How come governments keep pushing vegetables as being healthy when it's already been revealed that they're poisonous...

How come governments keep pushing vegetables as being healthy when it's already been revealed that they're poisonous for humans to consume?

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People don't know shit about dieting. Look at politicians. None of them look healthy.

Meat is associated with murder and sex (carnal desires), milk with being a baby. Therefore neurotics tend to avoid these foods and people nowadays tend to be neurotic as fuck.


Subsidies which the taxpayer has to pay for, not the elites. They want to save the meat for themselves, look at Canada. It also increases test when you eat saturated fats so of course we can't have a populations that's actually clear minded and angry at the bullshit they spit out.

Grass fed beef would be best for the environment but that doesn't do well for them. So they make up bullshit that agriculture is zero sum when it's absolutely not.

>veggies are poison
Indeed, keep eating McDonald's my American friend that's the true health food that The Man is hiding from you. If you're Europeans, then nice bait bro.

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Vegetables are full of antinutrients

yeah I know what a fucking anti nutrient is

Your body is capable of taking in tens of thousands of different compounds, some have to be processed out and this isn't a bad thing unless you have a limited diet.

It's real low-IQ hours

>vegetables as being healthy when it's already been revealed that they're poisonous for humans to consume

What is so wrong with vegetables?
You can make an argument against fruits but just saying vegetables are poison doesn't sound right

What is hormesis
With saying shit like this ur the same as vegans with your poor understanding of nutrition and tying ur ideology to it

A lot of veggies don't taste good to people. Doesn't it make sense that maybe those aren't good for us?

And Aquired taste don't count as tasting good.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that they cause autism.

Fruits are associated with gays and veggies are associated with pets, what's your point with these analogy?

>dyel twink giving advice on fitness and health

When VeganG can BTFO you, ya dun goofed

Sugar tastes good, should we only eat that too?

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Yes sugar is super tasty and therfore super good for you goy

Have you ever heard of these?

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>I don't like taste so it bad
By that logic coke and hamburgers are the most healthy food there is for Amerifats
Your post is literally not an argument

Sugar doesn't taste particularly good to people. What you posted is a cake, not sugar.

Obviously this user's logic is flawed, but why? Why the fuck would things good for us taste bad? Wouldn't human evolution solve this or something? Rabbits only eat grass, I bet grass tastes like fucking chicken and waffles to them

>A lot of veggies don't taste good to people. Doesn't it make sense that maybe those aren't good for us?
but that isn't proof

I Eat the fat, meat, organs, blood, brains, and eyes of my kills, some fruits, and next to no veggies. They are slave food

No one sits and eats a bag of pure sugar user and if they did it would start not tasting so good.

Most people would say eating spoonfuls of sugar doesn't taste good, which makes what I said even more relevant.

I never said that. I said maybe if it taste bad to us then we shouldn't eat so much of it. How did you get what you said from what I said?

Enjoy your gout.

Been hearing that plus parasites, bacteria, virus, etc. since the 90’s and I’m still here, never being sick.

Professional Athletes eat tons of vegetables you fucking mongoloid. If you wanna know what a good diet is, look at what Tom Brady or Lebron James or Georges Saint Pierre eat.

>you can only eat veggies or at mcdonalds

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this user is joking, but remember this is what amerifats actually think like

Alli eat is red meat, fat and liver. I actually had gout before I started this diet and cured it eating this way.

>popsicles - Sugar
>Rock candy - Sugar
>Cotton candy - Sugar
>American food industry adding sugar to foods that don't need it because it makes the food taste better and is more addictive

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user, how about not posting some lifestyle youtuber and posting an actual doctor.
Lifestyle youtubers were the ones that got veganism to spread for fucks sake.

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Fat-free candy, like soda, has added flavors and acids because unadulterated sugar is not palatable to humans (the same is true for fat).

A food that CONTAINS sugar is not SUGAR, just as a piece of meat is not "fat", even though it contains fat. I hope that clears it up.

That's not a natural whole food.

Because eating vegetables makes you sick

You being sick is good because you pay for healthcare.
You being sick is good, because you die earlier, so you get less pension money
You being sick is good because your will is low and you will sit on your house watching netflix and jerk off to porn
You being sick is good, because you are more gullible to whatever shit we push on you.

Do you fucking get it sheep?
Now eat your onions , support child transsexualism, pay tax, and die early like a good sheep.

No, veganism in its current incarnation was spread primarily through the work of doctors (Greger, Campbell, McDougall, Esselstyn, Fuhrman etc.). By contrast, carnivorism was spread primarily through lifestyle YouTubers (i.e. sv3rige and his cult, Frank the Tranny and a few minor individuals).

lmao what? People in this country barely eat vegetables thats why we have a health crisis.

Bread and sugar is worse than vegetables.
also fried food and processed meat, also worse then vegetables.

Basically replace 'vegetables' with SAD

Foods with added sugars are the problem. They are not whole foods. Processed sugar and carbs are the problem dog.

You can straight up not go wrong with eating majority whole foods. Your body is very good at regulating how much you eat and your cravings. When you throw processed foods and especially refined carbs/sugar you throw your entire system into disarray.

