
Do you guys like working out on adderall?

I take it two times a week so I don't fall asleep in class and I noticed my workouts in the afternoon are insane, like it's just a matter of doing the workout. Pushing myself isn't even a factor because I'm already doing it without thinking.

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>working out on stimulants
no thanks, I like my heart.

I'm prescribed it for ADHD. It's the best preworkout I've ever used.

Except for cocaine.

It gives me great mental energy but not physical like caffeine, ephedrine or DMAA. Nicotine is similar in the sense that it would probably be better for cardio than heavy weights.

I should've mentioned that I'm a swimmer, so all of my workouts are usually super heavy cardio. Prob why it works so well for me.

I feel weak and like my heart will explode

i love it but it’s basically watered down meth, so it’s not without its drawbacks.

I take Adderall so I can keep moving forward until my enemies are destroyed.

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I’m prescribed vyvanze and occasionally use it combined with preworkout. I’m a stim junkie (4 years of college will do it to you). The worst I ever did was vyvanze and 2 SCOOPS of 5150. Was pretty killer honestly.

It’s def bad for your heart but I do it anyway. I take 5mg at 9am and hit the gym at 6:30pm and I’m still feeling that shit so I try not to over exert myself and take deep breaths. But working out is the only way I can fall asleep

Crazy focus and euphoria while i'm lifting. Its great for a cut with its ability to suppress hunger, But i definitely don't recommend it everyday since its pretty habit forming and youll be brain dead once you finally get off of it after 3-5 days use, and you go back to normal the next day. addys are the reason i passed my finals.

I took it a couple times in uni and while I felt fucking amazing and I was definitely stronger, I got dehydrated really easily, and that led to cramping. So don't forget to drink lots of water and have a banana or three.

In my experience, addy doesn't really help. It kinda zones me out at the gym and at times I even feel tired and less energetic on it. Caffeine is a better stimulant for working out ime.

What is amazing at the gym however is morphine. It gives you energy while numbing pain and mental failure. I found it to increase my potential by a lot. Downside is that you will feel extra pain and soreness on the withdrawal the next day.

Phenibut is also good for energy, its like alcohol that doesn't zone you out and helps you focus even.

I'm prescribed 20mg IR 3x daily (60mg total) for ADHD. I do notice I power through my workouts but other than that they just calm me down and relax me. I'm usually an obnoxious spazz.

Yeah 4 years of college is nearly impossible without “”””stims””””

Fucking idiot. College is a repeat of high school nowadays, absolute cakewalk for anyone with a room temperature IQ

Just a tip: If you can't get adderall or any stimulant, go and buy Modafanil. It's easy to obtain and offers strikingly similar effects.

*cough* *cough*

>doing meth
it feels good af but it fucks up your life

Adderall and meth are very different things, Anonymous.

yeah, meth is stronger and longer lasting, but other than that its the exact same high

no, adderall doesn't give me the euphoria that meth does you faggot

t. Business major

Some of us went and got a real degree while in college, like engineering or physics

>but other than that its the exact same high
No it isn't. You don't get high on adderall. That's literally why they prescribe it to you: Because if you don't abuse it, you don't experience euphoria. I'm and adderall does nothing except calms me down and slows my thoughts.

Thats because your dopamine baseline is way lower then the average persons

Working out on its okay but not much better than caffeine.

Addy kills gains though because it ruins sleep quality and appetite significantly.

okay, well i've heard from ex-meth heads its the exact same high, meth is just stronger. if you took a bunch of adderall pills you'd get high just like a dirty bum meth head does

>if you took a bunch of adderall pills you'd get high just like a dirty bum meth head does
Not true. I've had friends take a ton of adderall and all it does is lock them in to their task and make them sweat.

Meth gives you euphoria, this is a HUGE part of why meth is addictive and the "high" is much, much different than what Adderall does for you.

Meth = neurotoxic
Adderall = not neurotoxic.

No Im more of downer guy. I`m always on alert and highly neurotic. These are just pillpressed panic attacks for me.

no, adderall is way more robotic and less enjoyable at the dose needed to get the same euphoria as meth. they probably think it's the same because they progressed from the adderall to meth but i've smoked meth in the past and still take adderall from time to time

How similar? Are you legit or shilling some bullshit?

Modafanil is literally illegal (without a prescription) in most countries because it's a powerful stimulant and "wakefulness promoter". Look into it, Modafanil basically gives you the mental effects of an amphetamine but none of the body feels.

