Mental fitness

what is on your mind these days Jow Forums? let it all out, maybe we can help

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why do i chase women until they reciprocate and then ghost them

I am going out with a girl this weekend. I like her a lot but I am afraid that I will fuck something up. This is my first time ever going out with a girl.

You may be afraid of them leaving you after you get invested

I laugh almost uncontrollably whenever I see destruction like things burning down and riots with people getting maimed and killed, the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because I want this world to go down in a sea of nuclear flames and enjoy every moment of it. All because of being born a mutt.

1. i jerked off three times today.
2. currently listening to zyzz playlist.
3. not sure if i should go out drinking this weekend.
4. started doing gracie jiu jitsu, which is a lot of fun. its like the only thing i look forward to now

I do the same even though I have a gf
I just like the chase

Why do I think it is a good idea to get a girlfriend, but when I really think about it, the short duration and pleasure of sex is not worth having a woman around all the time that you constantly have to keep happy and maintain a relationship, and when you inevitably break up you feel like total shit mentally for a while after?

I just like spending 90% of my life alone, and this is not compatible with having a serious relationship with most women, as they seem to need a lot of attention. I'm like a natural MGTOW.

Used to be depressed but feelin bretty good right now. It may suck now but it gets better, bros. I know it sounds cucky, buttherapy can help a lot with depression, especially if you don't have family history of mental illness. It's definitely worth looking into.
God bless all of you. I wish for nothing but the best for each and every one of you.

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I have only kissed one girl because I am scared of being rejected

Girlfriend of five months learned that her previous boyfriend cheated on her and she decided to take a break from our relationship to deal with that knowledge. Told me I was a great guy and that it had nothing to do with me. A day later we were watching a movie with some friends and she initiated cuddling, which blindsided me. She then took a vacation and began acting emotionally distant. She's on her way back tonight and told me that "we should talk". I don't know what to expect but I can't focus on anything. There were no signs of discontent with the relationship and it's just being pulled out from under my feet.

Dad says birth mom can't have an abortion, me. She has postpartum depression, tries to kill my dad when I was 4. She goes to jail. Dad are me to live with Aunt for two years instead of being a man and being their for his sons. Dad meets stepmom two years later and they marry after three months of knowing each other. Move in at this point. I'm 6, spend the next 9 years in a sociopath stepmom. Get sent to a mental hospital at the age of 14 because Dad is not noticing all his money is being spent and she is cheating. Dad is never home due to constantly traveling. Get out months later after my college fund dries up. Uncle picks me up instead of dad. Get back home. Accused of raping my sister. Fight back and forth. She tells me to leave in the middle of winter. I do, cop rolls up saying I ran away. Sit I jail for months for no reason. Weekly visits from her constantly threatening to make my life worse. Get out of jail after dad comes to some senses. Got a job at 15 in summer. Bought plane ticket at the end of summer to go live with my aunt from years ago. Never got a call from family again. Debating whether to start my own because I know I can do better or to just keep playing daddy to the young ladies.

>lift almost strictly for gym receptionist for an entire year, never talking but always trading smiles and long eye contact
>she has bf, but one day breaks up with him
>couple weeks go by
>after a year and 1/2 like above, she actually walks across the entire gym to me
>asks what my name is, says i always give her such a nice smile but she never knew my name
>just learned from dating coach earlier that women wanting your name is extremely good sign
>you can test them (in other occassions) by asking their name but never giving yours
>if they're interested they will ask, but if they dont want to date you they'll just let it slide
>anyway, we chit chat and i shake hands (long lingering with eye contact, very nice)
>all of my efforts have lead to this
>suddenly realize that this means she is interested and that dating is very real possibility
>the next day and ever day after, avoid her at all costs
>on several occasions she sees me leaving and says "bYEEEE" in a way like "wow, you weren't going to say bye to me"
>other times, she catches me leaving and says have a nice day or leaving??? and I barely turn to her, not even looking at her, and give a half hearted wave or just grunt out a "bye."

Being in the Navy made me realize I had no purpose in life, and that realization has brought an underlying sense of sadness into my life. I'm successful by many standards, and I'm the kind of guy everyone finds reliable and comes to for advice. I used to think that helping others is what made me happy, and that has led to a few instances of putting others' well-being before my own, which became a problem for me.

I felt completely free when I bought a one-way ticket to Greece once I got out of the Navy and backpacked for a month and a half. Now, I moved to Wyoming for a job, not knowing that it's entire training process is legitimately just like the Navy's, so I'm back to hating my work life again.

