Gym is 5mins away

>gym is 5mins away
>have gym anxiety so don't go

fuck my shit brain...

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>not working out at a home gym

What you anxious over?

My anxiety was always over other people using the equipment I wanted and then having to ask them how long they’ll be or waiting awkwardly. To get over this, I had a list over exercises I’d do for a week and be more flexible with which I’d do and on what order so that I always had a plan. In the end, I could usually get what I wanted done for a given session in the order I wanted anyway. But it got me in the gym, which was the main barrier.

Just force yourself until you stop giving a shit.
I live 1 minute away from my gym and wasted an entire fucking year by going once or twice and then dropping it out of anxiety and some other shit.
Now I am there daily and am never letting go.

The gym owner called my princess a few times, and I'm skinny.

Then go until you're not.

He was trying to ask you out dummy

Shut him up with a gun

also there is a cashier girl who never looks me into the eye when I say hi when I enter and bye when I leave and its really awkward everytime. My main anxiety is just getting trough the main desk because I feel like I have to interact with the people there instead of just saying hi and bye everytime.

>tfw Jow Forums That Guy threads totally killed my gym anxiety and I went out of my way to be a whacky gym character.

Literally just ignore them, don't say hi nor bye.
Are you that much of a fucking pussy?

Listen, dumb fuck, the purpose of the gym is not to gain a sense of validation from others- it is to improve yourself.

thats rude man. Also I need to interact with them because of the locker key.

yeah but I'm already a twinky looking guy with female features and I feel like people judge as "haha look at that gay faggot dude".

Do what I did, walk in like you own the place and make his job harder. I spent like 8 weeks doing smolov for deadlifts just to slam the weight the whole time and bother the soccer moms, some skelly dyel who couldn't even diddly 2pl8 ended up telling me to fuck off and I’m pretty sure complained. Then a week after I went on an empty stomach with like half a pot of black coffee and did a bunch of cardio and ended up puking all over the place. As I walked out I tell him(the GM) “yo go clean my barf upstairs before someone slips” and just walked out, never went back. I really wish I was making this up. But this isn’t a larp, the fag was a cunt to me.

I used to get some really bad depersonalization type shit when I'd go. I'd subconsciously ask myself "what the fuck am i doing here" and time would just drag. I still have it to an extent

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thats fucking funny

Frankly no one gives a fuck at the gym, 99% of the time people are doing their own thing.

Just go when no one is there, i go at 9pm when normies are home and true lifters are only there

Its still awkward man I just want to workout but I already know I will be an autist just saying hi to the gym owner when I enter.

They might, they might not; ultimately, what does it matter?

because I want to be accepted I guess instead of being laughed at because I wear better clothes, look feminime as a male etc.

Not OP but Im also going tomorrow alone for the first time and this is what Im terrified of. I have my day 1 workout plan and I dont think I can memorize the other workout plans to flexibly change them on the go. I just have to hope the gym will be empty

just do exercise privately until you feel you're at a reasonable level to go to the gym, or just start going to the gym and overcome your fear, do something retard

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I nearly dropped 15kg weights on a gym thot because I didn't realize she was there as I was removing them.
That's awkward and still I go there every single day no fucks given.
Once you've had a real life scare you realize some of your shitty problems just don't matter and that your time on earth is limited, even moreso if you're not fit.
Am I going to let a bit of embarassment be the literal death of me?

Go to your fucking gym on the regular.

I used to go everyday for half a year, then anxiety took over and I have a hard time going to places where people know me, I had no trouble going to the dentists first time, but for the 5th time I get anxiety.

I'm not bad looking but my fear comes from being awkward or socially inept, thats my biggest anxiety I guess, to act like an autists and people think I have mental problems.

do mushrooms. There are studies that show they might ease depression and anxiety symptoms for months at a time. anecdotally, I've seen this to be true.

First time, do them with people you trust, in a comfortable setting, with at least 1 sober person as a sitter. Don't do them if you have disorders like scizophrenia or bi-polar disorder. If a bad trip comes on, just accept the fear, and it's actually a relatively safe substance (it has least emergency room visits by percent of drug use).

I don't want to do drugs but thanks for the help.

Something that I do when I go to the gym is avoid eye contact with people. If I’m walking into the gym then the most I’ll do is show the front desk dude my tag say hello then that’s it. As you walk around try to focus on areas where people aren’t in between sets. During my sets I just dead stare the same place until I’m done. Kinda autistic, but that’s helped me a little anyways.

Oh and also no one gives a fuck about you at the gym let that sink in.

So don't interact with anyone?
It's the fucking gym, I wear in-ear wireless headphones on my way there and inside and on my way back.
I've talked with two people in the last months in there, greeting the reception on my way in/out the few times they were there and a middle-easterner who pointed out to me that there was a better rope machine for doing facepulls than the one I was using.
>do mushrooms.
Mushrooms are no joke. Not at all.
I thought trip sitters were a joke until I took them, fuck me was that a mistake. Only good thing i've got to say about them is that they turned me off doing drugs.

yeah but if I don't look into their eyes, or interact with them and always just say hi and bye when I enter or leave they will think I'm autistic.

you are unable to go to a gym. Your anxiety is strong enough to make you not go to a place literally old people go to. You might need drugs.

So are you going to stay in your house, be on anti-depressants, or try something that'll make you more rounded person.

I can't even get shrooms I don't live at a place I could and I'm not a druggy even if its not that big of a deal. I don't know man I have no trouble going to random places or interacting with strangers but I've been to this gym before and so its kinda weird.

If anything your sperging about how "oh no they might think i'm autistic" is more autistic than actually fucking up social cues in person.
No one at gym cares about you. No one.

fair point. You can grow them yourself. which is a risk in itself as well.
do you see a therapist?

>muh anxiety
Fake problem to rationalize laziness.

You realise people have their own lives and own worries that occupy their thoughts? They're focused on what they're doing at the gym and in their free time are probably thinking about stuff in their own life like the girl they want to fug. You are insignificant in their life. At most if you do something retarded they'll laugh at you for a second max then back to their own shit. You should feel happy that you being a tard brought them a moments joy in their shitty lives. Get over yourself pussy and start lifting, it's what everyone has had to do why should you be different

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Find a 24hour gym go at like 5am you'll have the whole gym to yourself

is this you?

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dude its packed with boomers at 5am. wtf

I have pretty bad social anxiety and I generally have no problem in the gym. Sometimes I get a little nervous asking to work in but that's about it. I just focus on my workout and don't really think about the other people.

I feel you Brodie, just keep going is all I can say

Why do you care what other sweaty tired people think? I go in my Micky mouse gym outfit and sweat on the elliptical till my shit is see through. Then lay on a mat and do sit-ups spreading my pheromones all over it. Then walk back and forth cooling down in front of all the treadmill hunnies. Get some smiles and get some disgusted looks. I'll take it all.

I'll sometimes groove to my music while cooling down in front of the hunnies too. Don't go a fuck.

At the gym in my town a big jock kind of guy said "a twinky with an ass like that?" and he slapped me that same day on my way out. well... ok it was more like a pat but still.. 2 weeks ago I saw him get a big smile and started like, jogging toward me with his arm up like he was waving and I got nervous and left and haven't been back since.. I don't get why he was bullying me like that I'm quiet and nice..
