/fat/ - Daydreaming Edition

For rotundous roundbois who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>Why hasn't my weight gone down for 3+ days?
If you're on a deficit, water weight. Plateaus can last up to 3 weeks.
>This is not QTDDTOT, use that thread for questions not about fat loss.
>Read the Jow Forums sticky (you should have already but it covers the basics of diet and exercise)
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your BMI
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal or Cronometer. Best on smartphones
myfitnesspal.com (better for packaged food)
cronometer.com (better for generic food/tracking micronutrients)

>count calories, all of them
>calculate your TDEE at sedentary. It will save you a whole meal's worth of calories
>buy scales, be accurate in your measurements. autistically accurate
>learn how to cook and start cooking your own healthy meals. lean protein and green vegetables
>develop sustainable healthy lifestyle habits
>eat a lot of protein (1g per lb of goal body weight)
>cardio. learn to love walking
>start lifting weights! fatties have the advantage that they can build muscle while cutting, especially as complete beginners!
>post your height/weight/screenshot of MFP/Cronometer food log when asking for advice

>eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calorie count
>eat processed foods, or at least try to avoid if possible
>drink your calories. alcohol, soda, fancy starbucks shit. forget it
>be a retard


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Other urls found in this thread:



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nice projecting. the last time i binged was ~3 months after i started dieting. the urge just does not exist for me anymore.
the trick to not being fat is to eat in moderation, not to eliminate all "unclean" foods from your diet permanently.

I always tell my friends and family that I lost 2kg more than I really did so that I feel pressure to actually lose those 2 kg

>bro, just smoke in moderation, it won't kill you if you only smoke 2 packs a week instead of 4

alright this isnt relaly a /fat/ question but im also fat with u bros so, i broke my scapula a few years back and now when im working out doing stuff like shoulderpress etc it cracks 3 times every single time. Should i be worried?

Is 9x my bodyweight in calories a good goal for losing 2 pounds a week? I want to lose 2 pounds a week.

more like
>bro, you should breathe out of an oxygen tank 100% of the time just in case there's second-hand smoke in the air

Ate fried chicken despite getting over a stomach bug
Stayed under .5TDEE but probably could have just had grilled and not dealt with the stomach ache that came after


If it isn't hurting you then no I wouldn't be worried. You're just getting older user and thats just how it goes.

when i hit 1600 kcal i cant eat anymore
>what happen?

I just ate a bag of chips

How many times a week should I mess around with weights? I'm mostly sticking to HIIT but I don't want to neglect my muscles.

Why do i feel so sad when losing weight? Is there even a point to this? I do not feel better at all. I am becoming healthier physically but not mentally. I was happy being able to party with my friends eating shitty food and having a good time.

How do i solve this fit anons

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40 of steel reserve. 777 calories. down the hatch.

Crono reporting
95.3 kg
I went up fuck.

You are changing your lifestyle, you didn't think this would come with some suffering? It gets easier, but you can't just give up at the first sign of adversity.

>bro, just drink and eat junk food in moderation, that's the key to being thin

according to the fat, seething retard in the previous thread

Seeing as you're still bringing it up every post, you seem to be the seething one :^)

5'9/10", 220, 27. I do a very simple PPL and try to go through it twice a week. All lifts are done either 10,8,6 or 12,10,8.

My body type was decided long ago in high school though. Did a straight strength routine for 3 years playing football. Some of this is undoubtedly muscle memory. Answered in other thread, didn't know if you came here.

Not what that dude said, but go off.

I had my OMAD of chicken and broccoli in the afternoon but then my sister, who is down for the weekend, coaxed me into taking me to McDonald's and I got 4 Hot n Spicys. I hate when she is down because she always wants to eat out and I have no self control. She is 5'2" and weighs 300 pounds bros. I'm not sure she's even gonna make it to age 40 bros...

Holy shit dude she is literally one stroke from death. You should sit down and have a serious talk with her.

>"just drink half bro, that's the key bro. moderation man"

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Eat their select tenders or two McChickens if you have to go. Macros aren't that shit.

plz responde

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2lbs is a deficit of around 7500kcal. work it out.

high test

We have. She doesn't understand that her weight is life threatening because she doesn't have any serious health problems that will change her mind and anytime we bring it up she thinks we're just being mean to her. Her blood sugar and blood pressure are somehow at the high end of normal. I don't understand.

I'm 240 at 5'8" and I didn't start losing weight until I was diagnosed with hypertension and it was affecting me. I don't know what we're going to do with her. Best case scenario at this point is she has a stroke that doesn't give her brain damage and scares her into accepting gastric bypass surgery.

Learn to enjoy cooking. Instead of having some shitty meal. Try making a new (healthyish) dish from a different country. That's how I make not buying a pizza on a Friday enjoyable.

Okay so i'm trying to work this out correct me if im wrong in my calculation, the defecit is of 7500kcal from my TDEE for the week? So if my TDEE clocks in at 2836 then for the week that equals 19,852 calories, minues 7500 equals 12,352 for the week, devided by seven equals 1764 calories for the day to lose 2lbs a week. Is my logic good here or did i fuck up somewhere?

