>All the girls at work know you as the "pump and dump" guy, that flirts with all the girls
p-pls give me one more chance
>All the girls at work know you as the "pump and dump" guy, that flirts with all the girls
p-pls give me one more chance
same but what they don't know is that I'm actually a desperate virgin looking to get laid ahaha
>all the people from work and school think you are some "pump and dump" guy because you are somewhat muscular and attractive. a lone wolf one might say.
>actually autistic virgin
My biggest problem
>Good looks
>Ride a motorcycle
>Girls all think I'm a flirt, and fuck anything that moves, and would cheat on any girl
When i approach one, she automatically things something is suspicious, and would always ask behind my back if i have a girlfriend.
post bike
i fucking hate you faggots
>i-im too intimidating to girls
>girls think im such a player
If you were actually attractive and girls were into you, thought you were a player etc, it would be as easy as
>are you single?
>im attracted to you
>we should go out on a date
Just make sure you DON'T (DO NOT) offer to take her out to eat, and for the love of god don't forget to fucking bee yourself you stupid vain piece of shit.
>DON'T (DO NOT) offer to take her out to eat
What are we suppose to eat when I take her out then? What's wrong with eating with some bitch?
take her to a pettign zoo
It’s fucking GAY and LAME retard do something exciting with the bitch or you’ll just be another faggot who payed for her dinner LMAO
Have you read literally anything on seduction? This is exactly what you wanna go for - the lover who she can turn into a provider
>do something exciting
jet ski
Run from arab teenagers that are trying to stab you.
Exactly this. Goddamnit, I don't know what I'm doing most of the time I do something social and still people think I'm some kind of chill easygoing Chad. I fear the day they will realize I'm not any of that
Specifically this
are you me lmao
a walk/hike
the beach or lake
kayaking or canoeing on a lake
white water rafting
public event like a festival
an amusement park or a water park or the fair
church (:<
the movies
manicures/pedicures (inb4 omg gay - girls dig a guy who takes care of his feet and hands - no don't get your nails painted, just do everything else)
volunteer work
painting or culinary class or other creative class
you might be able to get away with couples massage but meh
>volunteer work
Yeah, girls totally dig it when I offer them to come to feed hobbos who smell like piss during 100°F. Stop being underage and most importantly stop taking your Infos from Hitch.
Most of these are terrible first dates ideas
if you're brain is so smooth you can only think that the entirety of volunteer work is feeding hobos, yngmi
>Most of these are terrible first dates ideas
either you're a boring woman or
have sex
hey babe whaddya say we hop on over for a pedicure together wink wink
i just want a girl to like me bros
>a walk/hike
5 minutes later, "user I'm tired" said every girl ever
>the beach or lake
Don't live near any of those and she would be bored of me by the time we travelled to one
>kayaking or canoeing on a lake
Everything above applies
>white water rafting
>public event like a festival
Filled with degenerates
>an amusement park or a water park or the fair
>church (:
Believe me. They know.
I'm not a virgin but I'm definitely desperate and I think the girls at work are starting to suspect it now that I'm getting tired and my true (depressed) self starts to show.
raquetball, you fucking dweeb. raquet sports get bitches panties wet.
>all the girls at work know you as the weird autistic loser, likely permavirgin, lives with his parents, friendless incel
how did they know haha
>Aye girl nice to meet ya, whatchu know about white water kayaking?
not a good first date idea but great for a second date
idk its weird
all the guys at my job love me. literally been moving up in ranks quickly
but most of the girls my age hate my guts
>white water kayaking?
>hol up, u mean to tell me dat u pipol have white water kayaking but no black water kayaking
>u sum racist?
Just in case anyone is actually getting advice ITT. Meals are a great first date, gives you plenty to talk about and break the ice with and keeps it between the two of you. If things clearly arent working then neither of you is tied down for the entire day like some kind of event or trip would demand. Also plenty of women are uncomfortable with the idea of being out in the middle of the wilderness with someone they dont know, and will also almost certainly be incredibly self concious the entire time they cant keep a good pace or deal with the weather. First dates are to learn what the two of you have in common and could thus do together.
Never do movies. You get zero interaction and if the movies shit than it's what gets remembered of the night.
>been moving up in ranks quickly
>most of the girls my age hate my guts
Jealousy user, jealousy. You're stealing the spotlight.
