A single exercise that can turn you from virgin into chad

>a single exercise that can turn you from virgin into chad

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guess ill see you guys at page 10


everyday is side delt day

thats not the bench press

It made my shoulders wider after I added it to my routine. Other exercises weren't working them properly. Started at 12lbs. Up to 25 now. Step by step.

>a single exercise that can turn you from virgin into chad
You talking about beating off?

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>Started at 12lbs. Up to 25 now

How? 10lbs is hard for me and gym has no weights that go up by a little next jump is 15lb

Would you add these to your push day or pull day?

your gym have cables?

until you got shoulder impingement

That's pretty terrible. Even as a DYEL I do them with 8 kg.

But anyway, everyone has to start somewhere. Lots of reps at lower weight will eventually translate into a few reps of higher weight. You can also cheat a bit by using some momentum on the upswing and then bring them back down very slowly and under control.

Also, lean forward (you will need to bring one foot in front and one behind to maintain balance), bend your elbows slightly, and keep your thumbs towards the ceiling in order to hit the middle of the deltoids without straining your rotators.

can't you fix this by bending your elbow a minor bit, so that your hand/dumbbell isn't directly to the side of you

Pull obviously, what would you be pushing?

these are good
but don't make the mistake of doing them the old school bodybuilder way (the "pouring a jug of milk" method)
keep the dumbbells level/horizontal

>Lots of reps at lower weight will eventually translate into a few reps of higher weight
IMO bad idea, your side delts are a tiny muscle and can take a fucking beating in volume.

When I first started I ran against a wall after newbie gains at 10kg for 3x8. I switched all the way back down to 6kg for 6x17 and worked my way up over 2 months to 9kg for 6x17. My gains over that period were insane, I had got fitted for a new suit jacket in march and ended up having to swap it back in for a larger size 2 months later.

Basically all good programs involving side delt work will program in very high volume.

thanks jeff

Whole point of push/pull is to work all the muscles that you're doing in your compound movements on one day so interference with workouts on other days due to tiredness is minimised. Lateral raises aren't strictly a pushing motion, but its worked in the overhead press and most other movements that work the front delt. If you do the lateral raise on your pull day after/before your push day then it will hinder your performance on the lateral raise/overhead press because you haven't given time to recover.

>internal rotation
never gonna make it

Just make sure to keep perfect form or say goodbye to your shoulder ligaments.

Aren’t you technically pushing upwards?



friendly reminder that no muscle is capable of pushing

What are you pushing in overhead pr-
Depends on the angle of your back
If you're leaning forwards a lot, it hits your rear delts and back more, so pull. Otherwise push.

Tbh I would just do them thrice a week and not care about the day

I did that today with my bowflex dumbells set at 70lbs

Is that good or what. I have social anxiety so i dont know gyms. Also i am a board tourist.

Are scooby's side raises a good alternative? Lat raises are killing me every time.

>70 lbs. lateral raises
No you didn’t.

lmao i dont do this one
my shoulders are naturally wide enough

boxflex user. pulleys.

I wish I could do this exercise so fucking badly but I literally can't do any weightlifting that involves movements over the head or to the sides like this. Even bent over rows cause my neck extreme pain. I basically can't do 50% of exercises. I'm 26 years old and supposed to be in the prime of my life and my body feels fucking broken. It's not muscular pain, it's shit deep inside.

The doctors say its "just tendinitis." My whole body is falling apart. I want to fucking die. I'm not sure life is worth living with this pain. I hate my life.

I just wish I could do something as simple as OP's pic without feeling like I'm breaking down. I thought doing it with 2 lb weights with higher reps might rehab my body to the process. By the time I'm on rep five the pain is radiating from the base of my neck all the way up the back of my head. I'm a genetic waste and I want to die.


