>All the girls at work know you as the "pump and dump" guy, that flirts with all the girls
p-pls give me one more chance
>All the girls at work know you as the "pump and dump" guy, that flirts with all the girls
p-pls give me one more chance
same but what they don't know is that I'm actually a desperate virgin looking to get laid ahaha
>all the people from work and school think you are some "pump and dump" guy because you are somewhat muscular and attractive. a lone wolf one might say.
>actually autistic virgin
My biggest problem
>Good looks
>Ride a motorcycle
>Girls all think I'm a flirt, and fuck anything that moves, and would cheat on any girl
When i approach one, she automatically things something is suspicious, and would always ask behind my back if i have a girlfriend.
post bike
i fucking hate you faggots
>i-im too intimidating to girls
>girls think im such a player
If you were actually attractive and girls were into you, thought you were a player etc, it would be as easy as
>are you single?
>im attracted to you
>we should go out on a date
Just make sure you DON'T (DO NOT) offer to take her out to eat, and for the love of god don't forget to fucking bee yourself you stupid vain piece of shit.
>DON'T (DO NOT) offer to take her out to eat
What are we suppose to eat when I take her out then? What's wrong with eating with some bitch?
take her to a pettign zoo
It’s fucking GAY and LAME retard do something exciting with the bitch or you’ll just be another faggot who payed for her dinner LMAO
Have you read literally anything on seduction? This is exactly what you wanna go for - the lover who she can turn into a provider