Who here /liftsbutstillugly/?

who here /liftsbutstillugly/?
>fw 5'4 and bald with gigantic head
anyone in a similar position ever find the light at the end of the tunnel?

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of course not kys

Wow if that's really your physique I think you need to bulk up more.


Nah man, we're fucked


bald manlets arent gonna make it even more

The light is being healthy, lowering the impact of preventable diseases on our health care system.
The light is physical health which leads to mental health.
The light is learning how to spend your time on shit other than Lookism 2.0.

If your working out to get chicks your probably fucked. If your doing it for a non brainlet reason just keep chugging along and don't be so hard on yourself.

In a similar-ish position. Also gigantic head, balding but maybe finastride can stop it, if not im gonna transplant it. Generally quite ugly face but a rhinoplasty might be able to help. I'm 5'9 which is no advantage but no disadvantage like yours....

I'm not gonna give you false hope, but research some surgical options.

im tempted by finasteride tablets, but the side effects are worrying. and my head is so big and pale its going to look so depressingly awful

i'm just going to hope i fall under a bus before it goes fully bald

Youre not a knockout but youre no freak

See a therapist maybe

>i'm just going to hope i fall under a bus before it goes fully bald
Why are men in this day and age such fucking pussies?

Who else doesn’t lift but isn’t ugly?

would look much better if you bulked up a bit imo

because the sexual market is so slanted to the top 20% of men already, being genuinely ugly means you might as well cut your cock off

there is more to life than sex obviously but you are missing out on so much by being ugly it's difficult to not let it get to you

>because the sexual market is so slanted to the top 20% of men already, being genuinely ugly means you might as well cut your cock off
No, it means you have to actually try to gain status or money.
Losers don't get free handouts. You have to work for it.

genetics are a free handout

If you think kids born into rich families automatically have amazing lives then you're sorely mistaken.
Get your test checked.


Your workout program is shit. Are you doing SS?

Of course you will look shit if you do that program.

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The cope is the faggot who is too defeatist to even try in life.
Get your test checked.



You into progressive rock?

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>c-cope! get your test checked
lmao, all chads ever get are free hand outs. people like op pic are fucked

Being a Chad isn't sunshine and roses. The higher your status, the bigger the target on your back.
The few who truly don't have to work for anything in life end up weak and docile. Their best years were decades ago, in high school, and then they spend the rest of their lives reminiscing. Or they get so much pussy that it becomes old and monotonous, and they don't even enjoy it, like having too much candy.
Again, you're being a bitch, wasting the great opportunity you've been given.

Why don't you get a system? You're bald either way

yeah being a chad is so shit, would much rather be a 5'5 recessed chin narrow shoulders assymetrical face incel

the thing is that chads were given enough to work with in the first place. they were given a free workable foundation to build the rest of their lives on. true incels were given trash and can only become trash.
>wasting the great opportunity you've been given.
yea the opportunity to get fucked by god

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This but unironically.
You are in the best position to become something great in life, and you waste it.
You think Michael Jackson was held back by his looks?

>the thing is that chads were given enough to work with in the first place. they were given a free workable foundation to build the rest of their lives on. true incels were given trash and can only become trash.
If you have consciousness then you were given enough to work with.
Let alone the internet, food, a roof over your head, access to numerous social groups. The list goes on and on.

michael jackson was forced to become a star and had his way in the industry paid from when he was a child. he was literally given everything in life as a handout so that is actually the worst example but he did hate it. also he was never held in regard as a sexual male being, he looked gross and people thought his schtick was creepy.

If you are as good as Michael Jackson at singing, songwriting, and dancing, you can rise from a nobody to being well-known very quickly.
The problem is you possess no skills, let alone any elite-level skills.
In regards to being a sexual being, there is no doubt that he had access to women. Status is more important than looks to women, as high status means numerous resources that can be provided to their children.
The problem with him was likely that he was chemically castrated to preserve his voice, hence his effeminate demeanor.
His wife wasn't ugly.

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>wow! look at chad's consciousness!
c o p e

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>If you are as good as Michael Jackson at singing, songwriting, and dancing, you can rise from a nobody to being well-known very quickly.
definitely not in today's music industry. only if you look marketable and can be sold as a relatable package to consumers, that on top of having insane levels of luck. name me one ugly looking singer today. right. looks are everything

This but unironically.
If you can burn yourself to death without screaming, your mind is totally impervious to what others in life have accomplished or how much pussy they have had.
Your mind is nowhere near that level, that's why you can't imagine it being possible.

