>be skeleton
>get told to bulk and lift
>start bulking as a skeleton
>weight increases
>lifts do not increase
>get fat
thanks Jow Forums
Be skeleton
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe you could actually touch some weights other than yourself
dyel faggot
Are you doing some shitty self-made program?
Looks like you forgot to take steroids. Enjoy your belly.
i dunno, am i? im not much of programmer, i went 3 years for this shit but i still only know how to make shitty websites with HTML and CSS, im such a failure not a single day goes by without me questionianing my worth
Kek, just hop on Stronglifts. Also you could try to teach yourself a more useful language outside of classes, idk I'm not a CS guy
I made my own program and Im getting more results than OP
The difference is that I know how to count calories and what is a lean bulk
What a fucking cutie pie dude.
It sucks when you realize literally everything Jow Forums says is intentionally wrong just to trick people... and it especially sucks when you realize this AFTER falling for every meme.
>just gain weight dude
>just eat more bro
>just eat 3000 calorinos a day broduderino
>cholesterol is safe to eat man
>in fact you should eat more cholesterol, the jews want you to eat less
>saturated fat is safe to eat man
>in fact you should eat more saturated fats, the jews are lying to you man
>lift for strength breh, don't worry about looks
>don't do cardio bruh
>don't eat any fiber brah, our ancestors never ever touched plants under any circumstances
>our white ancestors drank a gallon of milk a day
>you can still poop if you only eat meat brofessor
Young innocent naive anons see this, think it's true, and then they turn into obese 30 year old boomers with diabetes, heart disease, eating disorders, and no matter how much regret they feel, it doesn't change that they die at 40 of a heart attack or stroke.
You sound like a seething dyel vegan
Crickey! 'ave a look at this!
This normie is becoming self-aware!
>is told to bulk and lift
>only bulks, forgets to lift
>surprised he got fat
Never change Jow Forums.
>eating cholesterol is bad mmmkay
Literally no proof of this, also, I feel like you're taking advice from powerlifters, calisthenics fucks, strongman, dudebros, etc and combining them together like that's how it works. In other words, you're retarded.
Sorry that nobody wanted to buy your shitty vegan meal plans. You should neck yourself tho.
If you've been programming for 3 years and you never got past html+css you're
1- not actually programming
2- dogshit
Post bodies
Not into short hair girls but damn....
if you let yourself be influenced by Jow Forums you will think the only good race is the white race and feminism and the left is full of sjws and hitler was an alright guy. That's just the tip of the iceberg. It's good if you believe these things then find arguments against them then realize that everyone on Jow Forums is a fucking moron and in this realization you realize that those fitness tips you've been taking from these fuckhead Jow Forums Jow Forumstards that escaped their containment boards are worthless. Don't trust people you don't know, idiot
3000 calories a day is like the minimum for an active adult male to gain weight. The average grown man maintains somewhere around ~2500.
>the only good race is the white race
And Japs. And it's true.
>eat shitty macros
>write your own trash program or follow one from a shitty magazine
>make no gains and get fat
Ain’t that some shit
What makes Tomboys so great?
>I didn't put any effort into my lifts
To be fair if you're only developing with HTML + CSS then you're not actually programming anything.
I browsed or gamed through most classes sadly do after 3 years i had 2 years of undone work
They look like young men.
Based and paederasty-pilled.
who's this?
Mike Hunt
1. Don't be dumbass and do a proper program. Look up RPT for a good post-beginner/intermediate program.
2. Don't be a dumbass and eat ADEQUATE calories. Adequte, not excessive. You can only gain muscle so fast. You get better gains as a newb, and if you didn't, go back to step 1.
3. Eat adequate progtein. Aim for at least 0.64 grams/lb or more. You can look on examine.com for how much protein you should take for your goals, but that should basically be the min.
4. Don't blame others for your failures.
but before i started lifting i ate too little for many months when lifting, only two small meals a day now i eat 5 meals a day.
stop posting tomboys you fucks
Most of them looks like boys. Without the tom infront
who told you being a skeleton was bad you fucking retard. Dress and act like a model and you'll live life on easy mode, not sure why you would try to ruin your body by weightlifting.
