Is there a point in using clips when bench pressing?
Is there a point in using clips when bench pressing?
I never use clips on anything I do
Yeah to stop the weights from sliding
I'm autistic so I literally cannot stand the feeling of the weights shifting around, even a TINY bit. Even more autistic is that I need the same exact clips on each side.
the clips just helps eases my mind off and focuses entirely on the lift.
Why are you holding the bar sideways then you utter mong
Depends on what you've got racked up I guess/comfort level with the weight you're pressing.
It is theoretically safer for you to use no clips, so that if you were to fail and get stuck under the barbell, you could just tip one side to remove the weight, thus freeing yourself.
If you have a spotter, you shouldn't need to worry about getting stuck, so just do what makes you feel comfortable
I don't. I can keep it straight without, and I need the security that I can slide them off if I need to in a pinch... even if that only happens twice in a blue moon.
yea, same.
there's no point unless your form is bad, usually.
i still do it though, just because. it's sort of a bad habit of mine
using clips is as retarded as counting the bar
>It is theoretically safer for you to use no clips, so that if you were to fail and get stuck under the barbell, you could just tip one side to remove the weight, thus freeing yourself.
I use clips because when I slap more weight on the bar it causes the other end to shift and the plates the move around unless they're held by clips to stop them.
I don't for benching. For OHP, Squats, and Deadlift I do.
I used to use clip but last week some big guy walked up to me and told me to stop using them
Now I dont use them anymore
only for DD and OHP
benching is for homos. i dont bench
post chest with timestamp
yeah so when you get doubts about killing yourself you have no choice
That's not how you spell squatting and squat though.
I use a hollow bar as well.
I always used clips when I was a teenager because I thought it was a big deal, went to a different gym as a young adult that had 5 barbells and one set of clips, so that broke me of it.
After careful refleciton, I really don't see a point in them. If you're using a weight that you might get so funky and off-balance with that plates actually slide off, you are using way too much weight.