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Wrong. The halo effect makes everything in your life easier. It's been proven time and time again that more attractive and taller people are treated better, people react better to whatever they do etc

Just look at the earnings of attractive/tall people. They're higher on average. Look at how tall the average CEO is.

There comes a point where you're so good that you can't be ignored.
> name me one ugly looking singer today.
How about 50 celebrities.

yea just burn yourself to death without screaming bro

Helpful is not the same thing as a requirement.
If you want shit to be easier for you then you haven't spent enough years lifting weights.
People love underdog stories.

No, just meditate for a couple years until you are capable of doing that.
Then you'll have your happiness, and it won't matter to you what possessions or pussy you have or don't have.

This pic was posted a couple years ago, I recall the thread being really supportive in helping this guy lookmax

people love end results. no one cares about the 2/10 who became a 4.5/10 through hard work when theres a 7/10 with a personality to boot.

Valuable skills can easily take you from a 2/10 to a 7/10.
Men are not women, their looks are secondary to their utility.
Already posted this but here you go:

yea they were being nice for once because he was actually too ugly to salvage. rip

>Men are not women, their looks are secondary to their utility.
maybe in 1950 that was true, but definitely not today
>Already posted this but here you go:
maybe like 5 people out of those 50 are genuinely ugly and they are literal whos
who the fuck thinks robbie williams, shia labeouf and justin bieber are ugly

>being a chad isn't good
Yeah okay retard

>Valuable skills can easily take you from a 2/10 to a 7/10.
this isnt reddit

This dude is right, just look at Jeff Bezos

>You are in the best position to become something great in life, and you waste it.
Yes, like becoming a ugly bobblehead dwarf is becoming something great in life
Meanwhile any chad-like guy that isn't too dumb to fail academically or doesn't indulge in binge eating can still get to ride smoothly in life after the good years of high school while having a good physique that people keep mirin' without even trying
>You think Michael Jackson was held back by his looks?
Rephrase that into "you think a guy in the top 1% of artists revered by millions even years after his death was held back by his physique" and that argument becomes null, as his fame and quality vastly overwhelms his looks (which weren't so bad in first place). Not to mention he had plastic surgeries and to put another example Freddie Mercury didn't like his teeth iirc

>People love underdog stories.
People love the powerful or being the powerful side, which is why so many people seem to like the Empire for example.
Underdog stories are great when the underdog defeats the other guy literally or figuratively. If David didn't manage to beat Goliath and just gave him a bit more of a fight than the usual the jews would not have included the conflict in the battle.
Effort is good and all but there is shit people cannot compete against with normal means.

>in the Bible.

Stop acting like a victim bitch and get your test checked.

>fame and quality vastly overwhelms his looks (which weren't so bad in first place).
If you look better than this then you have no excuse.
Either you put in the effort to become great or you cope.

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lmao @ this cop out of a reply
get your test checked = cope harder
the truth is you know what im saying is right

i look genuinely worse than this. at least he has hair

It isn't, I just don't have the time to custom cater a response for everyone.
Time and energy is better spent mastering skills rather than trying to convince people who won't help themselves.

mastering skills wont improve your looks

Always was confused why so many people are anti defeatist or pro self “improvement”. Is it a projection of their desires onto others? If my male competition all became defeatists I only have more to gain.

Can confirm. Born quite rich, drive a tuned slk since 4 years (22 now), both parents alcoholic, I'm a norwood 3 since 16, very insecure, social outcast and i hate myself.

I felt like you had to try to fail at that point. Being born into high class gives you so many opportunities

>genetics are a free handout
>hurr kids born into rich families
???????????? no one is saying that money solves problems. the issue is looks

use that to your advantage and build a shitload of muscle mass. at that height you could literally add 10lbs of muscle and look massive

This is the result of his excessive surgeries when he was already very famous so it's cheating. He looks way better than this when he made Thriller at least (and kinda better than me I must add)

I am not convincing anyone to don't help themselves, in fact doing shit it's better than nothing.
Still unless you have a way to overcome what weights and skills cannot solve (affordable safe surgeries for bones or whispering "grow grow grow",for instance) don't try to delude us into thinking that looks don't matter or that everyone will make it.
At least this is the way I feel about the issue and it's fucking awful. Specially because I am surrounded by people more or less of my age who all grew up to become better looking than me while I'm stuck being the ugly small framed manlet of this family's generation that is still a kissless virgin whose only saving grace over my Chadish relatives is that I am a workaholic nerd that got somewhat high grades.

