Havent gotten any hard mires lately but had some qt’s stare and smile at me in the train and at the bus stop. >still feeling more and more that becoming more handsome and Jow Forums has made me come off as more charming and has people made me like me more.
Chill out man isn’t the main reason you come to 4channel to laugh at autistic shit? Jow Forums is the best source of comedy on the internet.
It’s also endearing seeing people get excited over little stuff.
Kayden Green
Mire threads are wholesome. Last one even had a good love story (I like to believe it’s not a LARP).
David Gonzalez
My grandma said I looked malnourished a few days ago when we had lunch because my cheeks are now more hollow than they've been in my entire life. Not a mire but someone finally mentioned them which was nice.
Blake Peterson
>t. person who never received a mire HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I get looks now after losing 30lbs. Not sure if mire or what. Cool either way.
Adrian Walker
Fuck off Brad
Elijah Clark
>comes to autistic board >complains about autism
Adam Cruz
Idk if this was really a mire but she's attractive, talked to me, and I go here often. >Go to get salad after gym >Girl leans closer and asks"Are you getting a cobb?" >"Uh, I'm getting a chicken Caesar this time." >She turns to other girl behind the counter and says "He's not getting a cobb" other girl goes "UGHH! You usually get a cobb not tomato though, right??" >Girl is making my salad and ays she notices I come in after the gym usually it seems but never ask for the discount. "Like they should know anyway though like HELLO clearly you go to the gym." >She goes on to make my salad, talking about how good this certain kind of chicken is, how she's in college and blah blah. Idk if it was really a mire but she talked a lot to me and the thing about me clearly going to the gym made me feel good.
Bentley Williams
I had a girl telling me my bulge looks so small compared to my body. That was the first and only time a girl said i have a big body
Joseph Reed
Nigga be proud of that they clearly mired you, enough to remember your order too
Brandon Phillips
>been sick for a few days >girlfriend has been rubbing up against me >complaining we haven't had sex in three days >pretty sure she's gonna rape me again.
Explain to her that having sex is cardio, and cardio kills gains.
Evan Wilson
llmfao based
Charles Powell
>be me >lifting for 1 full year >start looking juicy af >approached one girl with her lanklet orbiter and asked her out >oh no no no >he gets mad but can't do shit >she starts blushing playing with her hair >realize though that she's not even worth it >roastie looks too much like a mutt >walk away like a boss and start doing curls >look out the corner of my eye >lanklet is still fucking mad
I get mired only in the locker room when i'm naked by mostly old guys and other guys. When i'm walking in the street no one looks because i'm unremarkable in clothes, I'm around 5'7 and pretty ugly so i'd give away my good bod to have a nice face and height.
> in Hostel in Hong Kong > get talking to russian qt > she starts smiling at me, sniffs my neck and won’t move away > starts biting on my neck while the entire roof terrace is watching, I play it cool and keep talking to everyone else > she whispers that she’s so horny she hasn’t been like this in years > starts grabbing my arms and feeling up my back > I suggest we go downstairs to my private room > she follows > the rest is history
I don’t know how much was to do with my body but she and another 2 girls that week were very complimentary
Put on 4kg since then, onwards and upwards
Isaiah Perez
i see no difference in your pic bro
Carter Reed
>I'm around 5'7 so actually 5'5" sorry man, but at least something is better than nothing
Zachary Stewart
left is the after You've improved but the pics don't do it justice
Joseph Thomas
Please get out of my head
Logan Rodriguez
Why do you assume he's adding to his height if he already stated hes short and ugly? That's something people do Irl and when they're arguing online. There's no reason for him to exaggerate and any lanklet knows there's not a difference between 5'5" and 5'7". You're just being toxic senpai
Luis James
nvm. you fukking pussy. You just chipped away a little more of my faith in humanity. You actually think it would be any better being 5'7"? So much so that you fib about it on an anonymous image board?
How does your ass feel when you wake up after she's done?
Justin Turner
It's a mire my dude they think about you
Liam Perez
>be me >meet a qt who is into exercising >She knows that i go to gym but i never show my body to anyone >somehow she gets my number and start to talk about how she wants to improve her abs >I asked her to send a picture of it, she said that she will but i will have to send a pic of mine aswell >Ok we have a deal then >Jesus she got a really nice tummy >Sent my picture to her >Oh user, it's a shame that nobody can see this body, i really liked it and i think most girls would like too. Stop being so insecure >T-thanks u too
Isaac Mitchell
>got my ex to cheat on her new bf with me. >keeps texting me “I miss that dick” >cute girl with big tits wants me to eat her out >bisexual bbw sent me a message on tinder that said “yummy” with the devil horn emoji >wants to chill soon, might ask for a threesome
Thanks Jow Forums you guys started my fitness journey and allowed me to reach this point.