Yes the dumbbells

I also do kendo if that.makes it believae

Hate this exercise. It's boring and makes my shoulders pop, but I might start doing them for possible OHP carryover

Its not suppose to make your shoulder pop

Stick your chest out more when you do it next time. Your shoulder r prob rotated from trying to hide your DYEL bod

They do them without keeping their arms straight.
It's called torque.
The further away a weight is from the centre of mass, the heavier it is.
Conversely since he's lifting it with his arms bent he's only actually lifting 7.5lbs.

I overhead lmpress 103kg and Z-press 96kg. I'm in no way dyel, but lateral raises always make my shoulders pop no matter what adjustments I try to make

mine is 70%

I messed up my shoulders doing this.

See a physical therapist and get on a recovery program.

Stop weightlifting and do yoga.

1 or 2 classes a week then practice by yourself everyday,

After 6 months you will do any gym exercise with perfect form without injuring urself.

Saw a PT it didn't do shit

I'll give it a try.

Fuck off with your meme acronyms you zoomer piece of shit. No one with a shred of self worth would ever unironically say that. Lurk more, retard.

Reminder not to point your thumbs downward to the ground when doing this

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See a different physical therapist. Some of worthless, some are more helpful than any doctor treating this kind of injury.

unironically deadlifts

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I did them on push

the prime of your life was 6 years ago

t. another 27yo boomer

Bad form.

Nearly no one does lat raises properly. The lean forward, swing or pull any number of bullshit.

This is only an issue with heavier weights.

Does it make any difference if i do them one arm at the time? i can raise more weight doing like this

also i do them in cables and dumbbels super set

I can just never be bothered to do any of these shitty little exercises at the ends of my workouts. "oh sure I'm totally going to those facepulls and lateral raises and planks at the end of my workout this time, for real!" Yeah, see ya there.

Based kendo bro. I only joined my college team in september but it's great

im at 25 lbs of this and its fucking amazing, i love doing this exercise

>Would you add these to your push day or pull day?

every lifting day is side delt day. You have to hit those fuckers a minimum of 4 times a week. same goes for rear delts

High rep squats.
Weighted pull ups.

kys you weak pussy. How about stop complaining about imaginary pain and actually lift you fucking D Y E L

Why not train the same with all weight

You’ll get through it man. There are solutions for these problems even if they are hard to find.

Honestly, how I would start is buy a few different books on neck pain. Strengthen your neck muscles with simple exercises that are recommended by an expert in the field. You can conquer this problem if you set your mind to it.

I had pretty debilitating knee pain for awhile and I’m only 25. I got through it, man. I squat like a monster now. I bought several different self-help knee books and combined all the knowledge into a personalized program. You can do it too bud

Btw, almost killed my self 6 years ago because of low self esteem. I brought myself back from the edge and now have a wife and family that I’m proud of. Don’t give up

bros don't forget to hold the to pose as long as you can on your last rep. the results may blow your mind and your shoulders

*t pose

Every situation is different and I can't speak to yours, but I started lifting at 23 and took to it like a fish to water. However, about a year and a half in or so, I completely snapped up my fucking back because I got greedy trying to get that final rep of a deadlift 5RM in. Nailed it, but one side gave out and I took a one-way ticket to snap city. Worst pain I've ever felt in my life.

But I didn't let that stop me. Even though I was literally dragging myself along the floor with my hands in my apartment for the next few days, I still slowly recovered. Eventually I was able to start doing light exercises and variations that put less strain on my back. Then I got really good at them and doing heavy weight. And even then I was eventually able to switch back to my conventional lifts like back squats and deadlifts.

I'm now 27 and while I've had my ups and downs since then, I now lift more weight than ever before, doing recently finishing out 2/3/4/5.
Never give up.

OP said Chad, not gymcel

>mfw I can only do these at 10lbs for 10 reps, 4 sets
>mfw 1 pound heavier and I severely sacrifice rep count
I hear anons claiming they do 40lbs and such all the time. Are those guys lying or are my shoulders just fucked up?