Can I see ur bike fren
Problem is you’re fucking boring lol
>gives you plenty to talk about and break the ice with
>tfw the thought of having a real conversation with anyone let alone a girl terrifies me because i will expose what a loser i am
>the thought of a "date" makes me break out in a cold sweat
>tfw imagining having to talk to someone in an honest manner instead of just joking about everything
>tfw illl be a permavirgin forever
this. tennis, ping pong, or outdoor raquetball if you can find it. anything else as a date and you are never getting laid.
You gotta make yourself a person living life before you go trying to bring anyone else onto your life fren. Find some hobbies, choose a hobby you already have and drive into every aspect of it to learn everything you can, pick up an instrument for gods sake. Not enough people know an instrument.
>tennis or ping pong as a first date
What are you going on a date with your aging mother?
its racquetball you moron
You should be nice to women OP. Most of my success came from being respectful and kind, (iow not the player type, which stems from insecurity anyways).
Women will feel way more comfortable with you and be more open. Yesterday a girl talked to me about her sexual experiences and today we're going for yoga together.
Besides, you look like a creep to the rest of the workplace for trying to give off sexual vibes.
I suggest you do the same if you want female attention at all.
They think you're gay bro
You go on a date and get your nails done and let me know how it turns out alright?
thats why i have never bothered.
tennis is based and so is my aging mother
Start being bothered. Then start bothering. Learning new things is how we organically form milestones and memories in our lives, and I swear the vast majority of people who dont feel like they're really within their own bodies or truly living life are just those who have allowed the consumption of media to inadequately replace personal experience. And they wonder why they have no character and can only communicate with references half the time. It's never too late, the way you live life changes in one day. Many such cases!
We're all gonna make it
I don't even consider dating a girl I don't think can keep up on a 10 mile hike. It's technical terrain so I let her know it's 1-2km/hr speed, nothing serious. But if she's not serious about being fit, outdoorsy, and challenging herself, she isn't even on my radar
I went on dates with many of them.
You can keep your PUA trash for yourself
Look at how many hot women marry successful working men compared to gymbros
I had a similar experience as I went through NRM in college. It was great to meet women whose idea of a first date was a backcountry hike and guerilla camping
I like how all that casual shit and then white water rafting is just thrown in there. fucking kek
Based and niggerpilled
>are just those who have allowed the consumption of media to inadequately replace personal experience. And they wonder why they have no character and can only communicate with references half the time.
dont a lot of people live like this now
>I like how all that casual shit and then white water rafting is just thrown in there. fucking kek
idk the last time I went it was pretty easy
definitely not intense enough for us to not be able to talk to each other
Honestly how do you do it without getting sued and put in jail or fired? I'm perpetually afraid to even flirt with my wife let alone other girls out of fear of repercussions
honestly a couple of my go to first date ideas are yard/garage sales and vineyard tours/wine tasting
>if it ain't shitpostin' I ain't interested!
>*spits close enough to the piss jug*
Don't shit where you eat. Learned this two months ago. I'm 34 she is 19. Dad knocks on my fucking door, we live two doors apart in an apartment complex, asking where she is.
just be attractive
im afraid to ever get a woman because im in a blue state that heavily favors the woman in any divorce case
>I'm 34 she is 19.
imagine being this pathetic
No this isn't shitting where you eat. This is shitting on someone else's picnic dumbass. Father has every right to be suspicious and protective. What is wrong with you that you don't understand that?
getting married in 2019 in general
not that guy but he’s living my dream. I’m 27 and I fantasize about marrying a 18-21 year old knowing she’s had minimal dicks and no kids and wants to be the stay at home mom
youre a pathetic freak desu
I'm not with her. We had fun for awhile but the headspace between ages won't lead to anything long term. We both knew that.
Still not a good idea for a first date. The whole point of a first date isn't a super fun and exciting outing, its meeting someone and seeing if they're a freak, criminal, serial killer or not. The fun things can come in a date or two when you know the person more and know its worth it to commit time and money.
No i think you knew that and she went along with it.
You manipulated a child dude, and i don't say that cuz she is 19 i say that cuz she is female. She was hoping to change your mind dude. That's what females do. I'm saying you really did anything hugely wrong here, but you should know better as a man and as someone 30yrs old how young females are obsessive and fantasy driven to say and do anything for their romantic dream of fixing the beast.
In a more traditional society this would be great, but most respectable women now are encouraged to get educated and have some form of making money. Unless we're looking at super rich girls using daddy's money, young girls who want to be SAHMs are just looking for a free ride.
They can have a free ride so long as they mother my children, clean my house, and hand me a drink
right, because the daddy issue slut who would be 18 marrying a guy 10+ years older than her definitely hasnt had a ton of dicks. lmfao, incel fantasies are hilarious