Only thing I look forward to anymore is the gym, and eventually hiking the different areas around here, but the only drive I have is to keep this job for a year so I can quit and keep traveling.

I'll never kill myself, because I deserve the pain that I'm going through, and death is the easy way out, even though it will solve all my problems.

I'll find my strength through suffering.

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Feel better bro

I got invited to the bar with a girl and go to her house after, so I have a feeling sex could be involved. The situation lies in the fact that I have an uncontrollable reaction to vomit if I get the slightest bit of affection from a girl. I only have two more days to prepare what do I do bros?

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I'm intimidated by starting any martial art. Never done one before. Are absolute beginners welcome in classes? I assume they're admitted but more experienced people still find them annoying.

I go weeks and months without fapping but when I relapse my face is covered in acne. Any advice?

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you only want women who show no interest in you because you disdain healthy emotional attachment

at least, that's me projecting my problem onto you

If someone gets annoyed by a new person trying to better their self, they are no martial artist

Have sex

>social isolation for 3 more weeks before I move near my friends
>every day it wears against me further and my only respite is the weights

You may want to take an omeprazole before and some zantac with you.

how do you go about seeking therapy? i assume its not as easy as just walking into a clinic somewhere? i wanna get help, i just have no idea how

pepto bismal before going over

oof man, still probably salvageable. just ask if she wants a drink, and then show up to it. see what kind of conversation you have. learn to be ok with thinking you deserve something good in this world.

I've tried pepto-bismol before and it didn't work, is this stuff you mentioned stronger? Do I need a prescription to get it or can I just pick it up from the drug store?

I fucking hurt my posterior rotator cuff three weeks ago, and was planning on returning to the gym next week. Dull, achey pain deep into my rear delt. Felt fine after one week but gave it an extra two to really settle down. Was studying today and boom, the ache starts coming back. Unbelievably furious, haven't lifted in almost a month. I went to grab my shower towel with my injured shoulder and as I reach for it my front rotator cuff spasms and send a sharp pain down my arm. Couple this with the awful tight lower right back I've had for close to 6 years, and I'm doing just fucking ok...


She dumped me and left me stranded with nowhere to go, found a cheap place to stay in the big city (very dodgy area) with no friends or family for support.

I'm trying my hardest to keep my head above water, and find a new job.

I'm trying boys, sounds pathetic but coming to Jow Forums is my only comfort right now.

no one cares if you're a beginner. everyone wants to help/teach you stuff

My GF broke up with me because I refused to go to a doc and get evaluated for bi-polar disorder.
I'm 30 fucking years old, own a home and have had steady employment since I was 14. If I had something that significantly wrong with me I think it would show.
I think she just liked blaming some disorder for parts of my personality she disliked.

Call your doctor and ask. Tbqh my mom helped me get into it about 2 years ago so I'm not sure about the specifics, though Google can probably help.

>july 4
>all the normal people out with friends and drinking, meanwhile i sit in my house all day and just grill some burgers with my mommy and daddy because im an autistic manchild
>figure i'll take off work tomorrow since i never take vacation time anyway, get a 4 day weekend
>realize ill be sitting in the house doing nothing for 4 days because at least at work i go out and talk to coworkers, i literally like going to my shit job more than weekends

>feel kinda sad about how a few coworkers i've worked with for a few years (qt girl who is now the boss and another guy) seem to be pretty good friends talking/texting/hanging out and for the most part dont bother too much with me
>just yesterday people were talking about july 4 and the same guy "joked" about how i only leave my house to go to work

every day i wish for death. why the fuck am i still alive WHY WONT I FUCKING DIE ALREADY

find a good physio and chiro my guy. I had this exact same problem over the past year, or a bit more. coupled with depression, it made my life a living hell. the sooner you deal with it and get help the better. i can finally start lifting again, although theyre pussy ass weights idm

I feel you man. I just got out of a five year relationship and every woman I see fills me with hate and disgust. I can’t imagine myself being in a long term relationship for a long time since I’ve got trust issues now. The best thing in life for me right now is the gym and I don’t think I’ll get past this until I find someone that makes me not hate myself as much as she did. Keep going though bro eventually when you stop looking for that someone they conveniently pop up in your life.

“Find my strength through the suffering” couldn’t have said it better bro. Wish you the best of luck with all you’ve got going on man.

Everyone on this board is going to make just keep pushing and know that life has to have these trials so we can look back and see how we’ve grown as men. Love you bros.