Wheres the source?

They're also loaded with Oxalic acid which has been known to kill people in a single sitting. If it doesn't kill you it steals calcium and blocks nutrient absorption. A lot of plant fiber is also non-soluble and the gut forces it quickly out of the tract, which is why plant eats shit a lot.

>its not a deficiency diet for nothing

And what person eats a diet of only these things? Even a child would get sick of it after a few days.

There are other things besides sugar that taste good.

Eating nothing but veggies would also be very unhealthy. Just as bad as eating nothing but candy.

No its because they don't eat real food. Hot pockets are not real food. Cheetos are not real food. Mountain dew is not real food.

The dose is the poison and everything in excess can harm you. Oxalic acid is usually digested by microbes in your gut reducing its harmful effects whilst you retain the health benefits from eating things like spinich,. Also fiber is to further nourish your gut flora.

So fruits, vegetables, and grains are not real foods that have not been eaten by our ancestors at all?

>if you want to know what a good diet is then look at these professional athletes who have nutritionists
>oh but they still cramp up in the finals because they're that fucking clueless about nutrition still

Sugar is a whole food, you can find it in many fruits and it is prepared by bees in what is known as honey. Refined sugar is widely available in nature and constitutes a whole food that is part of a balanced diet.

You are not healthier than a professional athlete

I never said to eat nothing but veggies. You're always supposed to have a varied diet of meats and greens. The original post I waa respomding to says " veggies don't taste good so must mean they're not good. " which is silly since anything that we eat that does tastes good doesn't mean its good for you. Hence, the sugar comment.

Refined sugar is not a naturally occurring substance. It has to be processed/distilled from whole food sources. The fiber in sugarcane/fruit naturally prohibits you from consuming excess quantities. Isolated, sugar is extremely addictive.

Do you actually believe that the government cares about our health?

I'm from Burgerland, but I think rock candy and cotton candy tastes like shit.
popsicles I only enjoyed as a kid because it was a hot day.
maybe that's why I only eat steak and butter now though.

Veggies were never the main component of their meals. No one ever just ate veggies. They add to a food in small amounts but shouldnt be your main source of food.

What does that have to do with hot pockets?

raw meat isn't very appetizing to most people either. humans like sweet things, like fruit. most apes are frugivores.

then explain pic related.

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>grass fed beef would be best for the environment
Brainlet tier post

Honey is refined sugar and is naturally occurring, it is a whole food, just like tree syrups and cane syrups. Other forms of refined sugar are mere emulations of these natural sugars and are thus also whole foods. The whole food refined sugar has been consumed by hominids for millions of years.

Sugar is not addictive, in fact pure sugar is squarely rejected as a food by those claiming an addiction to it, which is exactly the opposite of what an addict would do (addicts don't reject the things they are addicted to)

Well some veggies DO taste good. And i disagree, most things that taste good in nature is good for you. Im also not saying you should eat just one thing. A lot of things taste good and turning my point into saying eating nothing but sugar is bad is twisting things.

Just because i said if it taste bad you shouldn't eat it doesn't mean If something taste good to eat it though.

Veggies that taste bad do have their place, usually in medicine.

Well a lot of humans cook their meat to be more appetizing. Some do like it raw though.
And fruits taste good and are good for you. Whats your point?

my point is that if we should choose our diets based on what (natural, whole foods) taste good to us, then we should be eating mostly fruit and vegetables.

>sugar is not addictive

goodbye brainlet

lmao taste is 100% not subjective and totally not molded by youthful exposure to sugary foods and mcdonalds happy meals.

the main low carb high meat thing was started by Gary Tabues. Smart fucker named his book "why we get fat and what to do about it". Glad the vegans didn't think of that.

I eat sugar every day and never got addicted to it, retard. How does that make sense? How many people would get addicted if you give them heroin every day vs. sugar. Zero

You post that image but yet you choose a diet high in red and processed meat which have both been shown through meta analyses of dozens of studies across hundreds of thousands of individuals over decades to increase mortality rates and risk of CVD and cancer, while dismissing vegetables and fruits which have been shown to decrease mortality rates and risk of CVD and cancer.

The carnivore diet is a fotm meme spread by people with no medical background and it is quite dangerous for impressionable young people to adopt this extreme diet.

>meta analysis
aka: we pulled it straight out of our ass

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Honey also contains other nutrients than just sugar. If it were just sugar, it would be crystaline.

I have better shits when I remove all vegetables and fibres from my diet. Also my mood is better when I just eat meat.

But I get paranoid that it's unhealthy because all of the muh fibre muh gut biome muh eating plants is good for some reason

So one day a week I have a carb up day where I go nuts on fruit and vegetables. But it fucks with my mood and shits, for a couple of days after. Probably because some plants don't want you to eat them because it kills them so the plants evolved to have certain chemical in the leaves to stop predators and fuck up their digestive system.

Your gut bacteria adapts to what you eat. You will still most likely die early of heart disease or cancer if you have a shit diet though
veg-x can't even outlive general population.