Yes nigger that is how you math

Yeah, sounds good. Also, weigh yourself every day and make an average every week, it's way more accurate (your weight fluctuates all the time).

reminder it's weigh-in day for the fatty contest, we still need weights from:
nick BLP
Queef Chief
The Burger King

you have until midnight at the end of sunday GMT to post.

if you want to sign up check out the rules and spreadsheet, i have 4 slots left:

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Also weight yourself naked. My clothes weigh like 3 pounds.

>there is a dam where i live
>go there everyday to swim
>after doing this + riding a push scooter for a month i lost almost 7kg

This was way easier than i fucking thought. Even made some friends at the dam since it is basically the main spot for summer relaxation where i live

pic related is the place.

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>You've been eating your veggies, right user?

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Hi i would like to sign up "PickleNick420" i weight 249.2 pounds i am 5'11 and my goal is 150lbs

Faustus here, water weight from being a retard last week is finally gone
Weight 259

Damn i wish I had the courage to go swimming. Best fucking excercise.

swimming is best for fatasses, easy on the joints, very hard to overheat and it's fun. Nice to hear you made friends user

added you, see you on saturday.

very fucking nice

201 lbs, 5'8 here
was about 211lbs when I started dieting 2-3 weeks ago
How do I avoid loose skin?
Doing OMAD atm
Was around 174 last September then started anti-psychotics and put a bunch of weight on will it matter that I was skinnier recently?

Had a few extra Fathead rolls and some salami last night. Only like 200ish calories over my 1000 deficit, but still worth confessing.

you probably won't get any significant loose skin, you aren't fat enough
but if you have it you already have it, not much you can do. lifting will make it less obvious.

You should be fine. If 211 was your peak then I doubt you'd get any loose skin. That's not fat enough.

I have a bit of confusion about my macro split.
Various health institutions say that 80 g of protein is more than enough per day.
When i target a 40-30-30 (carb protein fat) split, protein comes up to around 160 grams per day at 2100 cal intake.
Is that ok? Also should i correct the split?
Im M21 182cm 109kg, i have a sedentary job but i go to the gym 3 times a week for some light-moderate exercise (my POV).
Should i target higher than 0.5 kg loss per week, i dont want to have extra skin later.

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Post body. If you have very little muscle, it's possibly at that weight you'll have loosr skin.

>a few extra Fathead rolls and some salami
>200ish cal
Are you sure?

>Post body.
haha, no thanks.
I can tell you now that I have no muscle without showing me to you.
I have stretch marks so my skin probably isnt the best quality.
Is lifting the only advice to give, nothing dietary or the speed at which im going to lose weight?

people tend to say losing weight slower is best because your skin has more time to adjust
as far as diet/products go, as far as i know there's nothing that isn't pseudoscience

The recipe I used had one batch split into 15 rolls. I weighed the ingredients when making them and used MFP recipes function to calculate them at 80 calories. I had 2 of them and 4 slices (about. 75 oz) of Columbus salami, which comes out to 75 calories, about.

So, more like around 225 I guess.

>Is lifting the only advice to give, nothing dietary or the speed at which im going to lose weight?
Yeah. At your fattest you were only 30lbs or so over a reasonable weight with muscle. High end of the scale, but still easily attainable. 180 at 5'8" and 15% bf is an off season fullback.

Thank you for making a new thread - they have been archiving or getting close lately

Yeah I don't mind. Not like I've got anything better to do.

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How fast can a person go from skinny fat to six pack abs?
I've heard it takes years but that can't be true

nothing wrong with that amount of protein. that's a pretty good macro split in my books.
loose skin is pretty much black magic, there's way too many factors that contribute to know for sure, but you don't have that much to lose so you're probably fine.
loose skin does tighten somewhat over a couple years, so if you go slower it tightens as you lose weight.
target higher if it's sustainable for you.

Murdok here
82,1 kg

great to have you back mate

thanks for the answer
Funny thing is I cant even manage to hit the carbs when I watch what I eat but its hard to keep the fat under. Any suggestions for high carb low fat foods except oatmeal?
Ill try to target 0.75 then because i cant even hit the daily target anyways.
Also one more question, is it bad if I drink a shake at like 10 pm, because I barely hit half the protein intake for this day

Just assembled this metal boi
Dumbbells will arrive soon
What are some good exercises for weight loss? I have some but I could always appreciate some more help

Also im a complete beginner

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Read the sticky.

The best exercises for weight loss are cardio, so running, cycling etc.

That's not true and the sticky certainly doesn't say that

Does anyone here meal prep without any cooking?

I spend 60% of my days in my work city, and have access to a microwave and a refrigerator at “home,” a rented bedroom near work. At work, I have a toaster oven and a warming oven (180°F). I could probably buy a hot plate but we don’t have much time to cook on midnight shift.