The acne is related to your test spiking. When you chronically masturbate, you body knows; it isn't tricked, so it thinks you're being outcompeted by more virile males and it pumps your test by upping your LH levels, but it fucks you up because whatever your body does interrupts the negative feedback on LH by testosterone.

For one, people who are sensitive to pheromones can smell it. You can smell it on someone if they've been jacking it too much. It's an odd musk.

... well now that she's out of the picture, you should seriously go get fucking tested.

I wish, but no insurance for that and I am paid a pittance plus >tfw 40k in debt
what should I even do man, my front rotator cuff actually really hurts now. the rear was just a dull pain but this one is sharp and constant. fuck me can't I just catch a break for a month.

My best friend killed himself right when I started college and since then (ten years) I just honestly can't tell if I feel anything emotionally for people. But, I will cry uncontrollably at music, movies, plays, and even when I or someone else says something speaking from the heart. I freaking cried like a baby at Mulan, Scrooged, Wall-e, Kung Fu Panda, and many others I don't remember, those were just the most memorable ones. What is this?

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Omeprazole is specifically for reflux, it's a gastro-resistant medication. Ranitadine is another one, there are a few different brands. You can get them both from the Pharmacy.

Had severe neck pain for several months, got an MRI a few weeks back and I have two herniated discs. Getting a steroid injection next week but I sadly haven't been able to do much liftan because I've been in so much pain. It sucks because liftan is about my only hobby and I feel myself getting weaker every day I can't go to the gym.

There are rumors of layoffs that are going to happen at my company at the end of the year which has me worried. It's a great place to work and it's going to suck if I lose my job.

Several girls I sort of know have shown interest in me but I don't really know what to do. I've never had a serious gf in my life (I'm 29).

PTSD. Seek therapy and try and let someone else in, I know he betrayed you and left you alone to deal with everything and the fact he killed himself, but you need to forgive him and move on. It's normal to feel how you feel, don't feel guilty.

I cry at kids' movies all the time and never experienced trauma like that. So the two aren't necessarily related. But mate you probably need therapy to work through losing your best friend, it sounds like you never learned to cope with it. It's hard to care for people after learning that all the love and care you put into a relationship can be just...idk, sucked into a void.

i know some of this shit might sound basic, but: if your posture is shit, fix that shit IMMEDIATELY. hot/cold therapy on wherever the pain is. stretch your pec on any kind of doorway, sometimes the problem originates from there as well. get those colored (thera)bands, theyre pretty cheap, look up some stretching exercises for infraspinatus/supraspinatus streching. this should definitely be a start to fixing the issue.

>been dating this girl for over a month
>things were going great
>i really liked her and she seemed to like me back
>then 2 days ago she texted me saying she's getting back together with her abusive ex

And by abusive i mean the guy cheated on her 4 times, hit her, forced her to stop talking to male friends, delete social media accounts, etc. She kept talking about this awful relashionship and it motivated me to be the best boyfriend i could be for her, then she dumps me out of nowhere to go back to that guy.
I feel like garbage. I was really attached to her and i thought we had a future together. Im having trouble sleeping and i cant concentrate on anything.
She said she loved me one day and on the very next she threw me away like i was nothing to her. The worst part is thinking about how she must be really happy with him right now and doesnt even remember i exist anymore while im over here suffering. And there's nothing i can do about it

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Anger and disappointment.
I have a problem with binge eating and depression. Over the years I've dropped about 20 kg by workout on and off, tho it would have been achieved A LOT faster if I didn't had that fucking eating issue.
>Just dropped 10kg the past 3 months
>Went into a hole and gained some back due to said binge eating
>Finally back on track for 2 weeks with a new focus on workout and meal planning.
>Goes to visit the old folk at the farm
>Mother and father are chefs, not obese, but building a gut in their later years
>My mother knows of my eating disorders
>My mother keeps nagging me about me declining chips, sweets & alcohol
>Nagging about not wanting to drink 3 glass of juice in the morning
>Nagging about I go for ryebread instead of white bread
>Nagging about "I'm not eating enough"
>Nagging about "I have vacation and I should enjoy time with the family"
>I finally crave and start overeat in sweets and (delicious) food
>Instant regret
>I gave up a week of workout for this

I just need to get back into the loop, but I'm still not happy about this.

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thanks bros. crying rn.

