>cia datamine shit
fuck off but ok ill bite
1. both
2. ye
3. i only argue in bad faith when im online, so it felt p good to make the world a little worse
4. i really hate normies, but i wouldn't mention that irl. not racist or anything though
5. haha how can cyberbullying even be real just walk away from your computer ahahaha
6. yes
7. im exclusively anonymous online, so idk. id probably behave myself more if this was all linked to me irl
8. there is no online world. the internet is a thing that you do. if somebody played a lot of soccer, you wouldn't say that they prefer the soccer world to reality.
9. no and no. most pc shit that Jow Forums harps on is cherry picked and irl its not a big deal. the internet is just a reflection is just people with no filters, and people who are genuinely not sexist or racist or whatever aren't going to suddenly start being that once they get here
10. m 25
Sociology questionnaire
thanks, this data is very useful
are you a freshman? sorry, i meant freshwomxn! How did i help you? by recommending google docs? Even though you said you study sociology i wont believe. not even an actual sociology brainlet is stupid enough to evaluate a poll by hand.
do you know what factor analysis is? probabky not
>1. Have you ever been the victim or perpetrator of cyber bullying?
>2. Have you ever been apart of an online argument?
>3. If you have, how did it feel to be in this argument?
I'm on the internet since 2001. The feelings in "this" argument (100s of them) have been quite variable.
>4. Do you have any predjudices or dislikes of certain groups of people which you would only ever talk about online or in private?
>5. Do you think cyber bullying is an issue?
Yes, perpetuum issue. Have fun trying to find a solution that does not include some totalitarian censorship or mind control.
>6. Do you think you change your behavour when online?
>7. If so,do you think you change it even more when anonymous/ know you can do it with no reprocusions?
>8. Do you prefer the online world to reality? An if so why?
>9. Do you think our modern cultre is too politically correct? Ad do you think the internet is a good way to escape/fight that?
Cultures differ, so does political correctness and the meaning of what is correct and what is not. I don't know what does the very general term 'modern culture' mean. The internet, if it's pseudonymous or anonymous enough, is mostly a better reflection on what's going on of a lot of people's minds than socially censored chit chat and discussions in "real life".
>10. what is your gender and age? (optional)
Which year are you in? I hope it's the 1st or 2nd one because the questions seem a bit lame and faulty. I am too lazy to elaborate on this, so I'll just leave it at this point.
>Hey Jow Forums, im doing a study for my sociology course and would like to hear your answers to the following questions. Feel free to say whatever you want as a response
>1. Have you ever been the victim or perpetrator of cyber bullying?
>2. Have you ever been apart of an online argument?
>3. If you have, how did it feel to be in this argument?
>4. Do you have any predjudices or dislikes of certain groups of people which you would only ever talk about online or in private?
>5. Do you think cyber bullying is an issue?
>6. Do you think you change your behavour when online?
>7. If so,do you think you change it even more when anonymous/ know you can do it with no reprocusions?
>8. Do you prefer the online world to reality? An if so why?
Yes, anonymity
>9. Do you think our modern cultre is too politically correct? Ad do you think the internet is a good way to escape/fight that?
>10. what is your gender and age? (optional)
Male 20
1st year and this is my first ever attempt at data collection so i know its pretty bad but meh- better this than failing
sociology is fake and retarded. Look up the "reproduction crisis".
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. The other guy was a commie cucktard. That tells you all you need to know.
4. No.
5. No.
6. Yes.
7. No.
8. Yes. I can meet more people here.
9. Yes. Fucking commie shilltards ruining everything.
10. 21 male.
1. Cyberbullying is not real
2. Yes, I have.
3. Just as normal as an argument irl. Eventually forgive and forget
4. I dislike pretentious people who did nothing to attain wealth other than be born into a rich family
5. No, see 1
6. It depends on the board, site, or game I am on
7. Of fucking course
8. A little bit of both. I like the idea of being connected but being someone else too
9. Modern culture is boring. It has been in limbo since the 90s. The Internet does provide an escape
10. Male, age not provided
1) no just thrown insults and been insulted autonomously but not bullied
2) yeah a few
3) Kinda mad because the other person had what I considered stupid beliefs
4) I dislike most SJW's and radical leftists but the arguments weren't about politics
5) no it's just the nature of the internet. people need to grow a thick skin to go on it
6) yes a little, I can often act more vulgar or honest because I am anonymous
7)Yes I just said this in my last question
8) Some elements are better however when a real conversation goes well anything online can't compare but it is easier for shit to go right online
9)Yes, people need to learn to grow a thick skin and that insults can be just insults. Also I believe political correctness is a threat the the 1st amendment of the united states which will take steps to a tyrannical society.
10) I am male and 18
I hope my responses helped you
3. Feels pretty good and liberating
4. Yes
5. No
6. No
7. No
8. Yes because I can talk shit I'd be fired for multiple times a day irl
9. Yes and yes
10. female so you can fuck outta here with your muh women suffer on the internet shit