That looks like a girl though no man has that kind of girly body.
The firdt post though looked like a bunch of fuckboy fags.
would stuff every single one of them holy fuuuuuck
That's pretty gay
Indeed, indeed
If only it was this easy
Nothing gay about it
I want to get in the mind of the OP. It's obvious bait but it is weak and so unfunny that he might as well have not posted at all. Is he just thus unoriginal? Is he so new that he thought this would be funny?
nigga is that the Helm of Awe?
im just sad tomboys have been genocided. all the ones from my generation have been radicalised into feminists, or gone girly. And any younger girls who display tomboyish characteristics will be pressured into believing they are trans and will turn themselves into orcs
Is that Matt Watson from Supermega?
>acquire gf
>mold her into tomboy
look where her tongue fits in with her teeth. she definitely has an incredibly fucking annoying speech disorder
Cut nigga
Id say 50/50 but yeah definitely would have to do a double take on most of them
>short hair
>short hair and russian
Uber gay
>tfw the far left are now brainwashing tomboys into being trannies
>i dunno, am i?
No, no you are not. Do not increase your caloric intake if you do not intend on doing some sort of strength program.
As an aside, you should question your worth if you type like some underage lobomite.
made me kek
>what is clean bulking
>bulked on shit foods like ice cream, fast food, unironically doing GOMAD
>he doesn’t eat clean, calorie dense foods
lmao idiot, you are what you eat.
>pic is the perfect female body btw
What is clean calorie dense food even? Just spoons of pb?
bulking doesn't nesicarially mean calorie dense food, but low sugar natural peanut butter is a good bulking food.
I’m starting to put avocados in most of my meals.
I like to make a shake w/protein powder, pb, 2 raw eggs, milk
Use this next time for fall for a fit meme.
Sounds like op bulked on bread and breakfast cereal and didn't push himself hard to lift, he just did stuff he could do to avoid asking someone to spot him.
Well, yeah. Gotta get adequate calories. This can be tough to measure unless you're measuring your weight frequently.
An easy way to ingest more calories is to consume more fatty foods or add more oil to your cooking.
2 of those are men
What is wrong with gomad?
Nothing homo about it :^)
Olive oil used for cooking, coconut oil if you’re making a curry or something of the sort, avocado oil if you’re rich. Fatty fish, complex carbs from rice or full grain bread, avocado, cheeses, full fat milk and so on and so forth.
Mostly you just have to eat more though
A most despicable trend indeed
Will anyone please give sauce on this babe? Couldnt find anything about her except some hey she looks like Tracer shit
None of them are boys though
I don’t have sauce, just a few more pics. Apparently she used to have a pl*bbit account where she posted, so there should be a good amount more, but since she deleted it you would have to get lucky and find a collection of pics somewhere
Meant for
Best I could do. Taylor Brown search turns up too many randos.
I couldn’t find anything under that name either
Yeah but they look like boys on first sight.
I can understand when a girl has a nice petite body like in your pic. But those other pics with the facepics most of those girls just looks like twinks.
>those girls just looks like twinks
That’s the best part though :^)
>I can understand when a girl has a nice petite body like in your pic
Its the same girl in the middle right pic lying down
Anyways, whilst I do like girls that look boyish, I do also pick these pics on purpose for those sweet (you)s and shitposting
So you just like to pretend you are gay, by liking girls who look like boys?
This is a weird form of faggotry
Nah, I do find them attractive. Within the range of pictures I could choose I just sometimes go for ones that are more likely to get a reaction out of anons. But I am not pretending to like anything, I do like it
And it’s very much not gay of course
Don't get me wrong they're girls so It's totally not gay, but It's a little bit gay if you know what I mean.
>be fat
>get told to cut
>do ss anyway
>weight goes down and lifts up
>get 'normal' physique
no thanks to Jow Forums
did you forget to lift?
She went by Cerebral Enigma.
Ah shit, that’s true, she posted on r/shorthairedhotties but deleted her account. Didn’t research her much but did not find any image folders of her online the last time I looked, just the usual few pics
Yeah I guess i can concede it’s like 5% metaphysically gay, but irl it’s good if you say no homo