What are the most Jow Forums jobs, brehs?

What are the most Jow Forums jobs, brehs?
Definitely not pic related.

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inb4 illiterate manual laborers
Go insure your spines before you post misspelled and agrammatical shit, they are bound to get fucked before you turn 40.


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Firefighters seem pretty fit

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gay male escort

Jow Forums has busted this myth about manual laborers months ago. Diet, quality of activity, and exposure to all kinds of harmful shit does not help any gains at all.
I'd say the most Jow Forums job would be a pole dancer.

(Ch) Air Force

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I was a cop. Theyre all fat. In med field now. Its not so fit but its pretty cool.

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Orthopedic surgeon

based and stripperpilled


Being a chef is Jow Forums if you have self control. You're active as hell, constantly squatting and lifting healthy weights. You're aware of exactly what you're eating and know how to get the best food as cheap as possible.

IT related

What the fuck are you mongoloids talking about? Professional lifting would be the most Jow Forums job. Jesus fucking Christ you people are so fucking stupid it hurts.

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gay pornstar

This, unironically.

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Professional athlete.

I paint cars for a living. If you work at a high pace it will keep you lean, you are constantly moving and burning calories


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