What are modern men doing that’s giving them less testosterone? Is it the phones or the water or what?

What are modern men doing that’s giving them less testosterone? Is it the phones or the water or what?

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Not being competitive

There is nothing that suggests men and women have different hormone levels than before.

Maybe western men should get it out of their head that they are the "strongest" by nature and some conspiracy prevents them from reaching that level again.

If anything, too much testosterone is a bad thing anyway so you can thank your illuminati for lowering it.

>No, goyim, there is no indication of (((us))) lowering your test levels, don't be silly!
>You white men were never that great to start with, so don't complain you suddenly feel weak and low test
>Actually that would be great news, testosterone is bad for you!

sounds about right rabbi

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It's probably mostly just living an easy life in luxury. Also small things like estrogen water, plastic bottles, playing videogames and sitting in front of a computer all day and stuff like that make it even worse.

I buy this. Most modern men do no sport, do no manual labor. The average modern male lives a pampered life where he sits on s computer all day at the office, and eats processed garbage, and will make a joke about "MY WORKOUT FOR THE WEEK" when they climb more than two flights of stairs.

Modern society itself is emasculating by nature. Test levels are inconsequential to this nature.

What does being Jewish have to do with putting testosterone-lowering chemicals in the water?
Aren't Jews supposedly weak? Don't you think they sould benefit from higher testosterone? Why would they shoot themselves in the foot like that?

sedentary lifestyle increasing obesity which in turn increases aromatase, estrogen in diary (every male in modern society now has access to basically unlimited dairy), bisphenol-a/bisphenol-s in packaged products
probably more "unknown" shit but those are main ones imo

men unironically do have lower testosterone & semen levels than in the past, though a lot of the testosterone discussion on forums like these is BEYOND retarded. but u cannot deny the facts.

are you retarded
high testosterone men is exactly what kikes fear

>herbicides, pesticides on produce
>anti-biotics and steroids and hormones in meat
>improper diet
>lack of exercise
>lack of masculine life role

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Broom Broom!!! Miss me with that Gran Autismo.

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It's the onions, and plant matter in general
Go carnivore or die

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Mainly its just lack of exercise, and general coddling. The food doesn't help either, most mass produced food isn't too healthy for you in large quantities. Testosterone is produced significantly more in situations where physical limits are tested and they simpler aren't anymore.
Be thankful you chose to go the route of Jow Forumsness and beef yourself up. I don't know why everyone seems to think its some scheme by the (((dzhews))), testosterone just isn't a necessity for males anymore. If anything thank that since females aren't going to deny millions of years of evolutionary signals saying to fuck the chad y'know? Really I'm just glad K-Pop killed the competition.

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I agree with this. But honestly who and for what are you going to compete with?
Our economy feeds us. Machines do all the heavy lifting. In case of war, our physical prowess is mostly irrelevant in the face of guns and bombs.
We just don't have a use for having good bodies outside of social status, which even then is shallow compared to having lots of money, talent or knowledge

Unironically birth control
>during ovulation, women find men with high-test traits attractive
>outside of it, women find low-t traits attractive
>birth control suppresses ovulation
>leading to women breeding with lower-T men
Carry that over a few generations and you've got the current state of men.

this is bait

state of autism

>result: 6

There isn’t some Jewish scheme to lower men’s testosterone, men did it to themselves by being lazy sacks of shit who only sit in front of screens.

>women prefer low-t men while they are on birth control
>so they breed with low-t men, while on birth control

Holy sterotypes, I spotted a jew

>testosterone just isn't a necessity for males anymore
This better be bait.

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yes that's right. 6. a single digit

>Finds someone who prefers to not blame all his problems on imaginary money goblins
>Oh wow it's a jew
Keep doing you my man. I prefer to work rather than to bitch. That keeps my test high, y'know? Maybe others could learn from it.

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I kinda used that term loosely, it's just not as important. The weak and disabled can proliferate with eachother making genetic deadends. No longer do those with low test get removed from the gene pool. This allows those with low test to simply continue and unfortunately procreate. Not saying it's truly unnecessary it's just not a requirement for passing on your genes anymore.

