Sleep 8 hours a day

>sleep 8 hours a day
>work 10 hours a day (including commute)
>cook/eat 2 hours a day
>class 3 hours a day (part time uni)
>1 hour left for miscellaneous (showering, socializing, etc)
How the fuck do you go to the gym without being a NEET? It seems like they're living the dream.

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why do you work so far away?
cooking does not take 2 hours also you're not factoring in your lunch at work.
Everything about this is exaggerated

I find it hard to believe you work and go to class 7 days a week

Work time includes commute and breaks.
Not everybody has McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner user.
Weekends is when you can actually do things around the house (clean, yardwork, etc) which often takes up the whole weekend. Or you just want to sleep in from being exhausted from the prior week.

Nothing is exaggerated.

>Not everybody has McDonalds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner user.
Not him, but I spend maybe 30mins eating/cooking each day, 3 hours on Sunday. I make all my meals.

Spending 2hrs a day on food is just mind boggling waste of time

It's simple. You sleep ~7 hours, Work 8.5 hours, including commute, because why the fuck are you putting up with an hour long commute?

Cook/eat for 40 minutes, because 2/3 meals at work.

That leaves you with around 5 hours for other shit and the gym doubles up as socializing.

8 hours of sleep is cool but overrated. Others will disagree but everyone's needs are different. Try 7 and try an hour of gym in the morning first. You don't have a gym at work you can just work out at while clocked in? Wouldn't have to work as hard either lol. I don't know how you have this little time remaining in your day it seems exaggerated for sure or you'd have literally no social life. An hour total for socializing is just dumb nobody hangs out for only 60 minutes and leaves. You can't even have friends that way. What the fuck do you do for fun?

Based. Also like this guy said eat your fuckin meals at work. Breakfast when you arrive there and lunch at lunchtime or whenever you take it.

>10 minutes cooking per meal
Microwaving isn't cooking, anons.

Checked and based.

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Not sure if stupid or troll.

He is obviously implying he preps all his meals on Sunday. How he heats up his meals, or even if he does, isn't mentioned. Doesn't matter anyway b/c even popping something in the oven to heat up takes basically no time.

He said eat 2 or 3 meals at work, leaving 40mins to have 1 or 2 meals at home. That's 20 or 40min per meal. Not 10.

Work full-time overnights, 9hours including commute. After work college in the day for 5-6 hours. 2 hours at the gym.
It's not uncommon for me to leave 930pm and get home 4pm the next day. The key is to get used to functioning on little sleep. 3-4 hours a day. And mealprep/portion everything out on your days off.

I know youre not exaagerating. I work 10 hour shifts 5 or 6 days per week. Not including commute. After the gym often I will have less than 2 hours to shower and cook and eat before laying down get my 7 hours of sleep. I have no social life and my girlfriend wont cook or clean so its up to me to do all the shit required to no live in fucking squalor. Most of the time as soon as i get off work, i go to the gym and do some more work, come home and do some more work, and sleep, so i can work some more the next day.

This is not the life for me.

Working full time and going to school is a huge time commitment but a temporary one.

Not everybody can eat at work. Most people have to work at work.

Dont sleep 8 hours what are you 9?

You're a retard that is just putting up obstacles as excuses. You can meal prep on a Sunday for 2hours and then you're saving 2 hours a day.

It's amazing how someone that whines about how awful a part their life is and asks for help manages to be condescending towards the people sharing how they overcame the same problems.

Just sleep less. That's what I did when I was in college and had to work full time. 4 hours a days sounds like it's will be hell, but you get used to it.

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you suck at managing time.
Listen to podcasts you are interested in during commute.
You can watch stuff you are interested in during cooking/eating, also, cut down on your fucking cooking time jesus christ. It takes me 30 or so minutes to make fish mushroom and leek rissotto, and I eat that for ~3 days, what the fuck are you spending 2 hours a day on cooking.
Also, not hving to do uni part time doesnt mean you are a NEET, it means you did uni before going to work, which is what most people do, so usually people that schedule well have about 3-4 more hours free a day than you

Every scientific literature disagree with your implication.
Maybe you abound sleep more so your brain actually works and you don’t have to make retarded statements like that

I appreciate that you re hard working, but sleeping that little is worse than smoking a pack a day, you will get a heart attack in your late 40's most likely if you keep that up.

If you commute by a bus or a train just do push-ups and pull-ups along the way.

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Nah just take coke every day, you’ll perform easily.
Completely fucks you and your brain up but who cares right? Godda he hardcore lol

What do you work as

Overnight oats take whole 2 minutes to prepare.

>Work 6-15h
>Commute 2h
>Gym 3h 3 days a week (thinking of going 4-5 days because I am tired of seeing no result except on DL and squats)
>Don’t Sleep
>Slam back 1g caffeine min a day
>Cook all meals during weekend except breakfast (I have eggs and over night oats done on the weekend)

you get a homegym and then do 1-2 exercises per day and maybe a full workout on the weekend.

