Are you buff enough to survive prison and LARP as one of "them"?
Are you buff enough to survive prison and LARP as one of "them"?
nope. luckily my IQ is over 85 so i'll never go to prison.
>damn it feels good to be white.jpeg
what if you run over someone and end up in prison?
lol i live in the US we dont have chink laws here. if i ran over someone it wouldn't be my negligence
Hope you have a camera in your car my white friend or you are gonna swallow your words really hard.
Im actually a correctional officer in Canada. Inmates on average are like 140-160 pounds are a bitches.
i live in the midwest and have been driving for 2 decades im fine bro baka senpai
no but i'll survive another way
I will fucking beat the shit out of all those dudes. They’re lucky I’m a law abiding citizen or else I would choke them out for fun.
source pls
I’m an educated caucasian Christian in a rural community. I’ll only go to prison if I tour Alcatraz.
90% of Jow Forums is roiding so....
it's not exactly legal
I served in prison a few years so yeah.
I thought prisons would try to be as least Jow Forums as possible?
Not a subhuman so I'd never go to prison unless it was for some white collar crime. Even if I did go I have enough money that I could pay people to fuck off if it came to it. Doesn't really matter how buff you are when monkeys can gang up on you.
Story time
>90% of Jow Forums is roiding so....
could you imagine this cope
Did you get bashed
90% of Jow Forums has mever been inside a gym
Not true
More like 9%. Actually the ratio of roiders in a gym is probably higher in many gyms than on fit, if only cause half the people here don't lift
>my IQ is over 85
I think the hardest part of prison would be the rampant retardation, even more than the violence. grown ass men unironically buying into gang lore and unable to spell to save their life
it becomes even worse when they play the "i have seen the light and repented, now I'm going to be insufferably self-righteous and speak as a Disney old wise man and go back to school"
yeah congrats on learning 5th grade basics at 35
pretty sure having to listen to these brainlets would have me neck myself before i got a chance to get stabbed
I'm a twink. If I go to prison I'm over.
My natural leader aura will save my hide no doubt
Prisoners aren't really buff, they're pumped up skinnyfats most of the time
Look at the pic you posted, they're like 20+% bodyfat each
Don't pull that Reddit shit here