What is Jow Forums eating today?

What is Jow Forums eating today?

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I'm fasting

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Lmao I’m eating ass of course

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Oats with bran, cinnamon and whey

4 days into my fast, I've never really had this craving before but I want some fucking sesame chicken rn

pig feet

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I like you

i love posting my food pics on here, they always get good reactions

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Chicken, salmon, rice, and shrimp

>that measly rice portion
>that fucking diet coke

You have failed me

i like diet coke

16 oz of 85-15 grass fed ground beef
12 oz (raw) of sauteed spinach
1 apple
1 banana
glass of water

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roasted potatoes are so easy to make and are delicious.

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Gonna grill some chicken, pepper and onion kebabs later

Seriously how to do good looking potatoes like that?

Oven? Pan fried?

t. Cooklet

Beer and junk food,gonna jerk off to porn too.

pour olive oil, salt, and pepper in a bowl. cube potatoes and toss in bowl.

450 degree oven for 30 minutes should do the trick.

cube the potatoes as evenly as you can, and space the potatoes out on your cookie sheet as evenly as you can.

based and redpilled

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Comfy potat and eg

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>watermelon and spinach
just eat the fucking fruit. you disgust me.

I dunno, i see what i’m feeling when its lunchtime
Pizza, chicken breast, fish, soup, salad, i have no fucking clue what i want to eat

>he doesnt put fresh seasonal fruits in his salads

Salmon and sweet potato after gym

Chicken, rice and broccoli for lunch

Chicken and broccoli for dinner

Not sure if I’m doing it right for what I want to achieve but this is what I remember eating when I used to lift 5 years ago


breakfast after my 20min cardio
>raw peas
>raw weed leaf

for dinner on sundays we have our Grandma round and we have a nice family meal
>mashed potato
>yorkshire puddings (bong here oioibruvva)
>roast pork to keep the muzzies out

gonna be lit lads

just ordered two steak tartares
gonna pour some raw milk into glasses to get curd in a couple of hours
still have like 300g of beef gonna et that with some raw cream and maybe a piece of tomatooooooo

Just ate breakfast
>some blueberries
>greek yogurt
>slivered almonds
Perfect summer meal


cardiolet detected


Enjoy your estrogen and antibiotics

its hiit cycling, user ;_; honest

I love good simple meat and veg shit like this. You're going to make it.

So far today I've had:
- x4 eggs, 65g oat porridge and 55g blueberries.
>Post workout
- 65g tuna done in a pan with 100g cauliflower rice, mixed with 40g of salsa. x2 rice cakes with Bovril
- Peanut butter and banana wrap: 40g of good fresh bread, 20g off 100% pure peanut butter, 110g banana
Pic related, my standard lunch I'm about to eat. Mix of vegtables, chickpeas and chicken in a sauce with some spice.

Then later I'm going to have some ham, leek and potato soup and probably some cottage cheese and olives or more oats. And I've got beef and veg stew on the go for my supper.

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Forgot I also had dat dere delicious cottage cheese on toast as part of my post-workout.

Do you guys avoid MSG in your food?

I like to add broth and flavoring to my batch of rice and it does contain MSG.

Could this shit be any bad body composition wise?

Are you bulking or just maintaining? That seems like a lot of food

I'm talking about stuff like this.

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And this

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Lean bulk on 2700cal but I'll probably go down 100cal or so depending on the next few weeks, gaining a little too fast and probably too much fat. PRs right and left though so that's a comfort. A lot of what I eat isn't very calorie dense though, I like to eat often and feel full so I tend to choose foods which enable me to hit my macros but to eat a lot.

I can't believe people actually eat this shit

Oh, surprised that's only 2700, that's roughly what I'm trying to hit too. I probably need to eat more then, I haven't been tracking my food

Tracking is a bit aid. I'm quite autistic about tracking calories and making sure the nutritional data is actually correct, I usually double check thing from a variety of sources and I don't eat much that's pre-prepared.

user, you can use the rest of the stuff in the pan to make a sauce for the rice. For the small price of a tiny bit of butter and a tiny spoon of flour.

Had a hot pocket and some pocky. Probably going to go to Wendy's or McDonalds for lunch. Might make mashed potatoes and buffalo cauliflower bites for dinner.

not gonna make it