What is the strongest living organism?

What's the strongest living organism? I think ants have gotta be pretty fuckin strong, they can lift 50 times their bodyweight.

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Yujiro is the strongest creature

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if we include bacteria, it's gonorrhea. if we're just talking animals, i remember being told in school as a kid that frogs were relatively stronger than ants

Strongest living organism is my cock when its rock haerd ready to be fucked ready to get sucked tivht virgins suck me deep deep deep deep down their hot holes fuck yea

Dung beetle. They live off poop so there's your secret to becoming the strongest human to ever live.

it's gotta be the rhino beetle, they some strong boys

the one who stays natty

>im too pussy to roid so everyone else should stay natty too

Grow up

strength is the ability to produce force. The strongest organism is the one that can lift the most weight, not the most relative weight.

Blue whale then? Or African elephant because living in the water is cheating?

Some whale or one of those huge 1000 year old trees that can break through any slab of rock

Larry wheels post injury will be

The human coping mechanic

Ascended Eldritch Giga Chad

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Pistol Shrimp punch with enough force underwater that they create a cavitation bubble (vaporize water)

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Why gonnorhea? Resistance?

> Be tardigrade
> Able to survive conditions hazardous to all other forms of life
> Relentlessly mog the oxygenlets who die if you turn up the heat 100 degrees

Tardigrades are the ultimate life form

Enjoy dying at 30

That's retarded

Ants have very little mass compared to humans and are therefore less affected by gravity. I'm much stronger than an ant

Fucking ant, stop antposting and cuck for your queen
Fucking drone gtfo

have sex incel larper

Ok I think I have it. If we're talking total weight moved irrespective of time (power), then it would have to be the largest living organism, right? The humongous fungus in oregon is a single Armillaria ostoyae covering 3.4 square miles. Maybe a single fruiting body could only lift a few leaves, but imagine over three square miles of them combined! Not to mention the entire network of mycorrhizae underground, all worming their way into rocks and eventually splitting the earth itself.

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Mirin those Lats

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I think this is actually right

This is retarded. Strength can't be "irrespective of time". Strength is force, which is a vector quantity that takes into account time because it uses acceleration.

Except weight is also force. A skyscraper extorts a lot of force on the ground, but it's not strong, and the force certainly is irrespective of time despite there being time in the definition of acceleration

look at this dude he can rip your face off
anyone try dmt btw?

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>can't lift for shit
lmao what's life if you can't lift lots of heavy objects
the tardigrade is the ultimate dyel imprisoned on earth to watch chads lift things whilst not being able to die
it's hell on earth

the hero shrew

Skyscrapers are strong as fuck, but they're not alive.

And mycelium doesnt break rocks through force, it secretes an acididc cimpound. Fungus BTFO

Indians are generally weak though.

fucking aspergers

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