why do people look down on manlets?
I'm 5'2" and i'm pretty sure i can fuck up 90% of the people taller than me on /fit
Why do people look down on manlets?
>why do people look down on manlets
I don't have a choice
Post body
Yeah, fuck me up like how you fucked up your epithelial plates. Careful there, big fella
lol no we will just pick you back up and shove it away
>black shoes
>white socks
>can wrestle
>churka haircut
lmfao North Caucasian churka detected
Whoa did you see that backhand the tranny threw? That would have hurt.
Lanklet tranny too tall for it to actually hit
Fpbp. Would you rather everyone get on a knee, so you’re at eye level like parents do when their child is misbehaving
Hey it's me, Brian Shaw, the world's strongest man. It's because you can't see them when you look straight!
I don't think the tranny had the right distance to connect with his fist or elbow, but if the manlet wasn't already getting ready to throw the tranny it could have hit him.
>I'm 5'2" and i'm pretty sure i can fuck up 90% of the people taller than me on /fit
textbook case of pissed off midget syndrome. you aren't "fucking up" anything except the average national height, frodo. pipe down.
OP on fucking suicide watch HAHAHA
>Brian Shaw
>the world's strongest man
you mean the 6th place finisher at this year's WSM competition. also, post body.
Hey it's me, Brian Shaw, the world's strongest man. Fuck you, asshole, where did you place again? Oh yeah, nowhere, little piece of shit.
>you aren't "fucking up" anything except the average national height, frodo.
1st place
calm down daveed
Last guy I fought was 5'4 one of my "body shots" cracked him across the cheek and dropped him.
I felt bad, and still feel bad about it. OP just fucked up my feel good by reminding me of this
I'm not a bad person am I bros?
i would honestly rather be a gender fairy lanklet than cursed as a manlet
it's like the set themselves up. when will they ever learn?
>why do people look down on manlets?
>i can fuck up 90% of the people taller than me
My god the replies in this thread, I’m fucking dying
You mean fuck down right
Martins pls stay.
Height is a big decider in a fight.
Not as big as girls imagine but not only is reach a big decider but the most power (and reach) can be generated from chest shoulder level. If thats level with your opponents head they’re
Going to have a MUCH tougher fight.
>raging manlet owns psycho tranny
based and saved
I'm 6'4" and reach is great, but if a shorter person starts to grapple, it's going to be difficult to counter a takedown.
Honestly, I don't think tall people give a shit about height, I personally don't care (perhaps because I'm tall). It's usually the shorter people that constantly care about it and obsess over it. And the marginally taller people and marginally shorter people are the worst when it comes to the debate. Height is an important factor in many things, but it not going to solve any problem if your personality is insecure and unaccepting of your limitations. I have shorter friends that have had 100x the success with women that I do. It comes to personality. Fuck the incel mentality.
Calm it, lil fella
very nice
always gets me, love that media content
Have you ever been in a fight? Weight classes exist for a reason. Nature isn't fair.
manlet takes down Trannie
Wew, whadda god
They tend to coincide, dumb-dumb.
>why do people look down on manlets?
how the fuck else would i look at them
nigga someone else already made that joke
>pretty sure i can fuck up
No you can't, fucking stop deluding yourself. Cunts who think they can take on everyone, especcially people bigger than them, are the ones who end up dead from having their neck snapped by some fatass rolling into them.
Work on your attitude mate.
Twink faggot detected
Btfo back to sucking nigger dick loser
Maybe learn to fight and no playing with your dildo
I said that as someone with fighting experience. Picking fights is stupid because you can always just get unlucky and snap your shit on some table, chair or the pavement and doing it with someone taller and stronger than you is asking to get knocked out.
Teaching faggots a lesson isn't worth even a 5% chance of getting hurt yourself, usually you can just laugh at someone like that and they're fucked socially anyway.
Did you just not eat your veggies or something when you were young? I can’t imagine anyone this short living anything short of a meager existence
Fuckk id kill myself on the spot ngl
Thank you friend, good lefs all round
>what is a balance of probability based on strong correlations
I wish I was a manlet. Every day would be like a giantess hentai.
Jow Forums doesn't believe in guns OP. Don't waste your time.
is that a fucking cat tail butt plug that falls on the ground at the end?
If you're good at wrestling then yeah, you'll fuck up most men no matter what. They might be stronger and bigger or whatever.
If you're not trained then you're just extremely delusional.
There's no way I won't believe OP intentionally set this up. Too obvious
>I don't think tall people give a shit about height,
Privilege is always invisible from the inside. Of course you're going to say 'it's no big deal' and 'personality is more important', because nobody wants to think that they have undeserved advantages.
The manlet did good
This and every reply is the same person