At best is comradery and trying to be a bro, at worst is trying to delude people so that their hopes get inflated and the fall is higher. I want to believe it's the first one even considering where we are right now.

>Always was confused why so many people are anti defeatist or pro self “improvement”.

That's called "Bucketcrab"-Mentality and is responsible for every "____let", *tinder-chart shows wahmen slutz*, "cope", "blackpill" and generic incel post in here.

Jow Forums infested even Jow Forums by now which creates a generic echo chamber leading to spastics dreaming of enforcing sharia law on women here while not noticing that those fucks are just as shallow and self pity like the image of "females" they've molded. Many of them are doing it for the sole reason of trolling.

That's what happens if your father figure is vidya, television and the internet.

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> run
> sit in garden after workout
> this fucking thread

Stop making me insecure you faggots, im atleast 5/10 right? 5'9

Also wtf are you people discussing, if your taller, better looking; ofc you have it easier in life, thats just simple fucking logic

It gave none to me. I live in Germany. College, food and shit is guaranteed here. I wouldn't even care that much about my hair. My best pal is also a norwood 3 and he slays all the time, works a good job by now and seems joyful about life whilst I'm crashing in uni after years of trying to impress people with my grades so I could feel how it is to bd loved and accepted. It's bullshit but it still drives me.

Money and Looks are worth shit if you're underdeveloped in your hearth. Such people are the biggest copers of all. Somd people try to hide their height, their balding temples and bad teeth. Others try to hide gheir sadness and void by pretending to be successful in live and lucky.

I would go completely bald, be 5'0 and shit poor if I didn't had to watch my family being abusive and drug addicted leading them to make their lives go down the shitter together with my sanity.

Build your shoulders more if you want your head to look smaller

Forgot pic cuz im retarded

German too, drug problems in family and friends are the worst

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>I'm a norwood 3
Hair implants and mixomidil
>very insecure
We talking about your physique or skills, if the former pay for surgeries to fix you and if latter try to work out on them. Probably not the best advice to give but I am not really in the position to help
>social outcast
Find people that like doing the same stuff you do, if you are lucky enough you'll have a guy that serves as an anchor to know other people.Again I am on the same boat kinda so can't just tell my experience.
>I hate myself
Don't know about your case exactly, but probably fixing the above would ease said hatred
>Both parents alcoholic
Can't do much except encourage them to take therapy or something, It worked on my motther with smoking but I admit I was lucky

As you can see you can throw money at two of your problems and solve one or two with a bit of help as far as I can tell for your post.Only one or two are really fucking hard to solve (maybe the biggest one). Meanwhile other people not only lack the luxury of having money as problem solver, but also have to add its lack or scarcity as a problem.

Their fault. Not your responsible or obligation to do anything about it. In fact you engaging is probably gonna make them double down rather than self reflect. In addition to them not likely to take advice from some random on Jow Forums.

While I can appreciate some of the sentiment outside of the arrogance and pretentiousness. You engaging is only causing more harm and making it annoying for me to see the same rehashed shit flings.

5'4 with a balded head that minox and finasterade wont work on too. im 22 now and i think im gonna be khv forever at this point. nothing matters when youre this fucked

If you feel great, you want others to feel great.
If you feel terrible, you want others to feel terrible.
General rule of thumb.

It doesn't have to.

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Based and self-improvement-as-a-disciplinepilled

>Still unless you have a way to overcome what weights and skills cannot solve (affordable safe surgeries for bones or whispering "grow grow grow",for instance) don't try to delude us into thinking that looks don't matter or that everyone will make it.
There is no delusion, it's 100% reality. The delusion is thinking you are a victim and you can do nothing about your situation.
You have the internet, the most valuable tool which you can use to solve any problem in your life (hint: start with self-esteem before improving your looks.)
And yet you use it to act like a hapless victim. It's pathetic and I won't tolerate it.

i am literally midget sized. it doesnt matter what i think, i am a victim of circumstance wether i like it or not.

>Just build your shoulders bro, it'll solve everything

You fucking serious? The only thing wrong about you is your height maybe your frame but can really judge with that pic, your face is more then fine. You're 7/10.
You kinda look like moot tho.