Been facing a lot of setbacks in life but getting better at dealing with them. Currently trying to work the courage up to ask out my crush but I think she hates me now

Thanks user, I appreciate the support. I'm much better mentally now than I was in the Navy, so I know I'm making progress, it's just a long road.

your parents are toxic

Mate, I forgot what ancient Greek nigga said it but it goes something like "Don't be dissapointed you have been wronged, be delighted someone has decided to show you their true character"

It sucks, but she just showed you how much of a dumbass she is and now you can make a much more educated decision on whether she is a quality girl. It's like when a girl cheats on you, they just outed themselves as a thot so you can add another to the ignore pile. Sure, you lost some time and effort, but think of the miles of dick you have laid inside her as well.

I've fallen very hard for a woman who has a boyfriend. I tried to ghost her the other day, but she got really pissed off, yelled at me for doing it. and proceeded to talk to me for the next four hours straight. I ask her out all of the time, She always says no, But this time I got a solid maybe. I think she likes me.

disgusting thot. throw her in a dumpster

There’s no easy way to combat these emotion man. I was with my ex for 5 years and the one thing she always told me to do was not cheat on her. Well in the end she cheated on me. To top it off I failed all my classes last semester and she was with a new dude not even two months afterwards. You’ve gotta keep pushing though man. I know it’s shitty advice, but right now the main thing that gets me up in the morning is the gym. Find more hobbies you can do to pass the time just anything to keep your mind off of her. I’ll admit it’s not a full proof plan as I still have fucked dreams of her with him from time to time. But it isn’t healthy for you to stay in the past like that. Something that has helped me is to realize that if she can make me that happy then one day I’ll find someone else that can make me even happier without all the bullshit. You’ve got this man I believe in you and we’re all gonna make it.

My past weights down on me like illness and my anxiety erodes away at my strength like acid rain on a statue. I just want to make peace with who I was. I want to go through my day without a constant buzzing in my ear.

Why the fuck would I do that?

There is something you could do about it, because he has clearly coerced her into going back with him. That's how abusers control the people they abuse.

If I were you, I'd kick his fucking ass in front of her. Fuck him up. Don't do it as a pretext to getting back together, just say "I'll be here if you need to talk." and move on with your life. When she see's him broken, it'll break the spell and women are wired to be attracted to men who beat up their partners because of Ugg caveman biology.

She might be mad, but she'll come back to you eventually.

Idk but Alice in chains does that for me

Thanks mate, I appreciate it. I'll get to it immediately then

You'll get through this man

Let it out, bro. No shame in it.

hell yeah bro

Just play video games

Don’t use social media.

Every fuckboy has a smartphone and is using it to slide into every girl out there. Be a man. Get the fuck outside.

how can a socially accomplished person understand me at all? No one will understand someone like me %100. Not saying the worst things have happened to me, it's just that the shit that happened don't happen to most people.

My gf of 4 years is showing some things that I find unattractive. She's not fat but has gained a bit of weight, and despite trying to help her get into cardio, lifting, and even simple dieting, she's never consistent. She gets too anxious trying to talk to a stranger over the phone. She completely shuts down at any sign of significant stress. I'm stuck between talking to her about these things and feeling like if I do, I'd just come off as controlling. Basically, she has no sense of discipline. Are all women like this?

Sounds kinda your mind has numbed your emotions towards others as a defense against what it perceives as an inevitable loss. You can't be hurt by others if you can't be emotionally invested in them right? Your remaining pent up or repressed emotions are then let out in other avenues like movies

>Are all women like this?
A lot of men are like that as well

Every single person I know in real life is bluepilled. They get all world events from mainstream news or late night lefties. I'm losing my grip on reality because they live in a bonkers mirror universe where nothing makes sense, but they never question it, and lash out angrily at any hint that they might be wrong. I'm a centrist libertarian and I'm certain they would call me "far right" if they knew how I felt. I don't know what to do.

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i thought i was the only one who got nauseous with woman. never made me puke, but it happened for a while with my gf at the time. Do you get nervous spasms like youre shivering too?

It's frustrating right? I feel the same way and I find that It's incredibly hard to relate to people

I can’t find a job and I live in the most anti business city in the country

Not really about politics, but I noticed this way too much with hobbies. I once had a conversation with my ex regarding hobbies, and I came to the conclusion that a ton of people just watch Netflix or play video games as a hobby and nothing else. I really struggle to connect with a lot of people at social events now, because at least in school I could talk about courses, parties, or whatever. Since I don't watch any Netflix and play video games very rarely, I have no idea what to tell people. All they want to know are: what are you watching? what restaurant did you eat at? where are you going traveling? how much does your job pay you? when are you buying a house? what car are you buying? just buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, it's crazy!

this. current wants a lot of attention. kind of miss my last gf she always gave me the space i requested

If you start off a conversation with something you have found out over the course of one of your hobbies (like a "did you know that..."), you will almost always get a "really?" which is your cue to get into the details of the hobby. Normies find unusual hobbies, and the story of how someone got good at that hobby, to be pretty fascinating. If all else fails, you can try weird icebreakers like their favourite X that no-one else knows about. It's like tricking them into making their own clickbait.

