...” I asked if he was hard and he said he was. Lmfao Eddies btfo



I think it is Maurice yeah