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I can hide it quite well but it still distracts me daily. I'm also too young for an op and fin fucked me almost up.
To hair: I see many people who are off worse than I am but still have fun and joy. I want that too and surgery would lead to the same shit michael jackson had.
>social outcast
I'm too retarded for that. I talked today to a girl i know but I always feel like I can't talk about shit. I don't know where I do belong and beta out if someone shows me a sign of interest.
>Self hatred
I can fully understand you that you think "just get surgeries bro" is an advice but If you've witnessed how your mom almost got choked to death by dad with around 10 years money wont fix shit. You never stop loving them. You simply stop loving yourself.
I talked to them when I was 8. My mom found excuses and my dad got mad. They now even take other shit. I still tried but they rather blame each other on who's worse.

Bro just stop. Even tho I fundamentally agree with you, you are not convincing anyone with your haughtiness. Stop trying to be a hero because they see you only as delusional.

I don't like this kind of threads, we all know we are ugly, that's why we are on Jow Forums.
There is no need to remind ourselves everyday.

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>i am literally midget sized. it doesnt matter what i think, i am a victim of circumstance wether i like it or not.
The choice to live in heaven or in hell is yours to make alone.
I'm telling you precisely what I wish someone had told me 10 years ago.
Take it or leave it.

So you are saying someone didn’t tell you and you learned it yourself through experience. Take your own advice and stfu.

As long as someone's responding, it's striking a chord.

>just live ine heaven bro
you would literally never understand. you havent experienced this shit.

Chord of making them double them. Before this thread they probably only had a passive agreement in defeatist mentality but getting attacked by you only makes them become more radical about it. Big reason why Trump won was exactly the same reason of the left antagonizing conservatives

Man even that contergan guy who has neither arms nor legs that basically looks like a bag of rice with a head on it has more joy and success in life than you with your 1st world problem crap. Fix your mind and not your body.

When has coddling ever worked? It only validates the idea that they are victims.
Someone needs to wake them up.

People who want to give up should just be allowed to. They have no desire in doing anything but lying in the gutter and getting others to join them. At the end of the day it's your life, and it's your decision what you do with it. If you choose to just never try at anything because there are better looking and richer people, go for it. It has been this way forever, not really sure why all of a sudden this knowledge is too heavy to bear.

You have no idea what I look like.
Happiness is a science, it has been solved by monks over the ages and it does not rely on how much pussy you have.
Monks are not known for being physically attractive.

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Ah sorry. He doesn't have been fucked by grünethal but still got the syndrome.

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People have the right to give up and I have the right to try to snap them out of it.

Wait isn’t you attacking them making them victims in the clearest sense. They only have more reason to believe their victim bullshit now.

You know what if you're very fit you can at least pull off that bulldog / pug kind of ugly cute. Big burly biker type still get laid. The alternative is to be a skinny fat weekling and be ugly.

Even the people who agree with you are seeing that you are useless. I don’t even really think you are here to help anymore. You are here to act superior and step down on those degenerates. If you really wanted to help you would take someone under your wing in real life. But of course acting like a jackass on Jow Forums is more fun.

>The delusion is thinking you are a victim
And I am, me and anyone in my skin is a victim of some sorts
>and you can do nothing about your situation.
I can but the issue that normal "doable" solutions won't work for some of my problems. If I am a skinnyfat fuck, to solve that I should lift (which I am right now) and in that case the whole and only solution lies in the gym and the diet.
But if you are ugly or narrow framed or a manlet you have it tougher (same applies to people with other shit like pectum excavatus and etc). Grooming helps up to a point, lifting can't expand the shoulder girdle just fill it (as far as I know, unfortunately) and heels are just disguise that can end up backfiring. Is like trying to cure a disease by treating or even masking the symptoms, I just want the full cure, asap if possible.
>hint: start with self-esteem before improving your looks.
Why should I like myself if I don't like what I look in my mirror and if nobody likes it either? You may say learn to like it but it will still be a thorn stuck in you and hurting every now and then when somebody mogs you for example. Effort may or may not ease it, complacency and iddleness probably just makes it worse.

I meant more that maybe if you got everything sorted you would likely like yourself more but if your self hatred comes mostly from not being able to solve that clusterfuck I hardly can blame you.I assume that you already have tried everything in your hand to stop this so hope that it gets better and don't beat yourself is the only thing I can really say and it is still not really helpful.

I don't want to give up, but I have serious doubts that I will succeed.

>anyone can become bull dog ugly cute

Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger. One of his kids is a fat ugly lard-ass and the
other one looks like Arnold had a kid with Antonio banderas. But if that kid never knew Arnold was his dad, he would still be the son of a poor house maid while the ugly fat ass is a member of the Kennedy clan . On any given day which one of them do you think would be getting more pussy?