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By having normal job. I work from 7-3, commute is 15 minutes, gym 1.5-2 hours at most. Cleaning and cooking take an hour at most all together + shopping.

You will die before 50 bro, its not worth it

Imagine living like a literal slave and bragging about it

>eating for 2 hours



Just fucking do sit ups and pushups while monitoring your food you fucking retard how is this hard

It's only until I'm done college. Life sucks when you live alone and student loans barely cover your tution. I figured my body can handle a few years of this; the other option was spend 5+ years saving up then 2-4 years of schooling after that but I already waited this long to start getting my shitty life together and didn't want to wait longer. Plus I was balls deep into school when I found out I'd have to work to get by.
Stock shelves at Walmart (Canada), mostly pet department slinging around 50lb bags of food and litter all night
Unless you live in Russia or some shit you should get breaks. 2 paid 15 minute breaks and a 30 or 60 minute unpaid lunch. Plenty of time to scarf down some food, unless you have the stomach of a 5 year old.

Maybe don't be a pussy? I did 5 classes, gymmed, and worked a tech job at the same time.

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Start by sleeping 6 hours and working 8 hours like a normal fucking person, that's an extra 4 a day already

>Start by sleeping 6 hours
I can tell you don't lift.

just be a neet lmao

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I can fell you're a lazy fatfuck with shit recovery

>not sleeping big to get big
lmaoing at you

Sorry bro, but this one isn't debatable. If you lift heavy you can't keep going on 6 hours of sleep per night. If anything, it'll fuck your health up long term. Cutting on sleep is the one thing you absolutely shouldn't do.

>sleep 8-9 hours a day
>work 9 hours a day (including commute)
>1 hour to eat and go to computer for a while
>2-3 hours at the gym
>1 hour eating, showering, etc
>1-3 hours of chill
That's my typical day. The thing is I love they gym so I keep that as my daily priority and look forward to it every day.

>got remote working contract so I can browse Jow Forums at home instead of commuting
>8h a day working and shitposting
>cook/eat 2 hours
>sleep 8 hours
>still 6 hours to furiously masturbate / drink alcohol, wander in the forest or all at the same time.

I'm not a neet and I still have time to work out 2h every day and socialize/do other shit for at least 6h. Get a better job user

Up at 6:00 - take dog for walk
Shower, dress, on train to work by 7:15
In office for 8:00
Work through to 4:30-5:00 at desk
Home by 6:00
Walk dog, make lunch for the next day
7:00 make dinner, eat dinner with wife. Clean and wash up.
8:00 last pee break with dog
8:30 Single episode of TV
9:30 bed

I feel like I can squeeze in 30 mins for a run but getting up any earlier would be tough.
I'm too tired at the end of the day to do any exercise and I'm skinny fat getting fatter.

Any tips? I've got a son on the way and I'm not ready for dadbod. Work is hard but rewarding and my career is good for the first time in forever. Dog is old and sick so requires a lot of care.

There are some easy ways to keep at least a level of fitness going on without spending time. 5-10 minutes in the morning before you shower of push ups, squats and planks, for example. A 15-30 minute run before dinner. Couple of max rep pull ups here and there. 15 minutes of light exercise before you go to sleep. Even if you cant afford going to the gym or making a routine, there's habits that can get you to at least preserve some fitness.

Do a three day full body program on wednesdays, friday evenings and sunday mornings. Sleep 6 hrs on wednesday nights and sleep in saturday and go to bed early sunday (or whenever you are off work). You have to make the time if fitness is important to you, user.

Only actual NEETs and rich people have the time to go to the gym every day and body build.
Your average human bean can workout at home by lifting dumbbells or using an excercise video for maybe 15-30 minutes twice a week
You don't actually need to excercise anymore than that to look good but half of this board are fat NEETs who only talk about excercise and never actually do it so they wouldn't know

>without being a NEET?
There's a wide stretch between 10 hours of work PLUS 3 hours of college studies and being a NEET. Most people are not juggling as much as you do.

I work a standard 9-5 5 days a week. I train 3 times a week, and so I'll train friday evening after work, sunday, and then tuesday. That way there is only ever a single workout per week where it's between two days of work.
I also have a home gym, not just because it's far cheaper in the long run, but because it saves time because no commute.

Also an hour each way for commute is rough. Fuck that, I'd move closer or get a different job.

>cook/eat 2 hours a day
Mealprep on sundays. Don't listen to /ck/. Freeze meals for Wednesday to Friday.

Can you go in the morning before work?

Not him but my commute in the morning is 15 minutes max and going home takes almost an hour because of our spic and poo infestation. That hour of sitting doing nothing really takes the wind out of your sails

t. new yorker

1 hour commute for the inflated inner city salaries whilst living in low cost satellite town