>claiming they do 40lbs and such all the time.
they're lying or they're not getting any proper benefit from it

Post body.

great job user!

Neck curl / some other neck excercise that works for you.

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This is just a tensed up, veiny neck. And it looks nasty

Okay brah

I probably have wider shoulders than him after half a year of working out, feels good man.

yea but hes natty you piece of shit roider

Bowflex makes adjustable dumbells, brainlet.

shoulder width is basically entirely genetics. Yeah, technically working out your lateral delts might add a couple cms at best, but that doesn't change your actual shoulder girdle and how far apart your arms are. It's sort of like gelling your hair straight-up and thinking that makes you look taller.

The only actual gains anyone can make in terms of their shoulder span is due to postural changes. Many people have shit posture and are all hunched over, and this make shoulders look narrower than they really are. But after working out your back/core/etc you'll have a more upright posture, your scapulae will be properly pulled back, and your shoulders will feel raised up on top of your lats, making your shoulders look wider.

it works wonders for shoulders - I had it in my routine since I started working out and shoulders were the first change girls started noticing on me

How does gymcel even make sense as a term?
It should imply abstaining from the gym.

No no, it means that they're celibate (sexually inactive) because they spend too much time at the gym.

you mean having a personality????

Lateral raises are an exercise that's drastically impacted by lever arm lengths. Weight is borderline meaningless and technique also drastically impacts the resistance. If you keep your arms perfectly straight and have long arms you're effectively moving many orders or magnitude more resistance than a person with shorter and or even slightly bent arms. I see many dudes with short arms slightly belt elbows doing these with heavy weights and momentum and you're moving much less weight than the guy with long and straight arms using controlled movements with 10 lbs dbs.

Yeah if you already have normal shoulder width. I'm at 9.5kg and my shoulders grew significantly but I still look like a scrawny faggot. Will I ever look big? Probably not, because I'm a framelet with narrow shoulders, I can look normal at best. Shoulder circumference is 125cm is that bad? What's a good number and what would be considered big?

>2019 and doing side laterals
this is a better exercise in every way. it's safer for your shoulders and works far more musculature. it also targets the lateral delts. and the best thing about it is you can easily add a 'T' and 'W' in while doing them to work the rotators and rear delts.

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Maybe it is really just the posture, but I do think your shoulders get wider from working out your back, although I have no idea how that would work. For example I see how much my shoulders overlap on the sides of my car seat compared to before and I definitely got wider.
Maybe if you work out before growing to your full height, your body grows more into width than in height, but there is obviously no scientific proof for that.
Markus Rühl is an example of clearly getting a larger frame through training/growing up?
This is him at 18.

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125 is probably wider than jeffs shoulders, hes like 5´7 or 5`8 for reference.

>pic related isn't facepulls

He says 5'11"

No he doesn't. He says in a video he is 5'8.

In the video where they measured him he's 5'10

Well, yes pushing it backwards aka pulling

*shoves you over*
how's that for a push you little faggot!

I thought that certain movement patterns like in OHP and swimming actually help increase your shoulder girdle?

Surely it depends on your height and weight? A 6’2” 230lbs bloke would find 8kg pathetic for sure

You are 85% likely doing it with shitty form.
This exercise is not supposed to be done with high weight, you should play with the volume more.

No retard. think of your muscle as contracting aka PULLING the weight upward.

Do cable lateral raises give less gains/results? i really have using dumbbells for this exercise

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Literally one of my favorite exercises. Builds the neck, traps, as well as posterior delts.

Almost up to 40x5 with them.

Lateral Raises
Bicep Curls
Neck Curls
Overhead Tricep Extensions
Wrist Roller
Trap Bar Deadlift

I deeply regret reading this post

Redpill me on behind the neck ohp

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this was actually the exercise every chad i knew would tell me to do. and when i did, it would blow my traps and shoulders up and i'd be mired