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That plus bein averse to violence mamy go ur fuggin niggers as oppose to hey shoulda talk shit or learn to fight.
Different from when i was a kid

Not an argument

>become attracted to a low-T man
>marry him and make plans to breed
>by the time you're off birth control you're already too tied down to break it off


People are less active and obesity is on the rise
Also porn

Men are fatter than they were 50 or whatever years ago.

Testosterone levels are inversely correlated with body fat and BMI.

Also environmental effects such as estrogenic compounds in the environment.

Being more sedentary, less sunlight, inadequate diet.

Electromagnetic radiation from phones or other things may affect testosterone. Some studies say yes, some no.

Based non-schizo poster

Lmao, this

Sitting on their butts most of the day.


Pic didnt attach, sorry.

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begone jew!

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Wasn't marriage arranged for most of history though
It'd mean that people would breed with eachother regardless of test levels

its everything, there are xenoestrogens in everything, even the things that say they dont have them, your food has been poisoned even if its "organic" because the shit big ag uses gets picked up in the air and water and is dumped hundreds of miles from the source.

I wouldn't consider the jewish problem imaginary, but you're right whe you say jews arent the driving force behind lower test levels.
However, your typical kike enjoys seeing beautiful things destroyed so I imagine they revel in lower test men being pumped out by society.

>garbage food is accessible everywhere
>BPA plastic is in everything
>big ag shilled the fuck out of milk, so now we have guys who have drank more hormone-rich milk than fucking water
>speaking of water, there’s all sorts of xenohormonal shit in every water source from plastic waste, pesticides and (maybe) birth control medication
>sports aren’t a big deal in schools anymore
>young men are jacking off to hentai instead of fucking


I agree with almost all of this except the potatoes, I love sweet and regular potatoes and I eat them without adding anything. They make a good side for meat!

I wonder what the units and reference ranges and testosterone type (free?, bio available?, total?) were for the "try guys" testosterone results.

Just giving a number with no unit or range is totally meaningless and no conclusions can be drawn from the readings.

Regular potatoes are a no go, but sweet potatoes are based. They should definitely be on the pyramid.

Most men sit on their ass all day and do 0 exercise. This is the biggest reason.

sedentary lifestyle explains all of it

you want to blame fluoride and chemtrails and onions and plastic and jews but it's just sloth.

the good news is that if you consistently work out hard, you're ahead of 90% of them. the bad news is your standards will go up too so it isn't really any easier

Why is almost every WSM a white dude then? Ultimately we are the stronger race

Not eating enough while simultaneously eating too much of the wrong things.

sitting and warming your balls all day rather than moving around so they're cool.

Being fat

More money as a NFL linebacker than a WSM contestant.

Big lies

Getting zero iodine
>taking the sea salt meme
>bread now uses Bromine
>water maxxed with Chlorine
>water/toothpaste maxxed with Fluorine
All 3 of these dislodge and replace Iodine in your thyroid. Thyroid acts as the blood/brain filter by relaying the neural chemical levels to the body for hormone production and regulation. Your thyroid is fucked = your hormone levels are fucked. Literally I can cure almost every side effect of low T levels by correcting Iodine deficiency.
Seriously, why arent all of you taking Lugol’s daily?
Iodine + Selenium + Magnesium + Zinc + D3 + Iron + Potassium = God Mode
>adding in 5htp+melatonin stack will also boost natural serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels which directly correlates to higher t levels

Excuse me but is that fucking test reading that whoever this guy is has fucking 6ng/dL of serum test? How the utter fuck is that possible

This sounds like bro science but I am also intrigued

It's bullshit


Why do you think there are measles outbreaks in Hasidic neighborhoods in NYC my dude. What do they stand to gain not vaccinating themselves?

for one they are posting on an anonymous image board instead of lifting weights. faggots.

Care to explain why it's bullshit, or are you going to samefag and oppose every theory given by anons without any substantial evidence?

+0.005 shekels

No you're not worth the effort nobody with any sense is going to expend any free effort trying to uncrazy a crazy fuck off nigger

I doubt you have an ounce of sense within you either way, goof