>Are you legit or shilling some bullshit?
Nope. Buy from wherever. Hell I haven't even bought from that website because my bitcoin purchase doesn't go through for two days. They just give a 35% discount when you buy with crypto.

I usually buy Modalert 200mg from Duckdose, but they went down.

nah both are neurotoxic to a certain degree but in the doses prescribed by doctors its very minimal. meth and adderall effect the brain in the exact same way except meth is more potent because it can cross the blood brain barrier.

pharma meth is a thing its called desoxyn. the reason why meth heads fuck up their brains are because they are taking insane doses and staying up for days destroying their bodies

>heavy cardio
OP is kill

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I used to use addys to cut and they would give me killer workouts. When you say they won’t give me the body feels does that mean I won’t be as strong working out? I used to take 15mg ir addys every other day to workout

>When you say they won’t give me the body feels does that mean I won’t be as strong working out? I used to take 15mg ir addys every other day to workout
Think of Modafanil as a longer functioning Addy. 200mg of Modalert lasts me like 10-12 hours, to the point where I don't sleep much when I take a full dose.

You will feel focused, alert, mentally sharp and clear. You probably will not feel tweaked, locked in or sweaty. There's loads of videos on the subject.

If working out is a mental thing for you, Modafinil will help you in that regard to stay focused on what you're doing.

Normally I think a lot of Nootropics are bullshit, but think of Modafinil as like the big boss of Nootropics. So much so that it's a schedule 4 drug in the US.

So if I get popped for having it in the mail I get felony charges for every pill? And does it fuck your dick up? I couldn’t get hard on addys. Sorry for asking so many questions but I’ve never heard of this stuff before.

>So if I get popped for having it in the mail I get felony charges for every pill?
No. They usually just toss the package and send you a letter about contraband. They don't go after people who buy Modafinil. I've never had it happen to me.

>And does it fuck your dick up?

>Sorry for asking so many questions but I’ve never heard of this stuff before
You really should look into it. It activates the same brain regions that amphetamines do, but it works on a much different mechanisms.

Joe Rogan does talk about it a bit too.

Also, I know you're all going to dunk on me for linking to Reddit, but check out this subreddit for more info

Thanks bro you da man.

>electrical engineering is a cakewalk
Okay man i must be retarded because it was the toughest 4 years of my life. It’s been easy fuckin cruising since I graduated.

No problem user. Be safe.

Just tried Modafinil 2 days ago - 50mg
I got (mild) rashes on my left shoulder, chest and neck and also some kind of circle on my tongue.
There is this desease called Stephen Johnson Syndrome you can get from Moda which can be life threating and starts with symptoms like I had! but only after 3-4 weeks daily consumption of what I read.

Im gonna try 25mg in 2 weeks and see if it comes back.
Maybe Im just sensitive to sulfonamide containing drugs?!

>Im gonna try 25mg in 2 weeks and see if it comes back.
Honestly just don't even do it, that disorder can land you in the hospital.
There is nothing modafinil can do that you can't achieve with natural alternatives like ginseng, l-theanine, ashwagandha, etc.

>here is this desease called Stephen Johnson Syndrome
This can also come from mood stabalizers like Lamictal. I would know. SJ is not specific to Moda

Yeah, if a bunch of third world shitskins can do it...that tells you something.

Come back and complain when you have a terminal degree.

I actually tried many different of those drugs but they all had little or no effect on me. Modafinil was some kind of final test and I guess caffeine is the only stim/nootropic I should care about. Only havent tried a racetam yet. After that all hope is lost lol
Didnt take any other drugs the last week. Only other thing I tried was some kind of onions drink without de sõy

You don't take Lamictal recreationally, lol. I'm only saying that SJ is not unique to Modafinil

The same thing happened to me, I took 200mg 3-4 times a month at most. I got worse each time, the last time I took it I got bright red rashes around my armpits and torso, and my eyes, lips and mouth completely dried out. Never again.

Try 200mg phenylpiracetam an hour before you workout, it stacks well with caffeine or a pre-workout drink.

I mean I also worked 20+ hours a week at the gym and as a TA. Also played rugby and had a stem major and minor. Wouldn’t call it a cakewalk especially when you try to have a 2 hour workout at least 5 times a week.

Scary! Guess I wont take it again then. Maybe some people keep taking it without noticing the rashes and then have full on sjs
Thanks gonna check that out!

Between the test, adderall and hcg. I often wonder how long this can go on for.

Maybe I should forego all these poisons and NEET it up.

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I felt the same affect as 30mg adderall when I took 50 viagra after 3 months nofap