Is this an impressive two year natural transformation?

Is this an impressive two year natural transformation?

Attached: two year transformation.png (1165x748, 1.29M)

Is this achievable natty?

How much do you think he weighs?

shame he could do it in 10-15 days fasting

Roiding for this

120lb twink

>changed my body for no one else

He changed it so he can be a bottom for a 1000+ random cocks. Homos are degenerative faggots

if this is 2 years then it's really shitty transformation

Y his nips so dank also fucking ubertwink homo. How is he a model? :jew lib media

hi, welcome to chilis

It's actually not that far off from natty limit. But ofc he doesn't even work out.

>his mind instantly races to gay sex

God I want to fuck this twink

You can do this in like 3 months...

Read the hashtags

all he did was lose fat.. he could've done it in like 6 weeks lol

Did you not read the #s bro its literally gay

Fags are degenerates. Literally hundreds of sexual partners is not uncommon

Yeah it's obvious he's gay. Yet you're the one thinking about him getting fucked by a thousand cocks

No because u can do it in half the time even with a moderate diet and plus it's not even a good transformation he just got skinny not even like aesthetic

Obviously not. Just as there are dudes who are never good enough, there are actually people who are so happy with their own bodies that they won't take objective measurements and realize that they aint shit


>those hips
It's like he was born to fuck cocks

>in two years, I learned how to use instagram filters


I could unironically achieve this with a 30 day snake juice fast and daily morning walks and you're telling me it took this guy 2 years?