Can I make it?
>be me
>now homeless living in homeless shelters
>mom died 2 years ago from cancer
>father was abusive piece of shit also dead
>20 yr
>5"11 (yeah fuck you)
>wanted to study art but was rejected twice( yes I want to paint so you can go fuck your concept of useless college degrees)
>still make art for some dollars
>never been in the gym
Is there ANY hope for me ?
Can I still make it?
Can I make it?
if you can afford proper nutrition (doesn't have to be "healthy" just enough protein & calories everyday) and a gym membership there's nothing stopping you
I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to make it
Get a real job you pathetic loser
I can`t u cunt. I still want to make art.
Hahaaaa fuck you you entitled little piece of shit faggot
I broke my back working twelve hour shifts while making art and lifting, sleeping between 3-6 hours a night
You can fuck right off with your attitude, you fucking child
You sound like Hitler with the art thing
U dont know my life.
I'm so sorry bro
hey thats fitness related
fuck u
Unironically read mein kampf
Kys faggot
This feels familiar... are you German? Have you tried the army?
Can't you live in a hobbit hole with your kind?
I guess homeless shelters are pretty rife with addicts, must be tough.
>wanted to study art
>Is there ANY hope for me ?
No you fucking faggot. If this is how you think then no wonder you've become some destitute paintbrush hobo. Next you'll be posting that you've been sucking dick for art supplies.
You won't make a living by painting, bucko.
Get a real job and paint in your spare time.
Or don't and keep being a hobo with an attitude, you do you.
you're gonna make it bra
Are you that user from Jow Forums who is homeless and posts from McDonalds with 300$ left to buy crack and booze?
As someone who wanted to be an artist and went to university to study art, I can say that was the worst decision of my life. Completely useless degree, didn't even teach me any skills. College art courses are 100% bullshitting about conceptual art and wankery. Just go over to /ic/ and fucking teach yourself. You will get way better skills than the wankers that waste their money and you can lord it over them with your authentic homeless street-cred (would be even better if you were female or black*, but maybe one day manlets will be a cool minority**).
My local homeless shelter apparently has a pretty decent gym (I run mental health support groups, know a schizo crack addict who is pretty ripped), don't know what yours is like. Regardless, you don't actually need equipment to make it. Bronson made it mostly locked in a cell. Bodyweight and running is fine. A gym mostly provides a space full of people to encourage the right mindset, but with enough will (or a decent support network... hit up some churches, charities, etc. and make friends with positive people) you don't need that.
Whey doesn't need cooking and is affordable if you buy in bulk. If you get enough whey, you can make up the rest of your calories with cheap carbs (bread if you have no facilities, oats if you have a microwave) and whatever vegetables you can find cheap.
If you ever make it, publish a book about your hobo diet / routine. People love that kind of human interest shit.
* dad being abusive implies he was around, so I'm guessing you aren't.
** just kidding, everyone will always hate us.
This. Although you should focus on making money first, just do short sessions of under 1 hour 2 times a week.