Gyno general

\Gyno\ general

How you holding up tit/fit/? How do you plan on escaping this fresh hell?

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>How do you plan on escaping this fresh hell
I got lean for this summer and realized how pointless it all was with these tits of mine. I'm now in perma lean bulk mode until I can afford surgery.

This is a blue board

Dips, decline bench, dumbbell pullovers all make your milkers look better

Anyone tried this

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what the fuck is that?

Yes, it kinda works. Kinda in the sense that it only works if you eat and do in a way that would already serve to reach your goals. It’s not gonna do the work for you.

I feel like i may have gyno but im still like 23% bf so not lean enough to actually know for sure

Im scared bros


I was just thinking about this. I've lost a lot of weight but it's barely coming from the tits. idk if I have gyno or just unfortunate fat deposits, but planning on using topical yohim until I know for sure. An aloe vera cream with yohimbine powder mixed in sounds like it should do the trick. or at least I'm hoping.

i had mine cut out like 7 weeks ago

yeah you can get a liquid form from enhanced athlete called helios that you inject directly into your stubborn fat to help burn it, i injected it into my nipples and my gyno shrank


>browsing fit for the past hour
>qts in al 4s, feet, ideal female body... no boner.
>see this
>get hard
>Th-thanks fit.

Damn, how's the recovery? They put you on any meds? Also, how much??

>how's the recovery
Recovery is good, all the swelling has gone down and I'm training again, the main thing left to heal is the hard edge around my nipples where the cuts were made, it's like a hard ridge that is sensitive but this fades with time
> They put you on any meds
Nah didn't need any, I chose to be awake for the surgery so I was able to go home straight after and I just used paracetomol to treat the pain
>how much
£2100 UK for both nipples

I had a bit of a adhesion on my right nipple thats why it looks indented but this will get better with time and if not it's an easy surgery to fix

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who here /surgery/

I got it see

feels good don't it
never looking back

yeah man feels fucking great, how long was it since you got your surgery?

Yo is this just chest fat? I'm around 19% BF

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got a before pic?

I'll have a look, I used to avoid taking pictures when my tiddies were big tho


I want milky

Impossible to tell, squeeze your areolas and feel a rubbery disc if there gyno

Fuck me if I was pic related I would blast proviron, Masteron, test, Arimidex and a shit ton of nolva.

Even 5'4 ftm trannies look manlier than you. The vest tanline look like bra lines and your arms are soft and feminine.


wtf, I've got surgery booked too but mine is nearly £5k

What procedure did you get done? Not just lipo right

>How do you plan on escaping this fresh hell?
But I want to have tiddies!

Had mine cut off month and a half ago, still recovering, nipples are still numb and painful, hope it will past sometime soon.
ama on gyno

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>how much did it cost and what country
>recommend doing it?
pics please

i got surgery lol

Poland, 2k USD$

Still need week or two to let it heal fully, there's still some mashed tissue which I can feel under my skin


Is this a girl or boy?

no ones gonna mention the bra tanlines?

>not wanting to produce milk so u don't have to buy it
what a waste of potential

Hurr the lad there is not gay and proud of showing his boobs and wide hips off after using female hormones. It's not like he got bikini tanlines and is wearing panties.

He counted in euros. That means he is probably in a socialist country where he has and will pay for it over time in high taxes

>the main thing left to heal is the hard edge around my nipples where the cuts were made, it's like a hard ridge

Thats scar tissue,I had the same problem. I always got hard nipples from it lol

Not that guy but there's also a complication where you can get scar tissue under the nipple so it's like you have a minor gyno lump all over again

Lena Dunham?

Can’t really tell from this pic but is there any scarring? I want to get it in the next few year but I don’t want to look like a botched boob job recipient.

Yeah nuke your estrogen, very healthy indeed. That type of gyno requires to have probably some type of mutation in the aromatase enzyme which cause hyperestrogenism.

user I don't know why anyone else else didnt give you a (you) but thank you for that

both glands removed, no lipo as I didn't need it,
contacted my surgeon directly and not through a private hospital so when i went to see him he offered me to be booked in as a private patient on the nhs and I went local instead of general anesthetic which saved nearly £300

what hospital are you booked with? nuffield? if so it's a good hospital but pricey

no I got it done in britian and I counted in pounds

how long did it take for your scars to soften?

yeah, that can form and in some cases it softens and flattens out over time or it might need cutting out in a second operation, you can get certain injections from a surgeon to help soften and break them up

>there any scarring
theres a faint line under my nipple where the cuts were made but you can only see them if you really look, and it's only been 7.5 weeks since I had it done so they'll fade more with time

go to a decent plastic surgeon if you can just to be safe

Whats the differences between just being fat and having perky fat man boobs and having gyno?

This gyno or just fat still? 6' 175

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Here's one where I'm bending over a bit.

I don't feel anything I'd describe as a "hard lump" that people talk about.

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Looks like fat to me. You're still fairly pudgy

you're fat. you don't have gyno

Gyno or no?
Pretty hard to tell if it is or not.

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hard gland tissue under the nipple

could be either but probably fat, do yuo have hard lumps under each nipple?
if so it's gyno if not its just fat

gonna say gyno looking at the perkyness of that nipple but if yuo don't have a hard lump under the nipple then it's not gyno and is just fat