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She's probably getting abused at the moment and deserves every bit of it. Fuck that ho, move on and learn from this. Damaged goods aren't worth it.

no see this is Jow Forums, guys here hate women and attribute their one experience with a woman to every one of them

I know that, but I feel like a girl ought to have enough mental fortitude and discipline to do such basic things. I worry she wouldn't be fit to raise a child

>need to study for interviews
>tell gf that every day I need at least 1 to 2 hours to myself so I can get a better job
>she gets angry when I'm away for longer than an hour
>is angry with my current work because "that can't afford us a family!"
>gets angry when I explain that I need to study to get a better job
>gets angry if I fail an interview
Sometimes I just feel like telling her to get a fucking life, but I restrain because I'm all that's left for her.

>ugh like, no one gets their information from my news sources, and everyone is just, like so boring with like, no hobbies unlike my very eclectic selection! i just cant connect to anyone because im so much better than them!

It's tough, but I have found a couple redpilled people in my life, and I am trying to slowly redpill a few of my close friends. It's tough but you can do it, and it's the only way to make things better. Keep trying to find people, we have to build grass-route networks. It's the only way to fight.

While this is great for starting a conversation, it's impossible to build a friendship on something like that. Give it an hour or two and conversation topics dry up like the Sahara.

Nowhere did I say my choice of hobbies was "better", I'm just lamenting my inability to find people that share interests with me in the groups I currently socialize in (my gf's friends).

Once the connection starts, and they let you in on their own hobbies, you can start engaging each other on ways to hang out to share in what you do. I find relationships develop more through action than through conversation. Do that regularly enough, and boom. Friendship.

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Tried that as well user. People are just flakey and lazy. Maybe I'm an asshole or something, but I had a massive friend group back in university and the few years following. When I stopped drinking/smoking every night we went out, they stopped inviting me out.

I loved her and she's never loved me back

phd student here.
I am mostly broke, need to finish lots of papers
and I need to able to feed myself clean and lift
fuck it is hard

I love pursuing things but when i reach my goal or get what i wanted i lose interest in it immeadiatly. Why am I that retarded

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>tfw I hook up with randoms but all I wanted was her

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You're addicted to learning. Try learning something hard, it'll be rewarding.

going good, lifts and school are good. Went on a date with a qt and had sex with her after, I like her but talking to her is so hard over text. Like what do i talk to girls about? I'm so boring and I won't see her in person again for a few days.

Went on a date the other day, went surprisingly well. Didnt have sex but still went well. She even hit me up when i got back to my place and asked if i got home safe. Asked if i wanted to go out again this weekend. Said yeah and came uo with a time and place. Idk what to do like i would totally date her and would like that alot but i dont wanna be too shy and i also want to flirt better cuz honestly i draw a blank sometimes. Anyone ever been in this situation? Is it too early to try and get her in bed? Im not a virgin, have fucked atleast 8 girls but ive never been in a real relationship longer then a couple of months

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Keep pushing user, I believe in you brah

just get off this shithole and do something else instead and talk to her about it. just don't come here user.

Iam the dude who posted dali soon after. And that is exactly the case. I was broke and kind of ruined our friendship with this shit.

Trying man rn iam learning shit to get to medical school altough iam on STEM right now

You're not her father brah, she's not your responsibility. I know you care about her user but from a dispassionate third party, it sounds like she's dragging you down

You're probably right user, but honestly all I like to do is lift weights, go to church, study, and hang around with my friends

>Gym outright closed today
>Have to work for a few hours because grad student
>Spend rest of day cleaning apartment
>Make pasta because it's been in my pantry for a while and I thawed a couple pounds of ground beef out
>Now I feel fat as fuck
There's so much left. I'm not sure if I should throw it out or keep it because I'm a poor grad student. Fuck, today was horrible.

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>stopped lifting
>stopped proper diet
>gave two weeks to my employer
>bought a gun
This. This is making it bros.