How much you guys barbell rowing?
How much you guys barbell rowing?
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what ever i do on bench day i pen row aswell
Currently pendlay rowing 85kg, but my back feels a little off from yesterdays Pull day. Used to Do 95kg exactly one year ago before an unrelated injury but now my spinal erectors feel some sort of sore since this Morning.
Trying to Do more deficit hexbar deadlifts for better pendlays So lets see where it goes
Try to use belt next time you row
Well it is one of my fauvorite excersize. I include it in my back day
If you can't row what you bench you're a weak little faggot
Yup, do it on my bench day right afterwards
120 kgs 3x10 with belt. I doubt I will ever get much higher. 3 plates is fat or roiding tier
is 225x8 good?
Doubt it has to Do with a belt, I rather just got a weaker core. It will normalize over time, but its a funny feeling between being sore and a very minor injury right now.
165lbs for 6 reps. Almost as much as i can bench. I weight 170.
That's retarded. I know you copied it from brian alsruhe but it's retarded and you should feel bad for being a low iq retard.
I always skip this should I start doing it?
Did 100x5 on Wednesday
For me its the most dificult exercise to get the right position of my back, but once you find it its glorious
Pendlay or bent over version?
bent over i do 3x8 80 kg, feels a bit light
pendlay 3x5 70 kg, feels very hard
>thats retarded you're retarded
>no I won't say why
You are the retard
Pendley is the only way to go for full ROM
I meant bent over, but i guess it applies the issue on both versions
Every day
70kg 4x12 but I do seal row cos fuck pendlay rows
I'm at 1pl8 on pendlay but I feel like I'm using my arms too much
Recently did 230 lbs for 5x5, still going up 5 lbs a session, twice a week. Bench is currently 3x3 277 lbs though so rows still have some catching up to do.
>Fat or roiding tier
But it is rare to see
A weak core is almost always the reason people use a belt in the first place. It's there to do what their abdominal muscles can not.
>It's there to do what their abdominal muscles can not.
No it's there so the abs, obliques and lower back have something to push against thus allowing them to contract harder. (
Couple times per week on days when I'm not deadlifting. Current pendlay 1rm is ~300lbs. I typically do sets of 5-8 with 225.
>you're repeating an experts advice so you're dumb
you're missing out on lower back/bracing gains
>EMG "data"
5x5 75kg Pendlay
but my left wrist always fucking hurts like hell, no matter how I grab the bar
>Still better than your anally derived assertion
225 for my 5x5's, 205 for 6-8's. Got a shitty lower back and that bent over position puts a lot of strain on it, so I don't do them often.
it feels so goofy doing it.
For those who do heavy rows, are you moving your body at all or do you do 100% strict?
>are you moving your body at all
No. I use my telekinesis to lift the bar. It's working out great.
> pendlay
Try pendlay's
>lifting with your brain
enjoy your aneurysm lmfao
>using your brain to form semantically meaningful sentences
dofikfdsw sdfjosdf werfjsfdfh
Once you get up to rowing more than your bodyweight there's going to be a bit of torso angle change as you accelerate the bar off the floor because you have to shift your balance.
do you guys do bent over rows to your belly or to your chest? I always do them to the same height that i touch when bench pressing, will this help to hit my upper/mid back more?
100 sets of 5? woah
Strict rows are genuine garbage. You wanna cheat a bit
I do 5x8 once per week. It's just an assistance movement, but a good one
more than my lats*
I'm currently doing SS. I don't want to skip power cleans. When should I work in barbell rows as an accessory?
Is it normal to row more than your bench. I row 225 3x5 but can only bench 205 3x5
i can bench 2.5pl8 and my max row is fucking 45 + 35 per side
should i kms
I worked up to 275 from the floor and then stopped to focus on bench. Big fucking mistake
Pendlay rows once a week, 3x3 with 275
Beltless Bent Over Rows once a week with 1 heavy set of 4-10 with 365
you're missing out on extra deadlift frequency and volume
maybe widen your grip a little
I’ve yates rowed 3 plates for 16 reps
Pendlay rowed 2 plates for 8 reps
Seal rowed 2 plates for 5 fast easy reps
I love rows
How the hell do you do this lift, I've never felt that I'm doing it right
I don't know because I'm not sure what constitutes a good row. I could row 2pl8 x5 with shit form but only 155x10 with perfect form
new to lifting... any reason for the odd 3x3?
I do them dead off the floor, back parallel to floor, bringing the bar higher to diaphragm. untrained, I can’t cleanly finish 3x8 with 135.
Mostly just how that lift falls in my programming. I like doing lower reps with pendlay rows and making sure each rep is explosive and done with strict form, while doing heavier weight with some cheating allowed when I do bent rows. I only do 3 sets because with deadlifting twice a week and having two different kinds of heavy rows I do every week in addition to some other lighter back training, I don't need the volume to be very high on this particular exercise. I like doing fewer sets with more exercise variety and selection rather than doing more sets and therefore less exercise selection.