Whomst does thy lift for?
Whomst does thy lift for?
Mai waifu, whomst I affectionately call 'Lancia'.
i want to rim her ass so badly...actually im a ped teacher so i have qt girls left and right but i dont want to risk my job if i make a move, but damn i want to rim those little butts badly
they love my big guns tho
Have sex Unironicly
Who do you lift for?
imagine grabbing her ass
Myself because I’m not a fat Incel who copes with loneliness with make believe girlfriends
Grow up and talk to real women so you can
>Myself because I’m not a fat Incel who copes with loneliness with make believe girlfriends
And how far has that taken you?
Height and weight?
Why, for tomboys it is indeed
Based, and dare I say, redpilled as well
>he takes these threads seriously
Well my good fellow, that’s gonna have to be a yikes from me
what ?
>mass reply
>low effort
He just wants easy (You)s.
>haha im not a loser it just a joke haha please believe me h-haha
>p-post body
Every waifucel who posted theirs was fat
Cope harder
I imagine shes shouting at me at calling me pathetic as i lift, and then i imagine walking home with her and holding her hand as we walk home from the gym in a happy silence with only some teasing.
>>mass reply
>>low effort
>He just wants easy (You)s.
Forgot to add pic
NIce try, but I didn't ask you to post body, though you're clearly insecure about it.
I asked for stats, height, and weight.
Go ahead, enlighten me.
The power of 'lifting for myself' should surely be stronger than any waifu-fag, right?
>n-no, I’m not an idiot, a-and I definitely h-have a big p-penis
I lift so my mom can be happy :)
Remi of course
>I am over 15 years old but I still watch cartoons
Having a waifu is a coping mechanism for incels who can’t get a gf
(Try to) debunk this
C'mon user.
It doesn't take 20 minutes to type out what your stats, height, and weight are.
Why are you trying to run out the clock so the thread gets pruned?
Saving yourself from embarrassment?
I train for my sensei, who first taught me the ways of... the blade
I would but unfortunately I'm 3D
Post yours
No dude u dont understand i love anime 2D>3D for life fuck "real" women my waifu loves me and I love her she is real and japanese culture is better than western trash haha also fuck white people
my internet trap bf
6'2 235 lbs
Behold my upper to lower imbalance.
Don't be ashamed to post yours now.
>imagine being a 3D cuck
post gf, dream roastie so we can all have a laugh, bonus points for "wife"
She’ll always be in your head 6’0 175 2pl8 bench 3pl8 squat 1pl8 curl
Doesn’t really change my point, a everyone who posted theirs in the last one looked awful, even the guys mocking them
>>imagine being a 3D cuck
>post gf, dream roastie so we can all have a laugh, bonus points for "wife"
unironically post body
Says the beginner lol.
You can't 'mock' people who are stronger than you.
Get your weight up, and I'm talking about the weight on the bar.
Is this the body I’ll get for lifting for my waifu?
> The based Lancia poster
my hero
Sorry bub but fat powershitters are gross
I guess there's an argument to be made in the fact that she's not real and it's fantasy but striving for perfection is what forges exceptional people.
I believe that as long as you don't take it to extremes having a waifu that inspires you and makes you push to become a better person everyday will protect you from trusting """women""", I think even if you go through a shaky breakup or divorce, having that special someone always being there for you gives you an advantage. Basically 3D are for carrying your seed and emptying your balls, 2D is for love and soul.
I absolutly mire your dedication and body lancia-poster, keep on
Any stat claim is meaningless until you post body w/ timestamp, go ahead fatty, show us your fat rolls
Your novice-to-intermediate body is gross, which is why you refuse to post it.
Thanks, my brothers.
i lift to look good in clothes
She’s whatever you want her to be because she’s not real
Thank god I left anime behind before I became like you
You’ve got to be at least 25%bf for your lifts to matter
Look through the archives, it’s not pretty
don't fiddle kids dude. a short bit of pleasure for you can fuck up their mental state entirely for the rest of their lives, or worse, it could turn them gay
>frogposter thinks he can bait me into posting body for the 30th time
>won't even post his own stats, fake or not
post body
>>frogposter thinks he can bait me into posting body for the 30th time
>>won't even post his own stats, fake or not
Top kek, an untrained Australian.
Not exactly what I had in mind, but it fits Jow Forums's core principle of being dyel.
Taking a big stinky protein shit, recovering strength trainer and post yours
What did you need the protein for?
You clearly didn't work out.
Or did you?
I took the picture while dropping my adopted African kids off at school
Did you not see the toilet?
No where’s your body
Mai waifu of over ten years.
Unironically, do you even lift?
I'm asking what you needed protein for.
You don't have any definition on your body so I'm wondering why you would need to supplement with protons.
I fell for the strength training meme unfortunately and am bad at taking pictures
I posted mine with a shit angle waka waka
Didn’t you say you can’t mock people if you don’t post your own body or something like that
You posted your dyel body.
That doesn't even count.
Show us what a real lifter such as your self should look like by all means
lmao, just get a waifu bro, your gains will skyrocket
You're living proof that roasties don't work
Your shrine and vr chat simulator shits are gonna cost more than any real gold digger
I don’t even hate anime, I’m not that lonely
>lifting for a 3d hole who doesn’t even know you exist
So that one day, someone on this planet might notice me.