Power Cleans

If explosiveness can’t be meaningfully trained, what does the Power Clean accomplish other than making you better at Power Cleans and wrecking your CNS?

Attached: 346506EE-B82C-4E67-9391-7FB9AD513021.png (297x255, 16K)

>If explosiveness can’t be meaningfully trained

It's just a worse version of barbell rows, don't worry about it.

That’s what Rippetoe himself says, the #1 power clean shill.

Attached: C0112704-2162-4134-8B15-FE1CA6383B5F.jpg (1242x384, 170K)

They are probably the best thing you can do for your traps, and have great carryover to your deadlift. It's not about training explosiveness. Its about developing the upper back and having an effective deadlift accessory movement.

if they're an effective deadlift accessory how come literally no powerlifters do them

If the alien knows human language then it'll know how we count. What a stupid fucking image.

Attached: 1539833854548.jpg (1202x900, 125K)

Clean and jerk will make you strong as fuck bud

Anyone who can put even 120kg over head is going to hit like a truck and probably be fast off the line to boot

Doing them in high school added about 3" to my vertical, so idk. I think they work pretty well.

sir / madam i think this is the point of op's image exactly

*tips fedora*

g'day to you further


>explosiveness can’t be meaningfully trained
Yup, and bodyfat% is genetic ;)

i think the point is that we fucked up mathematics

The OP image is confusing me can someone help?

Would you mind explaining this little cartoon which is attached to your post?

I am a brainlet and am trying to make brain gains but it is really hard.

4 is written as "10" in base 4.

Not OP but
>base n represents the integers that can be counted by one digit
>base 4 can represent 0,1,2,3 with one digit, 4 would be represented by "10"
>if you use base 4, 4 is represented as 10, therefore you use "base 10"

Wow so the image is really fucking stupid if what this user says is true But then this user claims it is the point. I think the second user is right though, if the image is about mathematics being a universal language. But brainlets who don't understand that will never understand the comic either. I'm gonna give the creator credit for making the smart point but at the same time, a futile effort

We fucked up by not using base 12 desu