Justin Parker
Luis Roberts
have sex
Wyatt Rogers
>be today >back day >decide i’ll max out on deadlift >i usually do 135lbs, so i add 90lbs >as i’m loading some dyel teen asks me what i’m doing >i’m not a spastic so i tell him deadlifts >him, and his 3 other dyel bros are in awe as i lift it no problem >feelsgoodbrah Wasn’t much, but it felt good. I did 4 more reps on it because the mire got me pumped up.
Holy shit you retard go back and talk to her and get her number. What the fuck.
Brody Campbell
Girls wouldn't be that friendly if they didn't like you
Connor Bennett
>getting pub subs with bro >cute af latina publix girl chatting with coworkers about a guessing game >finish buying food >catches my eye >beams at me and explains what they're doing >"oh Haha nice" >walk out
the fuck is wrong with me?
I see her there often at least so maybe I can go hit on her sometime
Carter Sanders
>work in a bottle shop >get a few drop dead gorgeous woman come through >there's one girl that always smiles at me and asks me how my days going >be 6'4 but a fatasfatass >don't have the confidence to say anything other than the bare minimum my job requires
I'm currently dieting and going on 30 minute walks every day though
You usually only do 135 but you can rep 225 for 5? You're wasting your time doing 135 then.
Nolan Ross
>go to the clinic >girl in charge of drawing blood mired my biceps >girl in charge of EKG mired my chest >girl in charge of urine samples mired my musky morning piss >went to McD's for breakfast afterwards
I had to change gym to planet fatness because am poor and the amount of mires is unreal
Josiah Barnes
>be me >chilling in my couch with my sis >watching YouTube on Xbox >video was something about dr Phil stuff >see muscular guy with big forearms >sis says lol why don't you have forearms like him??? >I tell her I do and show her my arm >flexed it a bit for her to see >wow! There's a big bump right there! Good job user! Thanks sis
>walking to pool in apartment complex >pretty lady, maybe late 20s walking to her apartment >smiles at me and says hello >say hi back and ask ‘how’s it going’ >”Going great. You look really good!” >”Oh thanks, I appreciate that.” >keep walking to the pool >wonder wtf just happened and if I said have talked more or something
Does this mean I’ve made it boys?
Parker Collins
Started some calisthenics last Sunday. Just 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats and 10 forward lunges. Only got to 8 sets in an hour (I know, I'm weak. Almost done burning fat with a 1000cal a day diet) Did the same thing today and got to 10 sets in 40 mins. Did another 3 to complete my hour. I'm mirin myself.
Robert Wilson
Based small bulge poster
Grayson Kelly
LA Fitness and Saladworks?
Brandon Richardson
Nice user , you should hang out with her more
Parker Brooks
Girl wolf whistled at me today. Mostly dudes telling me I look good tho.
Lincoln Cox
Fitness is kind of a joke. In the winter I was fluffy af, nearing 20%. Girls would come up and start kissing me at parties, whole groups of girls would start dancing around me, waving across the room, "OMG he is SO HOT" etc. So many instances. At first it felt cool, but then again all YOU people also get "mires", and you're on Jow Forums. And most people in the world get "mires", because they aren't fucking virgins.
All these "mires" are basically >congratulations, you AREN'T OURWARDLY UGLY It isn't much to be proud of really, unless you are in a transitory state. Connecting with people on an emotional level actually affects your maslows hierarchy of needs, and is a much larger feat for most Jow Forumsizens and/or autists. Cultivating a Jim/Pam relationship (trite as it may be) like I did so naturally years ago before the autism hit is like receiving 1000 orgasms a microsecond when you look into the other person's' eyes. I would give anything to be in love again.
Josiah Torres
went to a 4th of july party with a bunch of old friends from high school (going into sophomore year of uni now) and lots of girls we’re unironically mirin my bloated strongfat physique i was shocked. i dont even look that good desu, like a scaled down version of jason blaha with less love handles and more delts but it was fucking ruined by this one insane bitch who was way too drunk and didnt know anyone at the party but me so she followed me around all night butting into all my 1 on 1 conversations and screaming into everyone’s ear about how she used to be my neighbor. social proof leeches are the worst desu
Spoken like a true Jow Forums dyel loser that gets zero attention from either sex.
