Jow Forums humor

Attached: princess.png (1253x861, 757K)

I don't get it

did you post the wrong image you faggot or what's the punchline?

Are you gonna cum princess?

sad and pathetic attempt at self-promotion


Attached: 1562220437023.png (1151x801, 454K)

Do not follow this attention whoring twat on instagram. Fuck off.

The standard is so low, what is this thot talking about

her eyes loom like there are only about 4 brain cells behind them and they are running out of oxygen

I can't live on knowing she will never be my wife HHHAAAAAA

Attached: 1509731792345.png (500x365, 136K)


She's not catholic.

Attached: 1562220405091.png (1204x805, 838K)

>"Happy 4th of July :)"
>Whoreshot of herself
You don't get it because there's no joke. It's just the solipsistic nature of femoids on display.

And this is why the
>dude, just go for a nice church girl
retards are just that: retards.

Attached: 1479057437214.png (1281x1113, 1.4M)

you're really dumb because you make a claim and then post a picture in which your claim is instantly refuted
really big dummy

>No... are you?


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posting classics

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What a disaster of a thread.

Shouldn’t have laughed but did

Imagine really spending time to get mad at a girl on instagram

Go outside sometime.

Op needs to have some sex

Don;t get this whore at all. I'm Polish, and trust me when I say, slavic bitches like that age like absolute crap. She's a babushka in the making.

>so i have to do presentation for class
>awkward as ****
>start working out
>not so awkward
>zyzz is my inspiration
>presentation again
>just keep telling myself "i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
>get confident
>my turn
>I get up there
>start shaking uncontrollably
>start telling myself "i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
>teacher says I can start anytime
>I start off with "i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
>At this point I'm so nervous I blackout
>"i'm fawkin zeez bruh"
>repeat at least 4 more times
>look around the room, people are saying "why does he keep saying that?"
>girls start laughing
>I pass out
>hit head on the corner of teacher's desk
>minor concussion
>teacher thinks I was on drugs
>classmates call my zeezprah
>nickname eventually turns into zebra
> I haven't heard my real name in months
>haven't been this depressed since high school

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whats wrong with the pose?

Why post the pasta and not the original screen cap?

Don't have the original on this device.

Read the text under the picture. There's nothing wrong with the pose.

Attached: fit-gyno.jpg (751x2708, 272K)

Is it true babushkas take it up the butt a lot?

god what is it with dumb cunts who want to sound smart that every time they can get their head around a word people dont use very often, the end up using it fucking constantly. this is like the fifth time in the past couple days ive seen someone bring up solipsism on Jow Forums. fucking sheep.

this is what 4 years of training looks like

Nothing, that's the point. He's just some random dude standing there with a hand on his hip

Someone put glowing laser eyes on him

rethink your entire life

ever since that one guy posted that it looks like the dude is wearing a headset because of the latpulldown bar, and the thumbnail looks like she is wearing a gaming headset, I cannot unsee this shit.

I legit used to think he was wearing a headset until I saw that post and realised it was the bar

Same, I thought he was some sort of trainer getting ready for an aerobics class or something.

Is that the chimp himself?

I watched one of her "workout vlogs" and it was 10 minutes of her talking about makeup and then she did one set of diamond pushups with terrible form and a 15 second plank before she said her camera battery died

Low iq non /fitlit/ bets orbiter spotted

Women once again proving that they are a meme

based linux mint user

Attached: 1549253406558.jpg (763x543, 80K)


Attached: Bard of Gains.jpg (520x710, 404K)

They did the mash... they did the monster mash

Legit miring that absolute UNIT on the right.

>tfw you will never be a 6'6"+ Scandinavian hambeast powerlifter
>tfw you will never descend from viking raiders who raped and pillaged all of Europe with ease

y even liv

i was in that thread yesterday
Praise be to the Bard of Gains

How do i achieve that body type? I have the height but my hands are probably smaller than middle guy's. Is it just giant genetics or can powerlifting give anyone with the height that form with enough work?
Do hands get gains?

Praise be to the bard of gains.
I might be able to Bench more than lmao 1pl8

solid GET your bardship

>people thankingz im no catholickk(muhtitsxD)
>I tred body like spiridual temble
Heretic, burn the Witch at the stake.

Seriously, we just need to start stabbing thots like this.

Praise be to the bard of gains

>4 years of training

Yes hands get gains. Working them hard and using them a lot will make them thicker. The large amounts of HGH they probably have naturally, and taken artificially will contribute too though

>we wuz vikangz
Anyone who rates the scandinavians for anything other than their exploration and ship technology for the time is an absolute brainlet

Lel the snowniggers checked the christcucks when they were getting weak. Thus prompting the christies to further militarize

Praise be to the bard of gains

Praise be to the bard of gains

Praise be to the Bard of Gains, please help me make it through this cut without becoming a weak bitch

vikings were 5'5"

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

bro i been seeing that word since like 2014

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Praise to the bard of gains

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Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Praise be to the bard of gains

Attached: utj3m8hi60v11.jpg (1242x902, 66K)

>Local thot harasses gym conductor

2 wars?! We're in 2 WARS?!

Found the retard

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 48K)

Praise be to the Bard of Gains


Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Attached: 1562253289279.webm (960x1200, 1.95M)

"did you cum yet princess?"

the fuck is this, the hangmans gains, noose tier natty?

Praise be to the bard of gains

Attached: 1562058550860.png (762x436, 145K)

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Is that a suicide attempt and those are his death throws?

Attached: 1555904536880.png (322x503, 131K)

>not hanging yourself to get near death focus and increase gains
never gonna make it.

holy yumm

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Praide be to the Bard of Gains

Attached: 1562347533475.jpg (1024x769, 190K)

Fucking shit typo
Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

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Praise be to the Bard of Gains


an user in the thread yesterday said it might be some kind of scoliosis therapy, actually posted a webm of a young kid doing the same in a doctors office

Praise be to the bard of gains

Praise be to the bard of gains

Praise be to the Bard of Gains

What is supposed to be wrong or humorous about this pic? Literally just a thot flexing on insta like millions of gymbros. You don't need a flag to comment happy 4th lol