When not working, I fly to my fiancée and I have access to her full kitchen, but ironically no microwave. Oven reheat works though.

it can be a bit tricky to keep the fat down at first, it's a little hard to tell without seeing your diary, but usually dairy and any pre-made oven foods or fatty/processed meats are part of the problem.
try and stick to lean meats like chicken. beef can be a sometimes treat. cook as much as you can from scratch because then you can control the macros to your liking. if you don't use much dairy and only lean meats basically everything is low fat, then just add the amount you need as oils.
i like doing fried brown rice with a bunch of random vegetables and chicken, i add 5 or 10 grams of olive oil.
protein shakes are pretty great, i add it to my porridge, and have it when i'm bored of chicken. but eating actual food is preferable.
hope that helps.

I can't really remember but I doubt the sticky tells you not to do cardio. Obviously, it advises to lift first and foremost, but cardio is still the type of exercise that burns the most calories.

Cardio is taken care of, I also wanna focus on weight because like the sticky says (+ millions other sources) "weight lifting" hells burns fat and also helps with skin stretching and all that shit

Am I wrong?

Did that bench not come with a barbell rack?

Nope, should I cop one?
My dumbbell set is this, figured I didn't need one since I will be using it "dual wield" in the beginning

I know it's babby tier but again very early stages

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Will my dick look bigger if I lose weight

Yes and you'll also perform infinitely better in bed by all metrics.

Thanks again
Yeah I much prefer actual food, I was just wondering if drinking it at 10pm is bad because im way off of my daily protein goal so just to put in another 20g.

yes, fat in fupa will go away and your dick won't be buried in fat

Time to lose my virginity then

joking or? hahaha
that would be nice, would get half an inch for sure

I’ve gone from 270 to 207 without any loose skin so far and it doesn’t look like I will get it.
I also have stretch marks, but they are getting much paler and I’m 33, so maybe I’m just super lucky, or you have to be super fat to get loose skin.

ah right, i don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with eating/drinking at that time, it's better to hit your macros than worry about the details imo.
only thing i can think is i avoid taking in any calories 3 hours before bed because it gives me indigestion.

yeah if you can fit it in wherever you live. You should start with whatever you're comfortable with.
He's a meme but the athlean x youtube channel has great info on things like proper form and different exercises that can hit whatever muscle you want to work on

once more, thank you very much
have a nice day

Not joking at all. Obviously you'll have more stamina, but theres plenty of other benefits to getting fit with regards to sex. You could not name an aspect of sex that is not drastically improved the healthier one is.

Not that guy, but yeah. If you get in better shape, you not only lose the fatpad that makes your dick look small, the added circulation gives you firmer erections and if it's substantial enough, you literally might get a quarter or half inch. You need to do cardio though. My gf can tell when I'm back on my cycling regimen in the summer by if I sweat during sex and how hard my dick is.

I'm planning a secret ice cream binge despite not being able to pay my bills. I'm going to go to the store and essentially buy everything that makes me happy at once. The feast will be all McDonalds, so a Oreo McFlurry, Buttermilk Chicken Meal large, Big Mac meal large, apple pie, large fries, bagel sandwich, and if they have it a rolo mcflurry.

This will happen Monday.

might be a stupid question, bot how do i delay orgasm, i always come too fucking quick for my liking. she comes too but I dunno id just like it to last longer

6’1 and 245 here.

Am I gonna have problems with loose skin? Max was at 250 a month ago.

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fuck yeah this gives me hope, I'm currently 255 pounds and my goal is 180(already lost 50 pounds) and that's my biggest worry. I'm 27 years old, I'm moisturizing my skin with olive oil, taking collagen and doing bodyweight exercises in hopes I avoid too much loose skin. I don't care about the stretch marks

Breathe more

don't do it man, it's just temporary happiness

Nah you'll be fine

>you literally might get a quarter or half inch
you don't even know fupa
i've got like a whole inch buried in there

I haven’t used any oils or collagen or done any exercise btw.
But it’s probably smart to do it anyway, especially the exercise.

Just finished my OMAD and feeling good.

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ma mufuggin nigga

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Every time I try to lose weight I fail. The best result I had was OMAD I lost 18 pounds but then the cravings come back.
I'm destined to be a lard ass and die an early death. I just hope God has mercy on me.

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>Starving yourself for the entire day led to cravings and binging
Imagine my shock

eat oatmeal if you need to feel full

I know it's a meme diet but maybe try keto+CICO? It eliminated my hunger and cravings so I could follow CICO without problem. Went from 144 kg to 116 kg and I'm still not getting cravings

ye coincidentally I was just watching that guy (probably because he has a lot of views)
Is what I am thinking of following
Any thoughts on it? Looks pretty complete

My mentality changed so the only thing that makes me happy is watching the scale numbers go down

But I feel more motivated than ever

Can't tell if this is a toxic mindset or not

No, I mean from cardio. Circulation gives you a bit more. At one point I was riding about 175 miles a week, my heart rate was 58, and I could chop wood with my dick.