>Coworker is doing keto
>Claim to make some 'low carb brownies'
>They're just normal real sugar and flour brownies
How do you sabotage your competition?
>Coworker is doing keto
>Claim to make some 'low carb brownies'
>They're just normal real sugar and flour brownies
How do you sabotage your competition?
I don't, I want everyone to better themselves xo
But user, bringing them out of keto will help their gains.
It's okay, sometimes a positive sentiment can make those that hurt the most do that xo
>been working out with same gymbro for years
>he must have better genetics because he has made way better gains than me
>both been considering doing roids for a while now
>I offer to buy them online as hes a bit tech illiterate
>buy roids for us both
>swap out his test for a solution I made using my gfs contraceptive pill
>he is starting to get really fatigued quickly and losing strength
>meanwhile I'm making really fast gains
>he has started to question whether he has some kind of intolerance to testosterone
that's some non-chad behavior user
>he is starting to get really fatigued quickly and losing strength
user that's because you've been injecting him with non-sterile bacteria-infested suspensions of lactose. Your bro is dying of sepsis
wait that can't actually happen can it?
I used bottled water for the solution and mixed it in a clean glass so it should be sterile right?
Oh dude
You are killing your friend because you are jealous of him
You are a jealous gains goblin
Use to tighten all the lids on things in the house when the gf fought with me.
She broke up with me surprisingly
Tell guys I never train legs when I do twice a week
>used to have this shitty office job
>surrounded by fatass w*men
>they constantly complain about how hard dieting is and how they can't lose weight
>start doing OMAD
>time it so that I'm eating a fuckton of food every day at work in front of them
>"ugh it's not fair! user gets to eat as much as he wants and he doesn't gain any weight!"
thanks for the laugh
>I used bottled water for the solution and mixed it in a clean glass so it should be sterile right?
You're actually retarded.
please be real holy shit
>being so insecure you have to ruin a mans health and hobby
>swap out his test for a solution I made using my gfs contraceptive pill
>Not turning your bro into a cute trap by drugging him with estrogen
Your story would be more accurate if you said you mixed it in an oil-based solution. Testosterone comes in an oil base, not aqueous.
please tell me this isnt real and you aren't killing your friend because he made more gains than you
Ok I'll bite. You are a stellar faggot and should kill yourself if you sabotage someone who tries to better themselves.
Oh boy
lmao enjoy your manslaughter charge when he dies
heh, cringe
user commits manslaughter
>coworker notably lost a few pounds
>has been walking around higher spirits, proud of herself, happier, more lively
>get to talking about nutrition
>says she recently lost 15 lbs
>act completely surprised
>say "I thought you actually gained weight"
>she's now back to moping around the office, shoulders slumped
>back to eatting all the office sweets available
>obese guy at the office announces he's going on a diet
>start bringing unhealthy snacks to the office and leave them on the break room table
>whenever I see him constantly staring at them I tell him "come on, just one won't hurt"
>at first he just has one every once in a while but now he's constantly snacking
>he hasn't lost any weight in months, if anything he's gaining
I dunno who's more retarded.
You for thinking this was a good idea, or your bro for pinning himself with mystery liquid from an unsealed vial
Holy shit devious
How to kill your best friend and accidentally impregnate your girlfriend in one easy step.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>t. fat Margaret from the office
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post
d e v e l i sh
>Murdering your friend for having better genetics
And people say I'm crazy. Normalfags are actual sociopaths and psychopaths incapable of empathy.
On the bright side this thread can be evidence it's manslaughter and not murder.
this is what gainslets actually believe
Prosecution will probably attempt to charge with first degree murder but get him to enter a plea for manslaughter.
Can’t be first degree if he didn’t have specific intent to kill. user seemed genuinely confused that his way wasn’t sterile, so it’ll probably be manslaughter.
Then again user HAS to be retarded to think the way he does so he’ll probably plead some kind of mental deficiency
encourage the other guys at work to drink soda and eat junk food during coffee break, while i never have any
> gainlet so insecure he’d kill a bro
Please commit sudoku. Not only are your genes detrimental to humanity, but you’re never going to make it.
lol at her for not knowing how to measure bodyweight.
Maybe one day you'll love yourself enough to like other people.
lol you're actually going to hell
you're gonna make it