Mason Brown
I would say so
Adam Watson
I was cycling uphill on my road bike in shorts and T. Powering uphill and gripping the bars must of made everything look flexed because 2 girls were walking down the hill and one said "whoa look at that". I looked behind me and there was literally nothing else to see. No cars, no other people, no majestic sunrise. I looked at the one that said it and she just said "alright mate" and I kept on my way. I'm still trying to convince myself it wasn't anything to do with me why they said it, i'm only built-fat , nothing special and I don't get usually get mires but I can't figure out what else they they would of been looking at and been impressed by. I mean, my bicycle is pretty sweet but these were chavs, they wouldn't know it from any other bike.
Levi Harris
What the fuck is a cobb
Isaiah Wilson
Listen to this guy, he got trips
Colton Price
Shoulda invited yourself in and clapped her cheeks...there’s still time user
Why did you post the "see ya later virgins" frog. Don't tell me something happened user.
Julian Nguyen
Went to the beach recently with a bunch of friends (females aswell)and the girl I like kept looking at me and playing with her hair, don't know if mire or she was just fucking around
Josiah Powell
she def interested, wanted you to be a chad and talk to her
Bentley Scott
Is this a mire or is this regular doctor behavior? >go to podiatrist >she’s doing doctor things to my feet >says I have really great feet >(my feet are really muscular and veiny from being on my feet for 16hrs a day for years) >moves into talking about sports >she must be feeling out if I play footy or something >periodically talks about my nice healthy feet >asks about my weekend plans >oh shit yo >tell I have video games waiting for me at home lol
Could possibly be normal doctor small talk... but get this. She wants me to come back in 2 months. Even has me make an appointment.
pic mfw when I’d never date someone who turned their fetish into a profession.
>met qt girl I haven't seen since I was in uni buying groceries >start talking, mostly about travel, mentions something along the lines of how different I look >try to play it off like its nothing >"No like, you seriously transformed yourself, i'm happy for you" >:')
>first sex with gf >Tells me i look like a greek statue when i took off my clothes >She couldn't stop biting her lips while caressing my muscles >Made her feel like she was a virgin again that night
Pointless. My girlfriend was only a virgin for the first time we had sex, and she wasn't a virgin any of the times after.
You're more in love with the idea of it being something special than any actual intrinsic value it has.
Anthony Adams
why not, it's living the dream
Nathaniel Parker
Not sure if I should call these mires but >More or less a week ago >Want to do a little joke and lift my toddler brother with my arm >Mom suddenly notices my biceps and gets very surprised because she didn't notice despite the fact that she knows I've been lifting for a short while. >Moving on this Friday >Hanging out with a couple of friends my female friend grabs my arm one moment before noticing something weird and asking if I am going to the gym, the other friend, a guy, gets also surprised (neither of them knew). >Both compliment my progress of barely month and a half
I am still skeptic about these, they are getting impressed by mediocre gains at best and are people that love me so there might be a bias. But it is the nearest thing I got for now.
My friend asked me back in a day to which gym do I go to. I didnt even go to gym back then, only calisthenics and martial arts. I guess I looked good to him.
Aaron Nelson
Isn't 30 minute walks every day not that bad for an obese dude?
Isaiah Clark
Do more than a 30 minute walk faggot, at least do a 30 minute run or at least walk for an hour, a half hour walk is basically nothing
Camden Ross
Aww, that's cute. You shoulda got her number.
Charles Kelly
You're a faggot if you didn't fuck her and a faggot if you did
Colton Davis
God user, I did this once but I was 15 years old. Dummy
Matthew Moore
If she takes you, you should just rape her right back
Grayson Mitchell
She was just bored.
Carter Allen
You get free drugs and sex? Is your girl single?
Anthony Kelly
get a gym membership ( I would've added retard at the end there but you're trying so I'll spare you this time)
Blake Sullivan
A qt mired me yesterday at the mall. She was tall, blonde, curly hair, lovely body, she looked like an upgraded version of my ex.
Asher Kelly
Posted this a while back >huge tits intern needs help with something at work >go to her cube to help her out >right in the middle of me typing on her keyboard she kinda looks me in the eyes with a fuck me look and starts giggling >kinda smirk back when I finish and leave >get texts from pic related
I just fucked her last week, shit was amazing. She comes back from Cali tomorrow.