Wow you're really stupid

>thinks professional athletes are actually healthy

nice bait

Are you going to live on a pure meat and multivitamin diet all your life

If you are pure vegan you need to supplement with B-vitamins and omega 3 from walnuts or flax seed. That is why their life expectancy is not improved. Poultry/shellfish with limited red meat/eggs is ideal, I never pushed full vegan.

veg-x includes all variations of vegetarian to vegan.
still can't outlive general population.
lmao, nice religion.

Did you even read anything I wrote? Eating poultry/shellfish with limited fish/eggs is not remotely "veg-x" at all and many vegetarians and variants of it do not supplement their diets

ok, let me spell it out for you.
>they remove meat from their diet
>they still live and die the same
if meat was deadly as you claim, they would survive more often than general population.
and we haven't even gotten started on healthy user bias.

Read what I wrote. The lack of vitamin b and omega 3 (which are typically found in animal and fish products) needs to be supplemented for vegans.

>meat bad
>meat contains essential vitamins and nutrients that you can't find anywhere else

because they want you poisoned

Yes, small amounts of meat contain very large amounts of some micronutrients. However, that is why moderation is key, because excess red meat consumption is linked to increased rates of early death. Processed meat should just be avoided altogether though.

> believing the gov cares about your well being


>t. ancap

Fruits taste good but to the average human veggies just don't. No one like kale. Its gross and nasty and you only eat because you've been told its good for you. Thats why people add fruit to their green smoothies.

And some people like meat even more than fruit and rather have that. Some like milk, some like eggs. We all have our preferences but no one on earth rather eat just vegetables than all those other things. Even vegans agree meat is tasty. Tons of their food is them trying to make plants taste like meat.

A lot of people who eat a lot of veggies usually put something on it to cover up the taste.

He's looks almost identical to milo but darker skin

why would anyone reply to vegans except to troll?

>Government subsidizes meat and dairy industries
>'why are they pushing vegetables'
who knows user. who knows. Pic related, Trump pardoning a Kosher meat baron.

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Why would he do such a thing?

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Why indeed.

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this guy didn't know what a mole or micro- was after he already started acting like an authority

>They add to a food in small amounts
wouldn't that be in large volumes and moderate calories? What else would all the gatherers do all day?

>No, veganism in its current incarnation was spread primarily through the work of doctors (Greger, Campbell, McDougall, Esselstyn, Fuhrman)
Half of them look like ghouls too.

These doctors, along with powerful message/propaganda men like Joey Carbstrong and earthling Ed, are spreading the starvation diet cult, but it is media, (((media))) which always promotes (((them))) pushing them in front of the masses to spread the vegan lies.

Without (((media))) pumping Veganism (why?) Earthling ed would just be another emaciated drug addict ranting and raving on a street corner downtown.

(((Powerful people))) are shoving Veganism down our throats. Why?

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More examples of (((mainstream media)) pumping out pro-vegan propaganda 365 days a year. Ironically, in the us and uk at least they do allow one dissenting voice in the wilderness (pro-meat television personalities Pierce Morgan and Jesse waters) in Canada afaik it's 100% vegan agitprop 365 from government/media.

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plants have evolved defenses, sure, but they also evolved nutrition for animals that eat them, to encourage those animals to continue to eat them. Plants don't have legs to spread their seeds, animals do.

and animals have evolved stomachs and digestive systems to absorb the nutrients plants have.

Many complex compounds found in fruits and vegetables play very important roles in maintaining health and reducing the risk of disease and cancer. This is all objective fact.

Meat contains the nutrients necessary for very powerful brains and muscles. Some nutrients, like the powerful vitamin k2 nutrient, is barely found in plants, and is found most abundant in meats.

This thread is just full of retards peddling snake oil.

The kikes want us weak, dumb and unhealthy so the pharma corporations can keep cashing in.

This is the most retarded bullshit I've seen since breatharians.

I want to say this is just bait but I don’t even know anymore.

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>keep eating McDonald's
You dumb nigger

Taking advice from a high-school drop out with no formal academic training in any field? I guess vegans really are retarded.

It is not removed by gut microbes. The fact of matter is seen in removed thyroids in the elderly, 50%+ of them have oxalic crystal deposits.

Fiber is a meme and serves no purpose, especially non-soluble fibre which forces food out faster, further reducing the already inferior bioavailability of plant matter.

Its because Seventh Day Adventists, another Christian cult/sect. created the dietitians association as a way to medically evangelize and absorb other Christians into their fold in the early 1900s. If someone were to go "plant based" then by defacto they would be easier to absorb into their cult. Now a days the base reasoning is the same, as the SDA owns 20+ food corporations and profits from selling their shit by increasing market share.

They're the faggots who own Sanitarium, the creators of Kellogg's, and the flaked cereals which are proficient at destroying the teeth of children and turning them into obese food addicts.

In Canada a bunch of vegans formed our plant based dietary recommendations, shocking I know. These stupid fucktards are quite shameless in their corruption.

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>fiber is a meme

god damn you are so void of knowledge it's painful